
Showing posts with label Inspired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspired. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

My summer days have been soft and slow,
even when they're full...
and I'm full of gratitude for rich moments like these.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Satisfy My Soul

"If life is the pursuit of happiness...the beach should be the destination"
The ocean is where I go
to breathe,
to fill
and satisfy
my soul.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


The infinity symbol in this photograph is a very unique "timepiece"'s actually a sun analemmatic sundial. I won't get into a scientific explanation of how this works but you can read more about it here. And every sundial needs a gnomon...a triangular plate or pin to cast a shadow on the time and in this sundial YOU are that pin. The shadow is cast by the human body to measure the time.
(The clock is located on a beautiful sandy beach in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley.)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mundane Beauty

The petals fall from a bouquet of delphiniums. The flowers are past their best, but the petals fall in a random beauty that I simply can't discard just yet. I find the mundane beauty of the fallen blue and violet...slowly fading to grey...exquisite.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly!
Georgia O'Keefe

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


When I travel during the winter months I try to prepare by taking a few creative tools to play with. Some years my suitcase is more art supplies than clothes but last year I kept it simple. I took a small sketch book/art journal, a box of watercolour paints, a few brushes, pens and a glue stick. It was very low key, without any direction except to let myself play!
These few items didn't take up a lot of room in my suitcase and provided that needed fix for creative play. When travelling, it pays to be prepared...bathing suit...check, flip flops...check, paints...check...!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Outside My Back (front) Door

Outside both my back and my front door, I'm surrounded by concrete and, it's neither beautiful nor poetic...although we do have a beautiful wooded area behind us where masses of green leaves have magically appeared since we arrived home from Panama. It will take us awhile to create the relaxing retreat that we envision but I'm enjoying the process...and emptying my scouring the nurseries for lovely treasures.

This photograph was taken on my husband's iphone...the funky Hipstamatic app. I suspect it could become addictive!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fresh Sprout

While I was out walking Molly yesterday, I found this fresh, spring shoot pushing it's way determinedly through the pavement. I lay down on the sidewalk to get this one...hoping no one was watching out their window and calling 911!

I'm in awe of's amazing strength, perseverance and flexibility. Nature's ability to overcome seemingly impossible conditions and find it's way back to balance is so inspiring. Equally heartening is it's easy and graceful beauty when treated with tender loving care.

This fresh little sprout has much to teach us.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hi's my turn to choose a theme for the week and I thought I'd do something a little different. The theme is Text so your quest this week is to go exploring for words or text that amuse, inspire, surprise, etc. It could be a sign, graffiti, a saying on a t-shirt, a gravestone, store windows, text in a book, an old document or....? I can't wait to see what you discover!

This is a door mat that made me smile (no, NOT mine but I sympathize with the sentiments!) that I saw lying on the sidewalk, outside of a home decor shop this weekend.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hope is...

Hope is the thing with feathers,
that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune without the words,
and never stops at all.

Emily Dickinson

This cast iron crow sits in my kitchen, perched on my place mats. I really like the irony (pun intended!) of this guy in that he's made of such a heavy material for a creature that's designed to fly. I once had an artist friend who, tongue-in-cheek, made a teddy bear out of cast concrete for a class project...he definitely wasn't made for cuddling!

Mr. Crow sits here to remind me not to take myself too seriously: if we want to soar, we need to lighten up!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When Spring Arrives...

When spring arrives it feels to me that an old friend who has journeyed long, has finally arrived on my doorstep. I fling the door open with delight and even though I’m expecting her, I’m always a little surprised at her arrival.

But always…always…I throw my arms around her and we dance in the sheer delight of each others company. She stands there smiling brightly…slightly windswept and wearing a spring dress of blossom pink and new leaf green that whispers softly as she moves.

How long can you stay"?” I ask her and she smiles and says vaguely “Oh, at least a few months”. She never stays too long as she doesn’t cope well with the heat of summer but I know, I just know, we’re going to have a wonderful time together while she’s here…we always do.

