Today was an odd day and not influenced by the full moon.
Ace likes to say the freaks find me. Today would be
NO exception.
The day started early and with a not so nice surprise. I rolled over to love on Princess upon the alarm so rudely waking me at 5:45 AM. Instead of feeling soft fur my hand felt something cold and wet.
Hairballs are nasty any time of the day or night but when you've just woken up and are expecting kitty fur, it is downright wrong and just nasty.
I don't fault her. It's just how she rolls.
I promptly got out of bed and jumped in the shower. I then made the usual
chai tea latte with light soy milk and scrambled some egg whites for breakfast and began to feel like a bad momma because all I had to feed the babies was dry food, some chicken baby food, and a few pieces of roasted chicken.
They have such a hard life huh? But when they look up at you with those eyes and you can see the question of where is the wet food we have come to know and love, I couldn't help but feel like I let them down.
Guilt in my heart, I headed off to take on the day. Upon my return from a quick jaunt down south in an attempt to handle a business manner, I headed to the gas station to refuel the rental car with gas.
This is the where things turn a little strange. There I am. In the grayness, light drizzle, minding my own business pumping gas.
Out of the corner of my eye I see this guy on the other side of the island peering around the corner in my direction; more than once but not so many times it would be considered inappropriate.
Then out of nowhere his wife gets out of their car and begins to yell at me. She screams, and I mean screams, "Do you have to be obvious?"
"Um, excuse me?" was my reply and in my head I was thinking what the eff?
She comes closer and continues to scream "Yea, you. You're standing there acting like you don't know what you're doing. You don't see all the men looking at you. Being all obvious..." .
While she's going off on me, her husband is telling her, "Stop. Get in the car. Shut up!"
She totally caught me off guard. All I could say was something to the effect of "I'm just pumping gas" and all I could do was stand there. Usually I have a retort on the quick but I was taken aback. I was speechless. Yea, mark the date down. Mo didn't have anything to say.
They got out of there in a flash and not a moment too soon for my liking. For the record, I was wearing a black sweater jersey dress with 3/4
quarter sleeves, a wide black patent belt, and heeled sandals. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing too revealing and certainly nothing to warrant her rant
Yup, the freaks have a way of finding me somehow or another.
I won't even get into what happened at the rental car place right now. If something comes of it, I'll fill you in. Just know it was unexpected and my reaction leaves me thinking what just happened?
For now, how about some
Spanky? Post all of that excitement, he and I had lunch with
JLo and Cowboy at Jimmy Mac's.

I was running late so there are no pictures of the food to share other than their amazing bread and the peanut shell "hat"
JLo decided
Spanky should sport.

This would be one of the many reasons Spanky is "bathed" weekly.
Cowboy, it really is ok to be a grown man playing with a toy in public. Who cares what others may think? Each of us has always marched to the beat of our very own drum. Embrace the beat brother, embrace it!
Post some additional hours at work, I headed over to see Kyla so she could get rid of some of the gray that was large and charge in between the highlights I had done a few weeks ago. Upon my arrival, we both had to laugh when this was spotted.
Sorry Ace. I had to!

We independently had our toes done this week and darn near chose the exact same polish. Her color selection is by
OPI and I think is called Black Cherry. You know mine is by China Glaze and is Evening Seduction.
So you know that saying that goes something like "All your friends are doing it"? This certainly rings true in our little corner of the world.
Hmmmm, will you be able to rise above the influence?
Post getting pretty again, we both did a bit of shopping. Kitty food for me and Victoria's Secret for her. We then met up for a different kind of Thirsty Thursday.

The company was great. The drinks tasty. Unfortunately, the food left a lot to be desired. Please do not try to pass off shredded pork tacos as shredded beef tacos. Just like these girls know the difference between house vodka and top shelf, we also know know our meat.
The effort to bring ground beef tacos was appreciated but but we were over it by the time that plate arrived.
I rounded out the evening by talking to Mars for a few minutes, getting and giving some hugs, and sending my recyclables with her.
Y'all send her the vibes and prayers for a quick and healthy recovery ok? She's the fortunate one and is getting Lasik tomorrow.
I'm very happy for her and let me keep it real...I'm so very envious. Technology can advance any day now so I can quit being part of the 15% of the population unable to have the procedure. Please and thank you.
Peace and Love Peeps.