
Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2009

Orange Bright...

'He hangs in shades the orange bright,
Like golden lamps in a green night.'

Andrew Marvell, 1621-1628.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Fire from the heavens....

orange distraction

I couldn't believe it when I saw that this week's theme was "orange".
I was away all week long at The John Campbell Folk School studying metalsmithing (what an incredible experience it was). The camp is located in the town of Brasstown surrounded by the mountains of NC. A beautiful area with photo opportunities at every glance. Needless to say, I came back with a lot of photos this week. And I had lots of orange - I had photos of orange autumn leaves, orange flowers, bright orange yarns, orange tin roofs, orange copper in my ring, orange in the rich wood of a dulcimer, a fanciful orange fall costume, the orange glow of the studio lights at night, orange sun spots in the morning dew... But I have to say there was one orange that got in my way. One that was placed just for that reason - to stand out - to keep you out. This orange disrupted many of my photos this week. The camp was in the process of preparing for the big Fall Festival so they had long ORANGE boundary fences up to mark off the parking areas. Everywhere I turned my lens for a beautiful scenic shot there was that ORANGE fence. It was distracting from the beauty of the land. Guess I'll just have to go back again and take more classes and more photos. I do plan on it.


A gift from my dear friend, Bethany.
An inspirational quote on a lovely piece of art, which just so happens to look fabulous in my studio.
I've thoroughly enjoyed everyone's take on the orange theme this week!
By the way, there is a terrific blog called: how about orange.



...the end of popsicle season.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

orange in front of the general store

Vintage, once upon a time orange, rusted. Loved by, many a autumn season.
: )

Orange Tree

We were on our way home from vacation, when we stopped for gas. Along the side of the road was a shack selling fruit of all kind.  They were also selling fruit trees.  My husband wanted to bring home a little Florida back home in IN, so he bought an ORANGE tree.
Here it is, in all of its glory. 
We'll see if it outlast our long cruel Indiana winter.


This time of year in Knoxville, it's not about orange...
It's about BIG ORANGE!

I know that Jenny G and I will both be watching the game tonight, and since I was raised saying "Waaaaarrrrr Eagle!" (thanks, Dad) but now live in Knoxville, so instead say "Goooo Vols!" it should be okay by me no matter who wins.

My Splash of Orange

My splash of orange brightens my day,
even though I don't see it in my way.
Reliably here while I sit over there,
it's happy resting on my chair.
As a gift it was given,
to bring joy to my everyday livin'.


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Buckets of Color

I was thinking how much I take color for granted.

This worn pioneer bucket is a wonderful, natural orange/red wooden color. But the early settlers really had to experiment when it came to coloring their yarns for example.

No running to the fabric store to get dye for them. No, they used dandelions to color their wools a strong yellow. And blueberries weren't just for eating. Beets made a fabulous red pair of mittens - the envy of all the other children in the schoolhouse. Tamarack needles picked in autumn gave homemakers an earthy brown tone for their labor.
There were a number of plants whose roots, leaves, and flowers were useful for dyeing, though some produced neutral grayish, and other less attractive colors.

Talk about infinite patience. First the washing and drying of the wool to remove the natural oils. Then a mordant was applied to make the wool more fade-proof. More washing and rinsing and drying before going into the dye pot.Then keeping the fire going in the hearth to sufficiently boil the plants. Then the endless rinsing and drying...

I like to think of myself as having the soul of an artist, but I don't even come close to how creative pioneer women had to be to satisfy their creative urges, if not just out of love and necessity in caring for their families!

Friday, October 2, 2009


have a beautiful weekend...

Orange You Glad You Came For Dinner

I love the orange in this cabinet. Each piece was chosen by hand from the second hand bins here. You take the best of what there is to offer. I wanted more orange plates, one was all I found. I built my collection over time. We shopped at least once every visit to my son and daughter in law when they lived across the river in Ohio. here to see where.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


"She tapped her finger & nothing happened & she thought she had lost her magic, but it had only changed & it took her awhile to figure it out."


I started out for a long afternoon walk - just me and my camera.
I was looking for orange...
I sat in the grass observing all the colorful leaves, sat along the side of the road while I picked some wildflowers that had gone to seed, walked in an open peanut field, walked through the woods, I even found myself stretched out in the neighbor's yard spying the last orange blooms I could find, and trying to decide which I would use for this week's challenge when this little orange beauty came fluttering by. Bright orange, unafraid, fluttering, drinking, posing.....I knew this magical girl was just what I was looking for.

homecoming orange

homecoming orange (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Two of my kids love the color orange and they both have several items of clothing in this color. I just love this tie. =]

still hanging on...

while walking around the pond where the last of the sand hill cranes
danced for me on their stilt like legs with the towering cat tails as their partners
a tiny bit of orange
cried out
"see me...see me"
I did

Orange Spice

My mouth waters and my imagination soars when I think of all the wonderful, delicious, mouthwatering delights I can concoct with you.  A heavenly spicy Indian stew, filling and warming to both body and soul.  A tangy Morrocan tagine, sweetened with apricots and tart with new oranges.  A curry hot enough to numb my tongue oh what tempting thoughts I have. 

The Color of the Season

(c) accidentalbeauty

This season is so short
Everyday is a little bit colder
Every week is a little bit darker
The colors continue to explode
So don't blink
Before you know it's over.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I love making granny squares.

I have found that I have more orange coloured squares then any other colour, so it must be my favourite.








morning light
warm my heart

illuminate me
while i last.
Elegant de BlogMundi