
Showing posts with label simplicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simplicity. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009


The simple things in life:

quiet mornings
a good cup of coffee
mornings spent teaching my children
afternoon conversations
sunlight streaming in the windows
gentle breezes
line-dried clothes
the sound of happy children
smiling faces
wholesome foods
dinner at the table
playing Clue with the family
a clean kitchen at the end of the day
clean sheets
a good night's sleep

these are the daily, simple things that make life so grand.
the little things that add up to be the biggest thing of all.....My Life.
i love my full, busy, happy, and simple life.


Sometimes we try too make a day full of fun things to experience.
Sometimes we just need to remember the simplicity of Life around us, because these are the moments we treasure within for years to come.

This week has been SO busy for me...and NOT simple at all...and I SO nearly didn't make this post...but I took a few hours out of my CRAZY pace of Life and today we enjoyed where we simply Nature.

Wonderful week of Simplicity...apologies for not commenting yet on all your fabulous images.


this week I looked for simplicity and found
that simple things are often quite complex
and that the complex could be surprisingly simple


it is easy to understand the message of this tree, spreading its beauty on sunny fall days.


My daughter's toes

Dipped in a lake in Wisconson

Long distance family surrounding us

Peace in my heart

Happiness on my face



We still have happy yellow daisies bravely greeting us every day, in a pot on the steps. I’ve always loved the daisy for it’s cheerful simplicity.


My graduation gift from high 25 years old.
She is a manual focus, so she taught me to be quick.
She taught me to look for the light.
She taught me to use the numbers to my advantage.
She taught me to think ahead about what I'd be shooting and my lighting conditions in order to select the correct film speed.
She taught me to learn from my mistakes - and there have been plenty.
Until I took a darkroom class, there was no manipulating her results.
In terms of today's photography, she may be considered simple.
To me, though, it is this simplicity that has given me the gift of SEEING.
And no amount of technology can teach this.

I know you all know what I mean, because your posts are awesome, inspiring and challenge me to be a better photographer. I promise this week I will get back on track to leaving everyone comments!

It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House in the Ozarks by Hines)

Saturday, October 24, 2009



Chicken soup remains a simple, yet effective, cold remedy...

simple fall

023 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

My love of fall is as simple as it gets.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Simple. Life was simple back then. I miss that.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

humble vessel

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.

—Robert Louis Stevenson

Simple is hard!

simple vases

I have to admit...this was a bit of a challege photographically for me.  I have a hard time with simple.  I had to add a layer to this, because it looked too plain.  But simple and plain and not the same thing...far from it!  It takes great skill to capture the essence of simple.  But man oh man...once you's a beautiful thing!  I am so inspired by all the photos posted here.  This was a great topic this week and it made me work on a subject that is hard to behold.

seaside sanctuary,
salty serenity,


Future trees will send their roots into the earth and soar to the sky, spreading their branches to shelter generations as yet unborn.

All from a simple acorn.

To Be Or Not To Be Simple

Why do I make posting for a simplicity theme not so simple? Do I choose follow the masses and post about the simple beauties in life. As there are many that have not yet been shared with you all, or do I follow my heart and post what I feel.

Well …..the choice is simple, my heart always wins.

This is a competition photo. Each month I enter a Set Subject Competition. This month the subject was “Lamps and Lanterns”. An accredited judge’s critiques all the in images in the competition. After listing to judge’s comments for the passed 2 years I know that simplicity makes the best photos. A judge will always say get in close, avoid distracting backgrounds and most importantly have a single theme running through your photo so the viewer knows exactly what the image is about and where to look in the image.

This photo won first place in my competition and allow me to take out the highest aggregate score of the year in this Set Subject Comp. I think I might even get a trophy on awards night but that’s not to early December.

So my message is simple, simplify you life and your photos.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

simplicity simplified

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." ~William Morris

If only every inch of my home followed these rules. I would like to simplify my living space – free it of clutter . And this is best rule to start with... keep it only if it's useful or if it's beautiful. Simple, right?
Another quote I read some time ago speaks to that. "simple living...though it can be joyful, rich and creative, it isn't simple."
" You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. " - Vernon Howard
Could I simplify to that level? I don't think so.


Simplicity alt 1

Is there anything simpler than
the love a boy has for his dog?
It requires nothing other than
big hearts
grassy lawns
belly scratches
long walks
and an occasional treat for good behavior.

simplicity, untouched

Simplicity is...
a welcome relief in an oversaturated world


the morning light, coming into my studio window is hypnotizing. it captures me and transports me to easier times, some say perhaps simpler times. times we where we were not so concerned with things or destinations but the adventure.

in my journey this year i have found out many things -

::less is not more, but in having less i appreciate it more.
::pride usually goeth before a fall, but not always. however, in falling and becoming humble, there is a sort of pride.
::no matter what, you can never have too many good friends.
::cooking at home saves a lot of money and teaches one a lot about planning, organizing and proper shopping skills.
::true love is nonjudgemental and completely forgiving.
Elegant de BlogMundi