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Friday, June 29, 2012

Freakshow Friday : Grilling Out Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, I'm so confused.

Who wants a mannequin kabob?

You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever.
Oh...do I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

<span class=

If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Rhythm of Summer : Week 4

Summer is in full swing
and in an effort to make sure
that I don't just plop my kids in front of the TV all day,
I am pulling out all the stops
to keep my children engaged and entertained.

I plan to document some of our
simple summer adventures here each week.

Here's what we've done recently...


Stomped around the house like monsters.


Pouted and refused to leave the library to go to lunch.


Defeated a dragon.


Had a water gun battle..


Played in the woods with friends.


Said good morning to a goat.


Performed death defying stunts.


Conducted a science experiment
that Griffin came up with.

The directions are simple...
put a toy in a cup of water,
put cup in the freezer,
wait until toy freezes in cup,
dump frozen toy into a bowl,
marvel as the ice melts and the toy emerges.

Cheap and simple entertainment at it's best!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Can women have it all?

Did you read The Atlantic article written by Anne-Marie Slaughter?
It's a good read and gives food for thought about the
feminist notion that women can "have it all".

Click here to read the story over at Athens Patch
and be sure to join in the discussion over their by leaving a comment!
I'd love to know your thoughts..

Gone fishin'


Sometimes I just stop and take a moment
to marvel at how often my life feels
like a Norman Rockwell painting.

I mean, what is more classic
than a boy standing on the edge of a pond
with a fishing pole in hand?


Koen had his first fishing trip with Poppy
and the two of them were in heaven.
It felt so special to see them together,
sittin' and waiting for a bite.


They all hopped on the boat
and it was all just so exciting and fun.
This is as life should be,
all the boys in my life
floating on the water.


Koen caught his first fish!
It was a big deal,
there was cheering, shouting, clapping,
and a beaming three year old boy.

It will be the first fish of many, I'm sure.


After another turn on the pond,
Griffin caught a fish too!

Thank God, because there was a bit of sibling rivalry.
As I sat in the boathouse with my mom, I could see Griffin
getting discouraged that Koen
had caught a bass and he hadn't yet.

I shamelessly said a little prayer to God
that he would send a big ol hungry fish
over to Griffin's hook.

It may be silly for a mama
to pray such a trivial prayer
but at the moment
it felt like the most important request
that I had ever sent God's way.

Well, He must have heard my fisherman's prayer
because moments after I whispered the word "amen"
a celebration erupted in the boat.

Griffin caught his fish
and everyone was happy.

It was a good day on the pond!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness :: Week 16


Griffin and I had a little one on one time the other day.
We decided to go on a grand adventure
and spend our time riding University buses around our little town

I needed to take a photo of a building on campus
for an article that I was writing,
so we made an afternoon of it.


Griffin had never had the opportunity to ride on a bus
so it all very very exciting and new.

I just love experiencing everyday things with my kids
because they make it seem so much more awesome and cool.


He was totally into it.
Places that we pass all the time
seemed so much more impressive when
seen through the bus window.

I saw the world in a new light right along with him.

Every noise was louder,
each turn seemed wider,
every bump was exciting.


We hopped off the bus and strolled around campus,
stopping to see the sites along the way.

He thought that I was the cooled Mom ever
for showing him the stadium
where the Bulldawgs play.


I showed him the building where
I spent most of my time as an English Major in college.
He really wasn't as impressed with the old building.

It was still fun for me to share it with him,
even if he was whining about the heat
and begging to play his Nintendo DS at that point.


We got back on the bus
and it seemed less exciting
since he was an old pro at it by then.

I watched as he played his video game
and felt like I was getting a glimpse of him in the future.

It was such a simple and fun adventure.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness for a whole year?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.
Then, steal my button and include it in your post.
Don't forget to link up to Mr. Linky.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Winner : Radio Flyer Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.

I don't think what i am about to unload is going to fit in this wagon!

Linda D.
"Are you sure this is the way Lance Armstrong got started?"

It was in this moment that Mr. Elf knew,
beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that Mrs. Elf and Santa had really been more than just friends.

and the winner is...

It was in this moment that Mr. Elf knew,
beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that Mrs. Elf and Santa had really been more than just friends.

is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Please visit her blog

and marvel at this fantastic award she just earned


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Freakshow Friday : Radio Flyer Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, it cracks me up.

Honey, I Shrunk the Wagon.

You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever.
Oh...do I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

<span class=

If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Rhythm of Summer : Week 3

Summer is in full swing
and in an effort to make sure
that I don't just plop my kids in front of the TV all day,
I am pulling out all the stops
to keep my children engaged and entertained.

I plan to document some of our
simple summer adventures here each week.


There was amazing bird watching in the backyard.


Spiral Art madness.


A cut-throat game of indoor bowling.


Richard Scary story hour on a blanket on the floor.


An awesome rhythm class at our local library.
I wish that you could experience the level of loudness
that a room full of children with drums can reach.

It was impressive and painful.


There was the construction of complex block buildings,
followed by a certain sibling kicking down various buildings,
coupled with retaliation for knocked down buildings,
finished off with fisticuffs,
and ending with everyone in "time out".

Every single second of summer can't be fun, can it?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How Safe are Your Kids at Camp?

Do you send your child to camp?
Have you ever feared for his or her safety there?

Please click here to read the article
and join the discussion by leaving a comment over at Athens Patch.

Day Lily Goodness

My dad answered an ad in the paper
that was placed by an 80 year old lady named Betty
who was retiring from gardening
and wanted to sell her beloved Day Lillies.

Poppy was just the man to take care of them for her.
So, now his garden is bursting with bright blooms.

These girls are just too cheerful not to share.

I even named each flower,
that's how much I love them.




Beatrice and Adelaide




The Fiery Gals







Tuesday, June 19, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness :: Week 15


We had a great Father's Day celebration complete
with a picnic right by our very favorite hiking spot.

My mom prepared fantastic food and worked hard
to have dishes that were gluten free so that I could eat too.
My shrimp salad lettuce wraps were great!


It was one of those magical mornings
where everyone was in a good mood.

The boys ran around and played in the leaves while we ate
and we were all so content that no one fussed at them
to stop being silly and sit down to eat.


We took a little hike with nets in hand
and went on a bug hunt.

Those were some fast grasshoppers
because no one had any luck.

No one fussed or pouted that they weren't catching any bugs.
It was a magical morning, I tell you.

Okay, I'll be honest,
there may have been tears when one of the nets broke.


Instead, we found some dandelions.


Wishes were made, for sure.


Later, we found ourselves
at the big pond where my parents love to fish
and threw rocks in the water.

The boys are currently obsessed with that activity
and I have a feeling that my summer
will be spent watching this scene unfold often.

I hope that you all don't get bored of seeing it.

I know that we won't get tired of doing it.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness for a whole year?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.
Then, steal my button and include it in your post.
Don't forget to link up to Mr. Linky.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Winner : Father's Day Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.
Travis Sloat
Susie had no idea that, moments after this picture was snapped,
she'd one day be the inspiration for an Eminem song.

Karen Mortense
Daddy just setting the rules up early for dating his daughter.

Moooog 35
The result of ordering the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre Package"
at Sears Portrait Studio.

and the winner is...
Travis Sloat

Susie had no idea that, moments after this picture was snapped,
she'd one day be the inspiration for an Eminem song.

Travis Sloat
is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Please visit his blog

and marvel at this fantastic award he just earned


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!