1. Finally... back to work...., 2. Rearranging, 3. 1, 4. Spring Decor in the Dry Sink, 5. [095/365], 6. gdaĆsk, 7. None so Precious, 8. Untitled, 9. my newest friend, 10. rocks and dirt, 11. my own heaven, 12. Sofi doll., 13. Untitled, 14. Untitled, 15. part two...bench monday, 16. my rock star being mobbed, 17. soft + sharp, 18. Untitled, 19. day two, 20. Turquoise, white and spring fresh, 21. Corner, 22. evening, 23. blue/bed, 24. nest, 25. garden gnomie working to remove the last bits of snow
i have been craving a bit of alone time these days. i am generally a sort of quiet and introverted person... basically bordering on hermit! not quite, i do need the balance of having other people around to keep me from getting stuck in my own head too much. i am a person who really does need time alone, though, and often. i have discovered this is not easy when i share my life with two very extroverted children! they like constant excitement, interaction, and noise. it's definitely a struggle for me to find the right balance these days... and often i remind myself how fleeting this time will be, how much quiet may stretch ahead of me.
staying with family has been such a great opportunity for us. we are really enjoying having people around us who love and care so much. the help with the children is especially nice of course, and i am so grateful for it. i must say i do miss having my own space, and the ability just to tune the world out when necessary.
what about you?