International Peace Week: Brett Van Ort: Minescapes
©Brett Van Ort, Dawn-Jahorina
In honor of the International Day of Peace and Peace Week, Lenscratch has partnered with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights to feature photograph
International Peace Week: Thomas Nybo: Attacks Against Rohingya
©Thomas Nybo, Rohingya children carry all of their belongings as they flee violence in their burned village in Myanmar and travel to refugee camps in Bangladesh.
International Peace Week: Lana Mesić : Anatomy of Forgiveness
©Lana Mesic, Vital and Francine
In honor of the International Day of Peace and Peace Week, Lenscratch has partnered with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights to feature photogra
International Peace Week: Margaux Senlis: UXO
©Margaux Senlis, from UXO
In honor of the International Day of Peace and Peace Week, Lenscratch has partnered with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights to feature photographic p
Justyna Badach: Asymmetric Warfare – Colorado Photographic Arts Center
Ahmed al-Rifai Shrine Tal Afar, ©Justyna Badach, from her series Land of Epic Battles
The exhibition Asymmetric Warfare recently opened at the Colorado Photographic Arts Center, presentin