
Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love Sweet Love

My brother was married yesterday to this amazingly beautiful and sweet girl. The love they share is more than I could have ever wished for my brother. Being here the past few days with them has made me realize just how much I miss him. I have many siblings and am close to most of them, but because of our situation, Ben and I have always been the closest. I feel so lucky to now have a wonderful sister-in-law to join our friendship. He could not have found a better wife, a better second half :) My wish for them is that their love will only get sweeter in their lives together.

They were quite sweet in letting me photograph their wedding (and trusting I could do a good job, considering it was my first wedding!)

Sweet, anyway

When all is said and done...the flower was a sweete Valentines Day gift from my husband, and the cat...well, maybe not so sweet?
Sweets for the not-so-sweet, is how it goes today.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


are words needed?

Friday, February 12, 2010



with sweets like this...
who needs chocolate?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love's Sweetness

 Love's Sweetness
Sugar and strawberry cream
Gentle kisses with soft whispers
Milky icing of a cupcake dream.

Fluffy sweetness of endless love
Spoken warmly from rosy lips
Sent from the heavens up above.

Being only mine…
Two hearts~One love
Through to the end of time.

@Heartfelt and Homemade

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


...most of the time.

Sweeter husband helping to direct them

as I screeched "I'm losing light!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the sun is sweet

Today 2 really sweet things happened:
  • The sun came out
  • I found fresh red tulips at the grocery store
ps, I'm back after a hiatus!

Sweet Things

Sweet pink gerbras, sweet cupcakes, sweet teacups and the sweetness just overflows.

sweet buns...

during one of my summer photo shoots
a diaper change was needed
aren't these just the sweetest buns

Sweet "Summer" Pudding

raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, black currants.
a touch of sugar
a splash of water
heated to create a vibrant coulis
layered with fresh white bread
served with whipped cream

Monday, February 8, 2010

So Sweet

S  W  E  E  T
pleasing or agreeable; delightful. 
amiable; kind or gracious, as a person, action, etc.
dear; beloved; precious.
easily managed; done or effected without effort.
sentimental, cloying, or unrealistic: a sweet painting of little kittens.
in a sweet manner; sweetly.
(in direct address) darling; sweetheart.
something pleasant to the mind or feelings.
a beloved person. listed at least 27 definitions for the word sweet.
This is a sweet photo of my sweetheart, in his sweet kayak, paddling so sweetly on the river that was so smooth...sweet.


Sweet Heart

The sweetest things
Are felt from the heart
This week marks seven years
With my heart overflowing

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rock (Candy)

As a little girl I remember making this with sugar and water. Then we used to take a string and dip it in the mixture and it would turn into the sweetest best candy. I know I am missing parts of the recipe, it has been a long time since I was a little girl, does anyone remember?
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