we took a small road trip last week up to helen, ga. it's a kitschy little fifties style tourist town with a bavarian theme. the kids loved it of course. jack henry told me he had never seen anything so "fancy" in new york! it's good to look at the world through fresh eyes sometimes.

i bribed the kids to behave through lunch with the promise of ice cream afterward. it was worth it. they mostly held it together and we found a cute little park to sit and eat it.

it was a pretty hot day though, and it started to melt very quickly.

not really a problem for jack henry, who has a tendency to eat his lightening quick...

and then proceeds to beg off of everyone else still savoring their own.... can you see her giving him "the side eye" at this request?!...

somehow he was able to convince her through some secret promise, which i'm sure i wasn't allowed to hear because it was a wild exaggeration of what he would actually give her in return...

but it did work...

and the mess made it all that more fun...

luckily there was also a playground there to work of some of the ice cream energy:)

have a fun weekend everyone!!!!