Sometimes I just stop and take a moment
to marvel at how often my life feels
like a Norman Rockwell painting.
I mean, what is more classic
than a boy standing on the edge of a pond
with a fishing pole in hand?
Koen had his first fishing trip with Poppy
and the two of them were in heaven.
It felt so special to see them together,
sittin' and waiting for a bite.
They all hopped on the boat
and it was all just so exciting and fun.
This is as life should be,
all the boys in my life
floating on the water.
Koen caught his first fish!
It was a big deal,
there was cheering, shouting, clapping,
and a beaming three year old boy.
It will be the first fish of many, I'm sure.

After another turn on the pond,
Griffin caught a fish too!
Thank God, because there was a bit of sibling rivalry.
As I sat in the boathouse with my mom, I could see Griffin
getting discouraged that Koen
had caught a bass and he hadn't yet.
I shamelessly said a little prayer to God
that he would send a big ol hungry fish
over to Griffin's hook.
It may be silly for a mama
to pray such a trivial prayer
but at the moment
it felt like the most important request
that I had ever sent God's way.
Well, He must have heard my fisherman's prayer
because moments after I whispered the word "amen"
a celebration erupted in the boat.
Griffin caught his fish
and everyone was happy.
It was a good day on the pond!