Showing posts with label ribbon. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

valentine heart wreaths {dining chair decor}

For Christmas this year I hung wreaths on the back of my bar stools with red ribbon. A simple idea, but it really made a big impact in my room.

My chairs looked so naked when I took them off January 1! And since I already fall into a depression when the Christmas decorations are put away,  I decided I'd try to find wreaths for Valentine's Day to replace them. It took some serious shopping (has anyone else noticed the lack of cute Valentine decor in stores this year?), but I finally found these little vine heart wreaths at a local wholesale decor place in SLC for $2.80 a piece. I was hoping to find berry heart wreaths, but I could not argue with the price on these babies.

After I hung them, they looked a bit plain to me, even with red bows. So I raided my Christmas decor, pulled apart a sparkly Christmas pick I found for 50% off after Christmas, and wired it to the wreath, mimicking the heart shape.

Then I cut a quick banner out of sheet music and wrote "LOVE" in the middle and traced it with red Stitckles glitter glue. The entire process only took about 40 minutes, but it made the impact on my kitchen I was hoping it would.

Finally it feels like love is in the air. . .at least in my kitchen. Which is quite a feat when you're feeding picky eaters {trust me, I know}.

Don't worry, I already found some spring wreaths to replace them next week. :)

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

magnetic perpetual calendar {tutorial & printables}

Another great tutorial from Kalli of Sister Secrets while I madly sew last minute burp cloths and blankets! This perpetual calendar would be a great project to work on with sisters or friends during the holiday break. She's even provided free printables for the calendar pieces! Thanks, Kalli!

I recently purchased the We R Memory Keepers Corner Chomper.  I love the Crop-a-dile, and have been eyeing the Chomper for some time.  After buying the Chomper, I had to come up with a great way to use it, so my husband wouldn’t roll his eyes (as much) at my purchase of “another unnecessary crafty tool.”  I came up with this adorable perpetual calendar, a project that would put my Chomper to good use!  Let me show you how to make one yourself.

Perpetual Calendar Tutorial & Printables

Supplies needed:
*A piece of sheet metal trimmed to 16 x 12.5 inches
*Fabric of your choice (approx. 20 x 16.5 inches)
*Printable fabric sheets (mine came from JoAnn)
*Free calendar printables (or make your own)
*Spray adhesive (optional)
*Glue gun
*Corner Chomper (optional—shhh, don’t tell my husband!)
*Magnet Sheet
*2 pieces of white 12 x 12 cardstock

1. After trimming your sheet metal down to 16" x 12.5", grab that Chomper and round the corners.  I used the ½ inch corner rounder.  If you don’t have a Chomper, you can round the corners with a pair of heavy duty scissors.  Be careful—the edges of the sheet metal can be sharp!

2. Now lay your sheet metal on top of your fabric and cut around the edges so you have approximately 1-2 inches fabric all around the sheet metal. 
3. Now print your perpetual calendar and calendar topper on printable fabric. You can get the printable files here for free. I love using printable fabric! It’s so easy to run through your printer, and gives any project that extra special touch.  Printable fabric comes in many colors and can be found on Etsy or most fabric stores.  I bought mine at JoAnn; I like the Colorfast brand because the directions are clear and you can heat set your image making it washable! This project would work great too using paper, if that is more your style.

 4. Center and pin the calendar and topper on your fabric and sew around all the edges.  If you are using paper, using the longest stitch length works best.

5. Time to put your fabric on the sheet metal. In a well-ventilated area, spray your sheet metal with spray adhesive. This part is totally optional, but I found it keeps your fabric from moving around when gluing it down on the other side. Center your calendar over the sheet metal and smooth down.  Don’t worry if you don’t get it centered on the glued metal the first time, you still have a minute or two to peel off and reposition.

6. Flip the  calendar over and hot glue the edges down, pulling the fabric tight as you glue.

7. Round two corners of your 12 x12 cardstock; spray adhesive (Mod Podge works great too) one side of the cardstock and use both pieces to cover the entire back side of the calendar, hiding the glued edges. Again, this step is optional, but really makes the calendar look finished.

8. For the Month, Day and Number markers, cut two 2 x 1.25 inch rectangles and one 1.5 x 1.25 rectangle out of the magnet sheet.  I covered the non-magnetic side with some extra pieces of scrapbook paper I had on hand, just because I’m crazy like that!  Now cut a window with the craft knife out of each rectangle leaving 0.25 inch boarder.  

9. Punch holes at the top and thread a piece of ribbon or wire through to hang. Embellish it any way you like! I used a ruffled ribbon like Mandy shows in this tutorial and some buttons and vintage earrings.

There you have it! A cute fabric perpetual calendar! These are great gifts that can be used all year long. Oh, and little Merry Christmas present to you, you can get your FREE perpetual calendar and topper here at the Little Birdie Secrets downloads page. Enjoy and Merriest of Christmases to you!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

yarn wrapped holiday wreath {tutorial}

Baby #3 is coming this Saturday (whether he likes it or not!), so I've enlisted the help of my crafty friend Kalli to give you a few more fun holiday tutorials this week so I can get ready! Enjoy!

