Twiggy Boyer: Fragments & Houses
©Twiggy Boyer, Autumnal Breeze, mixed-media collage, 11×14″, 2021
This week, we will be exploring projects that use the found photograph.
DM Witman: The Guide to Loss and Grieving in the Anthropocene
©DM Witman, #00106-2-Dryopteris-spp
It’s always great to see DM Witman, whether it be in Maine, where she lives, or at a portfolio review event, like FotoFest, where I recently enco
Mary Pinto: Weavings, Cut Outs, After Sandy, and Home and Garden
© Mary Pinto “Blue Fern (horizontal)”, color photograms and tape, 11 x 14 inches, 2015
The hand of the artist is uniquely distinct and evident in the work of Mary Pinto.
The Beth Moon Interview: Between Earth and Sky
Photographer Beth Moon is releasing her first monograph, Between Earth and Sky, published by Charta, that is a compilation of five projects, featuring images that connect to the natural worl
Klaus Enrique: The Arcimboldo Series
Looking at work seen at the Filter Photo Festival in Chicago
I am always intrigued by photographs inspired by paintings, and Klaus Enrique arrived at Filter with a portfolio of large scale
Lauren Henkin: 3/3 Broadsides
In 2010, artist Lauren Henkin began self publishing her work in beautiful handmade books.
Heidi Voet: Fruit and Vegetables
Heidi Voet is an artist who lives and works in Brussels and Shanghai.
Dan Shepherd
I’m always happy when good things happen to good people and Dan Shepherd is at the top of that list.
Anna Schuleit: Bloom
This isn’t new work, in fact this installation was created in 2003, but I just discovered it and thought I’d share this remarkable achievement.
Do Process: Henrieke Strecker
This week I am featuring artists exhibiting in Verve Gallery’s Do Process exhibition, showcasing eight unique approaches to the photographic process.
Do Process: Brigette Carnochan
This week I am featuring artists exhibiting in Verve Gallery’s Do Process exhibition, showcasing eight unique approaches to the photographic process.
Do Process: Cy DeCosse
This week I am featuring artists exhibiting in Verve Gallery’s Do Process exhibition, showcasing eight unique approaches to the photographic process.