its been nearly a month and i still dont have a great deal to say.....sad isnt it!
Well what has happened in the past month???
Scott had his tonsils out, he recovered well, surprise surprise!!
We went to see U2 which was amazing!!! Was just a huge pity about where our seats were but hey !, the tickets were free, so no use in complaining!! we were on the 3rd teir of setting i the members stand. The echoing from the stand was shocking! you would have the music come past you and then bounce back off the roof of the stands!! Terrible, you couldnt understand a word that Bono was saying.... :(. I was also sad because i never took my camera. It said no cameras on the ticket so i didnt risk taking mine. Nearly every second person had a camera!!! They didnt even check you when you went through the gates!! i was SO peeved!! O well...we were so far away and on such a weird angle the photos wouldnt have been much stick in any case!.
what else???
Got to see scan photos of my future neice or nephew! That was pretty cool.

I did this for them. The photo looks a bit dark in the scan of the page but IRL is much easier to see!
Not much else to report...o yea we had baby bunnies born. We had 7 born but have only 2 left. the heat here has been terrible. We had temps up past 40 degrees and it was only November!!!
Anyway here are a couple of pics of the babies.

Kloe has named them Diddy and Diddilina! For those who dont know they are Japanese cartoon characters, a bit like Hello Kitty, but are male and female mice! kids!!! We are not keeping them though so I dont know why she named them!!
Off to adelaide tomorrow for a doctors visit at repromed, then on tuesday ROBBIE WILLIAMS!!!! i so cant wait!!! So a very busy week. I am going to be so tired come wednesday!!! but hey Robie is SO worth it!! And thank god we have way better tickets!! we have oval A tickets which is basiclly the Mosh Pit!!! I want to get some great photos!!! Is going to be hard to stand all that time but will be so worth it!!! And hopefully we wont get that horrible echo like we did with U2.
Ok betta dash.....hopefully i wil be back on wednesday with Robbie photos.......