Hello Spring, I’m so glad you’ve come!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Just before I left on my holiday this winter I ordered this green bag and ladies, you'll love's a CAMERA bag! It’s lined inside with a strip of Velcro on each side of the bag with padded dividers that can be moved around to provide sections for various lenses, etc. It was perfect for travelling as it eliminated the need for both a camera bag and a purse. When it's fully loaded it’s a bit on the heavy side but I find it easier than taking both a camera bag and a separate purse and it has a cross body, shoulder strap that makes it easy to carry, hands free.

There are at least two companies that are marketing this type of bag now (check my site for links). Female photographers have become a visibly stronger force in the market...and we want to look good while we're being creative!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Me, Myself and I

Here I am...sunburned nose, hair bleached and frizzed by the my hotel room in Panama City. I'm of an age now where wrinkles are old news and my next challenge is...when do I let the grey roots grow out and go "au naturel".? yet. I think I need a few more years!

(I've so enjoyed putting faces to names on this challenge and getting to know each of you a little better!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gaining a new perspective can be as simple as

looking at palm trees instead of cedars

and gazing at blue skies rather than grey.

Smiles come freely, laughter bubbles easily.

and pointless worry seems, well…pointless.

Scientists say that our bodies don’t know the difference between imagination and reality…our cells respond the same to both. Personally, I like the real thing best…but if you can’t make it to a tropical paradise this winter, hold this image in your mind, get the feeling and transport yourself!

Sometimes we need to step out of the frame in order to see the picture.

I’ve been absent for over a month now but I’m back with more time and a new point and shoot camera. My Nikon 35 ml lens is still in for major surgery but I have the camera body and the macro lens with me on holiday, so I’m back in the game!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Welcome

For me “welcome” is what Christmas is all about. Opening our hearts and our homes and welcoming others to share the warmth and love. No matter what our circumstances, we can always open the door of our heart to give and receive; a smile, a hug, a cup of warmth, a meal or even just a kind and generous thought, rather than a judgement.

Swing those doors wide open this holiday season and share that generous heart of yours. It’s a beautiful treasure and so desperately needed in the world.

Someone, right now, is longing for even just a moment of love.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hand Made

My days of "made by hand" have been few and far between recently. I could have posted a picture of my new house which wasn't hand made by me but was built by my daughter's husband. Everything I own that has been hand made has been packed away in boxes for months now and nothing new has been done recently. I thought of taking a picture of a lovely quilt that I have with me, which was made by my grandmother many years ago but haven't even got a camera right now that will take a good photo of it.

I always hesitate (just a little) to label my digital collage/montage work as "handmade" but in fact, they are. I choose the layers, the colours and I decide how to "tweak" each layer in Photoshop. In the case of the piece above and many others that I do, I also took the photograph that was used. This is just one in a series that I've been working on, using a black and white photograph and blending or digitally painting, a solid colour into the photograph and then adding collage layers. (The lower half was originally a field of pumpkins).

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Season

I normally greet the fall season with mixed feelings…loving the colours and crisp air, but knowing that the dark (and for us on the west coast) wet, days of winter are lurking just around the corner. In fact I usually resist winter to the point of escaping it, now that I have the luxury of doing just that.

I’ve recently been looking at the coming of winter from another, more positive perspective…that nature has naturally built in a time of “retreat” for us.

That all moments, even the dark ones, are a gift.

The darker days and colder temperatures are ideal for going within, slowing down and taking the time for rest and renewal. Unfortunately for most, the world isn’t organized in a way that we can easily take full advantage of it…commuting to work on dark mornings and rushing out in the evening to meetings, book clubs and night classes is the norm. It almost pains me to go out at night during the dark months, especially if I’ve been out during the day but then I’m a bit of a recluse, given the choice! I’d so much rather cocoon in the house with a good book, some art work or even a favourite TV program.

How do you approach the change of season…do you fight it emotionally or flow easily into what it has to offer?
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