Posts tonen met het label travel. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label travel. Alle posts tonen


amazing place to stay in holland:

You drive into the forest, passing the sign ' no entry '.
Today it's ok. Because you're going to sleep in the woods. 
In all silence. With at most, the rustle of the trees. To be woken in the morning by birds. 
A forest walk starts here at the front door. And the only unexpected guests are a few boar, a deer or a cheeky squirrel.

this is where i want to be this fall.

look at their website for more information. 


totaly love this apartment in Amsterdam.. 

and guess what? you can rent it! 
so if you want to stay in Amsterdam this summer, it's still available from 
the 19th of july till the 11th of august. 

for details, please contact the owner, Monique Goossens, a great product designer.


i'm off to oerol
this is a festival on a small island in the North Sea, called Terschelling.

the whole island will turn into a festival area with music, art, theatre, food and hopefully some sun.. 

i see you next week. 

[ photo's via lyla and blu ]


a few times a year, i long to paris. 
and when i saw this hotel.. 

every room has his own fairy-atmosphere

la maison champs-elysees in paris. hello- how are you?


good, special, amazing, beautiful, must-see shop:

what they say about hutspot:

'A new concept store which is located in the heart of Amsterdam on the Utrechtsestraat no. 34. 
In our shop (young) entrepreneurs get the ability to sell their products in part of the store.

The art on the wall, the lamps hanging from the ceiling, the green job bank for our cashier to an old, blue Vespa 90cc engine. 

Currently their are over 16 different brands and everything you see is for sale.
Except our shop dog Gumbo.' 

i'm curious! 
utrechtsestraat 34, amsterdam 


good, special, amazing, beautiful, must-see shop:

a shop in amsterdam, wich concept i love. 

this is what they say:

"Showcasing everything we've found and fallen in love with. We don't want to settle for "just another product", but continuously search for those things that give us that love-at-first-sight feeling. Sharing these little treasures with you is what we love doing most. Because it’s no fun keeping it all to yourself."

just go there quick and enjoy!


jeej! happy queens-day!

today in holland we celebrate the birthday of the queen, and while searching for some queeny photo's, i found this, 

a story about the fairytail kingdom, 
a trip to the land of hans christian andersen. 

for the ones who didn't know. i'm in love with copenhagen. 

the images i found on THIS website.. and just read the story about the trip.. 
for a minute, a thought i was back in denmark again. 


it's time for a guest post. and this one has as theme AMSTERDAM!
thank you elfy from le blog, it's a real treat to read!

Guest post at le petit bird told me : Amsterdam

Last week, I’ve been asked by Vivian to come on her blog to write a post about her lovely city : Amsterdam.
Ok maybe I didn’t tell you… Two weeks ago, I discovered her city and I have to confess that I really had a crush.
Here is a small tour of places I enjoyed  :
La semaine dernière, Vivian m’a fait l’honneur de m’inviter comme Guest pour écrire un post sur sa joli ville d’Amsetrdam.
Ok peut –être ne vous l’ai-je pas dit… Il y a 15 jours, j’ai découvert sa ville et je dois avouer que j’ai vraiment eu un coup de cœur.
Voilà donc un tour des endroits que j’ai apprécié.

First night at V Hotel, south east, not bad, it was raining a lot and I did appreciate having a tea in front of the fireplace.

Première nuit au V Hotel, Sud Est de la ville, pas mal, il pleuvait des cordes et j’ai vraiment apprécié prendre un thé devant la cheminée.

And first dinner at Moustache ; I don’t know why but I really have a thing for moustaches ;-). It was great, I’ve tried these delicious ravioles with pumpkin,
truffle oil and cheese inside ; yummy, there were just perfect. I highly recommend them and the restaurant.
Et le premier diner ce fut chez Moustache ; je ne sais pas pourquoi mais j’ai vraiment un faible pour les moustaches ;-). C’était super, j’ai testé
ces délicieuses ravioles au potiron avec de l’huile de truffe et du fromage ; miam, elles étaient juste parfaites. Un conseil ? Testez les ainsi que le restaurant.

The second day was more about trying to walk through every canal to find nice places with greats identities, interiors… concepts, following my already set guideline, 'design' oriented spots.

Le deuxième jour , le but était vraiment de passer sur Presque tous les canaux de la ville en quête d’endroits spéciaux et sympathiques
Avec de belles identités, de beaux intérieurs… des concepts ; toujours suivant le fil rouge de mon programme vraiment orienté « design ».

I made a tour at Maison NL and her nice collection.

At Friday Next where you can feel a Scandinavian style full of designers pieces.
A Friday Next où l’on peut ressentir un style Scandinave, avec de nombreuses pieces de designers.

The otherist, and its “cabinet de curiosités”.

De Weldaad was really my crush, I enjoyed the antics and the old tiles and other stuff. Details to mix with contemporary furniture.
And good news, they have a webshop to buy online : De Weldaad (
De Weldaad fut vraiment mon coup de Coeur, un mélange d’antiquités, de vieux carreaux récupérés… De superbes details à mixer à
Un intérieur résolument contemporain. Et l bonne nouvelle ? Ils ont un webshop pour acheter en ligne : De Weldaad (

Dr Wonen, also a really nice shop in the lovely area of De 9 Straatjes.
Dr Wonen, un magasin très sympa au milieu de ce quartier des 9 rues.

Impossible to not visit and shop in Marqt, the so well-designed supermarket chain / identity is really well done and interiors
Reminded me Gourmet Garage in NYC.
Impossible de passer à côté du Marqt sans s’y arrêter, une chaîne de supermarché superbement designée / avec un logo identifiable
et des intérieurs qui ne sont pas sans me rappeler les Gourmet Garage de NYC.

I also had a lunch to Restaurant de Kas, which was quiet nice architecturally and a really interesting experience from the food point of view.

J’ai aussi déjeuné au restaurant de Kas, qui du point de u architectural est vraiment sympa et une expérience vraiment intéressante du point de vue de la nourriture.

The other nights, I slept at a boutique hotel… Hotel Nothing Hill which was nice and pretty ; I highly recommend it.
Les autres nuits, j’ai dormi dans un boutique hotel, l’Hôtel Nothing Hill, qui était soigné et de qualité. Je le recommande vivement.

My trip was full of lovely details as these parrots on trees and balconies… crazy !
Mon voyage fut accompagné de détails fort agréable, comme ces perroquets verts perchés sur les arbres et balcons.

I also had a great experience with a dinner at Bazar.

Of course, as a well respected tourist, I ate delicious Stroopwafel… and Gouda

… I did love all these bikes everywhere… It was a bit dangerous to find a place as a pedestrian between cars, trams, bikes on every corner… but
I really loved the quiet for a so busty city. Architecture is beautiful and consistent almost everywhere. With my obsessed eye of Interior Stylist and Graphic Designer,
I noticed that branding, frontage… are well-designed, well thought…
Amsterdam, I will come back during summer to make the most of outdoor.
… J’ai aussi aimé cette folie du vélo… Un peu dangereux cependant, le piéton a du mal à trouver sa place entre les voitures, les trams et les vélos à chaque coin de rue… mais
j’ai vraiment aimé le calme qui règne dans les rues malgré la vie de quartier dense et commerçante. L’architecture est belle,  cohérente et fidèle sur des km. Avec mon œil obsédé d’Architecte d’intérieur et de Graphiste, j’ai remarqué que les identités, les logos, les devantures… sont bien pensés, bien dessinés…
Amsterdam, je reviendrai cet été pour profiter au maximum des terrasses et de la vie en extérieur.