Showing posts with label guest post. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2012

holiday bake, craft, & sew {gift ideas and a giveaway!}

We are over at According to Kelly guest posting today for the Holiday-Inspired Bake Craft Sew Along.

But, I get to help start the holiday season off with a bang, & treat you to an absolutely amazing giveaway as part of our crafty series. We are giving away a fabulous Prize Package worth more than $700!
One lucky winner will receive...
  • Silhouette Portrait: this is Silhouette's newest electronic cutting tool for personal use. Like a home printer, it plugs into your PC or Mac® with a simple USB cable. However, instead of printing it uses a small blade to cut paper, cardstock, vinyl, fabric and more up to 8" wide and 10 feet long. The machine also has the ability to register and cut printed materials.
  • DecoArt Glass Paints & Stencils: non-toxic and enviromently-friendly, DecoArt has one of the widest selection of paints and finishes for arts, crafts, and home decorating, which includes over 25 brands of paint and finishes.
  • $100 Michael's Gift Card
Simply wait for RaffleCopter to load and enter there! Be sure to check out all the fabulous craft projects shared this month for this Holiday-Inspired Bake Craft Sew series going on all month long. & Don't forget head on over to Skip to my Lou & A Southern Fairytale for more chances to win! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

how to sew tab-back curtains {guest tutorial}


I'm heading back to Seattle tomorrow to pack up the furniture and craft supplies in our storage unit and haul them back to Utah. Well, PODS is hauling them back, but we're making a little vacay out of it. So we have a fabulous guest post this week showing how to make gorgeous and "tres professional" tabbed drape panels from our new bloggy friend Kelly. You will love her! Even if you don't intend on making any tab-back curtain panels soon, if you sew you should read this tutorial. She is hilarious. Enjoy!

Hi! I'm Kelly from View Along the Way. My husband and I are fixing up our crusty ol' foreclosure on a teeny little budget and blogging about the starts - and stops! - along the way. This is how I (finally) created some curtains for our master bedroom, even as a VERY novice seamstress. Let's just get this out of the way: I don't know whether to call these "curtains" or "drapes." Or "drapery panels." Or "window dressings." Skivvies for your wall orifices? I also never know whether to say "armoire" or "armuaaaaahh." Or "vase" or "vahhhze." Also unfortunately, my sewing skills are about on-par with my decor-pronunciation (in)abilities. Sorry about that. Hopefully I can still explain this clearly enough for you to go forth and sew your own curtains-drapes-window pants. 
Tutorial: How to sew lined back-tab curtain panels, drapery panels, drapes 

This process is not hard. It's just long, with lots of steps. Best completed accompanied by wine and a mom who can sew. This is the method I used to make the drapes in my master bedroom... 
Bedroom with Upholstered Bed and Navy Damask Curtains/Drapery Panels 
And in my nursery
Girl Nursery Summer Totem Curtains 
I leaned pretty heavily on this great tutorial at Midwest Magnolia, but I improvised my own back-tab system because I love how the back-tabs look hanging up: DIY back-tab curtain drapery panelsBack-Tab Curtain Panels Drapery 
So here's how it all goes down! 

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Monday, July 2, 2012

cat in the hat party {guest post}

We are excited to have a guest post from our dear friend, Melynie today! She recently threw a Cat in the Hat party for her little guy and we were in awe of her creativity. We just had to share it with you...

Happy 4th Birthday to my little Buddy!!  What a fun 4 years it's been with this kiddo.  We celebrated in Seussy style.
Favor bags:  sidewalk chalk, bubbles, spikey blue ball that looks like a 'Thing' to me (Target), Dr. Seuss alphabet stickers (Michaels), balls and kazoos (Target).  They also got pinwheels and goldfish crackers.
 The bunting was easy to make.  Two yards of polka dot fabric and 4 pkg extra wide, double fold white bias tape.  

 Kid table with a goldfish (swimming), some goldfish (Pepperidge Farm), and striped tablecloth (ordered a 100 yd roll from Oriental Trading Co).

