Danielle “deo” Owensby: My Divine Comedy
©Danielle Owensby, Inferno: The Pathway Lost
This week, we will be exploring projects inspired by memory, place, and/or intimacy.
Lisa Guerriero: Handle (her) with Care
©Lisa Guerriero, Handle (her) with Care
This week, we will be exploring projects inspired by intimacy and memory.
Luther Price: New Utopia and Light Fracture Presented by VSW Press
©VSW, Cover of New Utopia and Light Fracture by Luther Price
We live in a world full of color, texture, and light.
Golnar Adili: a long journey of elimination
©Golnar Adili, The King-seat Of My Eye Is The Place Of Repose For The Thought of You, 2010, Two photographs cut in 1/8 inch strips and interwoven with a thread 20 x 30 inches
Sometimes I
Elizabeth Clark Libert: Boy Crazy
Elizabeth Clark Libert , Cover of Boy Crazy ©The Book Photographer
Elizabeth Clark Libert , Cover of Boy Crazy ©The Book Photographer
Boy Crazy, a new book by Elizabeth Clark Libert is
Earth Week: Sally Low: Broken Machinery
©Sally Low, H or Blood- Low_BrokenMachinery_1, There is a lot of blood which you step in. It’s washed away every night but the blood on your clothes doesn’t come out easily.
Vicki Topaz: Dog Walk Home
IzaBella with service dog Luna, ©Vicki Topaz
DOG WALK HOME is a feature documentary film from Vicki Topaz and Wynn Padula, two filmmakers whose previous work reflects passionate engagemen
Lana Z Caplan: History Based Landscapes
©Lana Z.
Honey Lazar: Seen+Heard
In an era where we exist on the knife edge of outrage and change, artists are creating work that speaks to issues that have previously been kept quiet, shining lights into our dark regions o