Hello!  I’m Kalli from Sister Secrets.  I’m so excited to share an easy last minute wreath with you here on Little Birdie Secrets.  Ever since Mandy got me “hooked” on Pinterst, I can’t stop pinning wreaths.  They are everywhere!  I’ve been dying to try a yarn wreath, but was always afraid they would take too long to wrap with all that gorgeous yarn.  After 2 ½  episodes of Modern Family, I’m happy to say, the wreath was wrapped and embellishing is easy!  Let me show you how easy.

Yarn Wrapped Wreath Tutorial

Supplies needed:
*Wreath Form (any size you like, mine was 9 inches)
*Worsted weight yarn
*Felt in assorted colors
*Hot glue gun
*Buttons, pearls, gems for flower centers
*Ribbon for hanging

Now, turn on that T.V., grab your wreath form and yarn, and start wrapping.  Try to go around the form uniformly, but don’t worry too much about it; the goal is to cover the form in yarn not letting any part of the form peek through—in the end, the yarn looks near perfect!  I did mine in about 3 layers using about half a skein of yarn.  Secure the ends of your yarn with a tiny bit of hot glue. 
Now embellish with felt flowers, ribbon and berry picks. I made my felt flowers in two sizes following this tutorial from My Heart Is Yours. You can get your free printable copy of my felt rosette pattern here! Add buttons to the center of your flowers, then add them to the wreath with a little hot glue.

Now hang with a ribbon and top with a bow.  Perfect way to get through all those TiVo’d shows, if I do say so myself!  
Happy Holiday Decorating!

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Monday, December 19, 2011

handmade ornaments in about 5 minutes each {tutorial}


This is the first time we've had a real tree in 11 years. The first year we were married we had one, and it was such a disaster that we bought a fake one the next year to save our marriage. But this year we got a real one (out of necessity) and it has been so fun! I mentioned a while ago that I was making all the ornaments for my tree this year since my real ornaments are in storage. Well, except for a few glittery snowflakes from Hobby Lobby, I did it! Here are a bunch of quick and easy ornaments you can make to decorate a tree or use as gift tags, gift toppers, etc. this year, or pin them for next year! Read on!

The Vintage "Tag" or "Greeting Card" Ornament

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

framed christmas ornament {tutorial}

This is the first time in 5 years I've had a real mantel to decorate for Christmas, so I was determined to fill it! I've seen an idea or two like this on Pinterest and thought they looked pretty simple to make. Umm, hate to admit it, but it was more than simple. It was waaaay too easy for something so cute! Even though you probably don't need it, here's a quick tutorial on how to make a framed ornament for your holiday decor.
Framed Christmas Ornament TutorialPin It

*Open frame (no glass or backing)
*Christmas ornament
*Wide ribbon

1. Here is my $7 thrift store frame. It was a really nice frame, but someone tried to enhance it by adding a blue stripe of paint. Not so nice. So I quickly spray painted it white.

Then I distressed it a little with sandpaper. I like how the gold showed through.

2. Next I threaded a wide piece of ribbon through the ornament and tied a bow around the top of the frame so the ornament was hanging just below the center of the frame's opening.

Yep, that's it! Then I propped it up on my mantel. Fancy, huh?

Finally, a Christmas mantel! Even if it is oak and tile (not my favorite), I still love it!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

foam christmas tree tutorial {ribbon covered}

Here's tree 2 from my foam cone Christmas tree trio (see the paper one here and the fabric one here). This one's covered with ruffled ribbon, one of my favorite techniques (get the tutorial)!

Foam Cone Holiday Tree Tutorial - Ruffled Ribbon & Pins

*Foam cone
*At least 3 yards 1" ribbon, or enough to cover your size cone (amount may change depending on how big your ruffles are)
*Pearlized head pins (I chose red, but they also come in white and multi-colored)
*Sewing machine and coordinating thread
*Candlestick holder
*Ribbon for base (optional)
*Hot glue gun
*Star topper (optional)

1. First, ruffle your ribbon. See how I made mine in this tutorial. I used a smocking stitch instead of a straight stitch to give it a little more flair.

2. Starting at the bottom, wrap your ribbon all the way around the base. For the next wrap, slightly overlap the first wrap and move up in a spiral.

Place a pin where the first and second wraps overlap to hold them in place.

3. Continue wrapping and pinning around and around the cone.

4. Go back and push in more pins, spaced to look like well-placed ornaments.

5. Glue your cone to a candlestick, like this brass one I spray painted white (see the first tree tutorial). Add a festive ribbon to the candlestick for extra cuteness. 

6. Add a star topper like I did in the this tutorial. For this topper I used a smaller, flat star, glittered with superfine silver glitter.

Add your tree to your little forest! To see how I made the other trees, check out this paper-covered tree tutorial and this fabric-covered tree tutorial here!

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