Makenzie Goodman: Encounters
©Makenzie Goodman, Untitled (arrival)
Last year, I saw Makenzie Goodman’s “Encounters” while she was in the process of becoming my colleague and an assistant professor at Appalachi
Charles Shuford: Blue is For Boys
Charles Shuford, I Love a Man in Uniform, Cyanotype prints on glass plates 53 x 42 in.
Sarah Lazure: Sarah
© Sarah Lazure, Sarah (1), Silver Gelatin with Encaustic Wax, 2016
Sarah Lazure’s series “Sarah” features raw, visceral, realistic self-portraits that command the audience’s atten
Kirsten Hoving: Fabricated Visions
©Kirsten Hoving, Ascension, digital photograph on silk organza mounted on glass over a second paper photograph.
Gary Owens: In the Room
©Gary Owens, From the series In the Room
Last winter, I discovered Gary Owens’ work on Instagram and was intrigued by his layered depictions that remind me of the starkness of early
From Altars to Alchemy: The Photography of Garin Horner
©Garin Horner, A Collection of Relics, 2020
In 2017, while I was in grad school preparing to graduate, I brought my portfolio to the Portfolio Throw Down at the National S.P.E.
Geoffrey Planque: Tracing the contours of invisible tales
©Geoffrey Planque, Yeshwantrao Holkar II (2021) – Pencil on found paper and embroidery. 8,6×8,6in.
Peggy Washburn: Precisely Now
©Peggy Washburn, Be Quiet, mixed media on paper
I have watched the work of Peggy Washburn for awhile and have always enjoyed seeing her work on social media, but it wasn’t until my frie
Golnar Adili: a long journey of elimination
©Golnar Adili, The King-seat Of My Eye Is The Place Of Repose For The Thought of You, 2010, Two photographs cut in 1/8 inch strips and interwoven with a thread 20 x 30 inches
Sometimes I
Dawn Surratt: The Rock In The Storm
©Dawn Surratt, Installation for The Rock in the Storm
Back in March, I attended Dawn Surratt’s exhibition The Rock in the Storm at UNC Greensboro’s Gatewood Gallery.
Argus Paul Estabrook: Half Eye, Half I
©Argus Paul Estabrook, Student Protesters March
I met Argus Paul Estabrook through a mutual friend in my last year of undergrad at Virginia Intermont College back in 1997 or 1998.
Contemporary Approaches in Historical Processes: Tasha Lewis
©Tasha Lewis, Fawn, Magnetic Cyanotype Sculpture, 2013
How does modern alternative process differ from traditional uses of historical process? This week, all of the artists that we are