Made cleanup easy on myself with striped paper straws (, plastic deli baskets and liners (Joann Fabrics)
 Cat in the Hat pops made from a slice of one jumbo marshmallow, three regular big marshmallow, and strips of strawberry fruit by the foot.  Strung them on skewers and had an instant treat!
 Love that responsible little goldfish in the book, so we had goldfish all over.  Here are little bags (Target) with handmade labels (paper from Michaels).
 Pinwheels (a kit from Michaels) doubled as decoration and favors.
I found a picture of the fish online, printed it out and taped it to a real goldfish bowl with tissue paper 'water'.
 The hat on the table is from the "What's in the Cat's Hat?"
 game and doubled as centerpiece and party game.
 His 'cake' was a bunch of Thing-y cupcakes (used the star tip and buttercream frosting).  Cut out the cupcake flags and wrappers on my cricut.
 Daddy ran the photo booth.
 We had a basket of costumes and accessories that they could use for props.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 interior design tips {go from drab to fab}

Yes, I'm in the middle of another move, so we're feeling lucky to have a great guest post from Selina of Creative Juices Decor to share some fabulous interior design tips! (Remember her canvas map tutorial?) I love her advice--and looking forward to using it in my new home soon!

Hi Little Birdies Secret Readers!

Today I’m coming from CreativeJuicesDecor (a.k.a Selina) as an interior designer that wanted to share some easy tips and tricks how to decorate and  change your place from drab to fab. Smile  I promise if you follow these simple ideas you can really make a difference in how your home feels.


I understand that some folks can’t keep a plant alive for the life of them but there are some really nice faux plants out there too.  Sometimes they cost a lot – but they add so much to a room – definitely worth it. I just bought a beautiful palm tree for 35.00 at the thrift store (I was very lucky)  High end furniture stores I worked for sold these same trees for $250.00, but I’ve run across less expensive trees at home discount stores too.

  Photo from my house

2.) Create LAYERS and TEXTURE! 

An example would be a nice textured blanket (or fluffy sheep skin!) thrown across the edge of the sofa or chair. Prop layers of mirrors or frames against a wall, overlapping them slightly. Stacking books with a cool shaped vase on an end table or console table is great, see, now we’ve created dimension and layers!

blog final piano living room
My NEW house!! Come see the Tour!

3.) Organize your open areas!

Organize open shelving or armoires with cute storage bins or baskets. It pulls the room together and what could have looked like a cluttered mess now looks like a trendy designer look! 

      Kissingthejoy blog

4.) Add ambient lighting!

Luminaires (lamps) add so much! Many of the luminaires I own I have fixed up from a thrift store and cost me under 10 bucks a piece. Even if you have to spend lots of money on a luminaire or torchiere (light the shines upward) it is worth it for the mood it sets off in your home.  Luminaire lighting is so much softer than overhead lights.  Also up light your plants for a real designer look! (plant up lights can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes)

blog lamp
                                                         Thrift store lamp I bought and fixed up.  I also got the mirror second hand too.

5.) The Miracle of Mirrors.

Mirror’s are amazing!!  They can really give the illusion of more space and can lighten up an area immensely. Be sure plan a space for a big mirror – you’ll be so happy you did! 

                    My small dining area in my previous home – the mirror makes it look twice as large.

6.) Everything should have a spot.

Have an organized spot for your “daily messes”. Find a nice wicker serving tray for the remotes on your table, and a fun iron mail organizer.  Believe me, this will really help with making your space look better.

7.) Fireplace holes.

Don’t let your fireplace become the black hole in “off” seasons.  Fill it with a collection of candle pillars or a woven basket or colorful pots.


8.)  ADD plates to your wall! 

This is also one of my favorites (along with #1).  It is just so simple and cheap!!!  It gives your space a big bang for your buck.

9.) First impressions count!!!

