Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas nails

Three coats of:

Top and base coat - usual
Rimmel - 238 Forest
Revlon - Berry Jewelled

I painted the ring fingers the alternate colour, with the left is mainly green and the right is mainly red.


This was last nights effort - I only have 3 days left of school until the holidays so I thought what the hey, do it in Chritmas colours. But look at the wear already! Admittedly I was being pretty hard on my nails today - with moving furniture and sorting through enough old papers and stuff to fill a trailor.

But here is the biggest dissapointment of the year for me:


That is 4-5 coats of a nameless cream BYS. It was gloopy, streaky and the coats jsut did not dry. I wore them for the whole week last week and they seriously didn't dry. They got dented and smooshed though. I fauxkonaded with that diagonal stripe in the BM with a Adoree 241 Sea Turquoise.

You see last week we had a M day to raise money for Movember. I went as the Milky Bar Kid - and painted my nails with this nameless BYS polish - worst polish ever. It didn't dry the whole 5 days it was on - and was dented and smooshed all over the place.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So cute I could have eaten them.

These were my cuties for the last few days. I was inspired in my blog wanderings over the weekend - sorry I just don't remember where I saw the original :(

Nail Base - Sportsgirl Nail It - Ballerina
Dots - Rimmel Nail Tip Whitener
Strawberry - Rimmel 030 Dancin' Queen (Red) & Rimmil 238 Forest (Green)


I'm sure that one day I will find the most perfect pink for me, unfortunately Ballerina isn't it. It is pretty close to it though. It took four coats to get it opaque, the first two coats are pretty streaky for me but a really cute colour in the end.

Have you ever noticed how longer your nails are after you take off the nail polish?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Before I go...

Tomorrow I'm off for my holidays. Heading up to my parents and then to Townsville to watch the V8 racing.

I had great plans for these:

But even when I'm on holidays I still don't get time for myself! I had just finished these, when my friend visited. We just sat down and the phone rang,,, it was the doctor's practice to say they could fit me in their schedule in 15 minutes time! Don't worry, it was just to get prescriptions written.

And then my husband picked me up from the doctor's and took me to eat takeaway Chinese at previously mentioned friend's house.

So all in all it was a pretty good day but my nails had lovely dents all over them.

Anyway, I just tried to fauxnad them but it just wouldn't work. It was like there where two copies of the pattern when I stamped. I cleaned everything up extra carefully and changed nail polish and it still wouldn't work. I cleaned everything again, and it finally worked but I was just over it all so much so that I just cleaned my nails off to go bare naked for my trip :(

+ Another plus + I did get my hair coloured (purple) today. I'll see if I can get a photo of it in the next few days - I luff it.

Almost forgot

Nail colour: Cover Girl - 500 - White Night - 3 coats.