It has been like FOREVER since i have been on here. Sorry guys...its life you know, has a really bad habit of getting in the way. And tends to throw curly ones at you when you least expect or want them!
So whats been happening since...OMG september last year!! Well the kids have grown like weeds! Kloe is getting so tall!!! She got a FANTASTIC report to end her year 2 at school (last december). has been playing basket ball during the summer and loves it. Has been helping enormously whith Jack. She is my godsend! She loves playing with him and he just adores her!! She is now in grade 3 at school and loving it. Was a bit apprehensive about going back to school as none of her friends were going to be inher class, but she is coping with it all very well!! And hasnt had any trouble whatso ever!!! Great o!!
Jack is the never ending growing weed! He is so into EVERYTHING at the moment. yep 8 month old ball of destruction! I'm telling you he is such a BOY!!! he is commando crawling everywhere and has been since xmas. But in the past two weeks has been trying to do it properly on his hands and knees, does a few 'steps' finds it all too hard, drops to his belly and oammandos as fast as Flash Gordon!! I kid you not! You need to have eyees in you backside to keep up with him! He is in one room then another, at the cat food, in his sisters room, knocking everything in his path flying! He throws things when he is bored with them. laughs like a loon then keeps on motoring! he refuses to sit, even though he can! he just wants to GO GO GO!!!
But I guess the biggest news of all summer is that............I"M PREGNANT again!! yep!!! can you believe it! i damn well cant!!!
After suffering through years and years of infertility........spending thousands and thousands on IVF treatments, and creating two beautiful children i wouldnt swap for the world....nature decides to take over!
Ok to cut a long story short, at the beginning of February i was eating pizza and i got shocking heatburn after it. Now the only other times I have EVER had heartburn is when I was pregnant with Kloe and Jack. I sat and thought bout it or awhile and thought, well my jeans are getting tighter and my boobs are feeling firmer......NA couldnt be.......
But it got the better of me and at 9pm when Scott got home from work I went over to Coles and brought a home pregnancy test. cant be!!!!
So off to the doc's I went the next day...and yep sure enough the miracle of all miracles had happened!!!
Next step was to get a scan so we could find out how far i was……...couldn’t get in for nearly 3 weeks! My doctor cracked a wobbly and they squeezed me in thinking it was a 5 to 8 week scan to see if there was a heartbeat. So on a Monday afternoon I toddled off with Scott and Jack in tow to have the scan done, thinking we were going to see a little peanut on the screen.
Well our little peanut it turns out, had been in residence for quite some time!! had his own DVD player and lounge set up!! yep! I was WAY further than any of us realised!!! The scan lady said at least 22 weeks, I nearly fell off the bed!!!
Went back to see the doctor on Tuesday and he said the scan results came back saying 23 weeks so due date of the 1st of June! Jacks birthday is the 26th of June!!! So there will be 11 months between them, unless they bring it on early like they did with Jack!..
O yea and its a boy!!! I had to know!!!
So there you go thats my news and the story of our little miracle!!! So after 12 years of not using any contraception, both previous children being conceived through IVF we now have figured out how to do it naturally without even trying!!!!
BTW hubby is going in for a little operation of his own now!!! LOL
But it got the better of me and at 9pm when Scott got home from work I went over to Coles and brought a home pregnancy test. cant be!!!!
So off to the doc's I went the next day...and yep sure enough the miracle of all miracles had happened!!!
Next step was to get a scan so we could find out how far i was……...couldn’t get in for nearly 3 weeks! My doctor cracked a wobbly and they squeezed me in thinking it was a 5 to 8 week scan to see if there was a heartbeat. So on a Monday afternoon I toddled off with Scott and Jack in tow to have the scan done, thinking we were going to see a little peanut on the screen.
Well our little peanut it turns out, had been in residence for quite some time!! had his own DVD player and lounge set up!! yep! I was WAY further than any of us realised!!! The scan lady said at least 22 weeks, I nearly fell off the bed!!!
Went back to see the doctor on Tuesday and he said the scan results came back saying 23 weeks so due date of the 1st of June! Jacks birthday is the 26th of June!!! So there will be 11 months between them, unless they bring it on early like they did with Jack!..
O yea and its a boy!!! I had to know!!!
So there you go thats my news and the story of our little miracle!!! So after 12 years of not using any contraception, both previous children being conceived through IVF we now have figured out how to do it naturally without even trying!!!!
BTW hubby is going in for a little operation of his own now!!! LOL
Ok so since then I have discovered my diabetes has returned...yuk!!! So bubba will definately be delivered early! They have given me a date of May 20th at the moment but that could change!! Having another scan this friday to confirm dates a bit more!
And thats it.....O and i'm so over Summer!! can you believe it's March and we are currently suffereng through our biggest heatwave of all time!! yep 9 days straight of plus 38 degree celcius temperatures and they are predicting at least another 7 to 8 days of it! its beyond a joke!!!
I"M MELTING!!!!!!!
P.S o and Miss julie i will do my tag soon i promise!!!