If you only have a small budget spend it on your entry.  Start by bringing in a small dresser, table or bench to create a focal point, then add accessories.  Place an umbrella stand or a tall vase next to the table/dresser to give it some dimension.  (see point 2)  Pretend you are a stranger and open your front door – what do you see, is there anything that grabs your attention? a focal point? something that looks pretty???  If not, pull some stuff around and make that great entry!

Bailey Console Table, Cognac stain

Again, this is my new home we built.

10) Adding art and how to place your art.

If your art seems to just float in a space move it closer to the sofa or table it’s hanging above.  The items should relate, not disconnect.  My personal rule of thumb is to hang pictures 8-10” above the top of whatever it is I am hanging it over. Need a big piece of art?  Combine a bunch of smaller frames next to each other to create a large wall collage.

Check out the post of my brother's BEFORE AND AFTER pictures where I implemented these tips all on a thrift store budget!  Or, do you need tips how to decorate the tops of your cabinets?  Just click the link and I'll show you how!

blog top of china hutch decorating idea

All right my friends!  Come follow along and have fun making your home look great! ~ Creative Juices Decor ~

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

twisted yarn jewelry {craft camp}

I'm in the middle of packing for another cross-country move, so my summer crafts with the kids have had to be relatively simple. Like this twisted yarn necklace we made for Skip To My Lou's Craft Camp this week. I made one for myself and I actually wear it!

Skip on over to Skip To My Lou to get the how to for this cool technique. You can use up scrap yarn while keeping the kids busy for a minute or two. And while you're there you can find more Summer Craft Camp crafts for kids from 30 fun bloggers!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

make a temporary tiered serving plate {guest post}

Last week I shared this easy temporary tiered serving plate idea over at Make and Takes. I've been having lunch with different friends the last few weeks as we get ready to say goodbye to Iowa (has it been a year already?). Since all my cute serving plates are in storage in Seattle, I've gotten creative with my one set of everyday dishes I have here to make my presentation a little more interesting. After throwing down a piece of wrapping paper for a table runner, I made these tiered serving plates to hold cupcakes and cookies. Yeah, I totally forgot to photograph them with food on them. I even forgot to take pictures with my cute friends. That is just a perfect example of how my brain is working these days! Please forgive.

The reason I love these is that you can make these cake platters out of any dish you own, but it doesn't have to be permanent (like this upcycled cake platter and these cupcake stands I made). Check out the full tutorial over at Make and Takes and take some of the stress out of summer entertaining!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

how to make garden stepping stones {tutorial}


We used to share reader projects almost weekly, but it's been a really long time since we did one! We're so excited to have a reader submission from Michelle at Shelly Homemaker today, showing us how to make these beautiful concrete stepping stones! This is one of those projects I would be totally scared to try to figure out on my own, so I'm so glad Michelle has done the hard work for me! Enjoy!

Garden Stepping Stones Tutorial

Quickset concrete (I got a 50lb bag at lowes for $5)
Water (from the tap... free, ish)
Flower pot trays (from the $1 store, came in packs of 3 or 4, got 3 - $3)
Oil and Basting brush... I had these, in my kitchen, might be buying a new basting brush now, (FYI they have them at the $1 store too)
Stones, Marbles, or tiles (can find lots of places! My favorites were the flat marbles from, you guessed it, the $1 store)
Old rag

Step 1:
First things first, prep work. Collect all your materials.
Brush some oil into the one of the plastic trays

Step 2:
Mix your concrete. Add some concrete powder to a old bucket, and add water slowly until you get to the right consistency.

You are going for Malt o meal, or cream of wheat - NOT oatmeal!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

custom vases {tutorial}

Wedding season is almost upon us, which means right now is bridal shower season! Most of my friends are married already, but that doesn't mean I don't like to set a pretty table once in a while. I just shared a tutorial for these quick and easy (and extremely cheap!) custom vases for wedding, shower, or holiday centerpieces over at Make and Takes. The best part is you can use the same vases over and over for all these different celebrations, or even just for everyday use! Check out the full tutorial at Make and Takes. . .

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