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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

That one time when I met Pat Conroy

I remember the sinking feeling in my stomach
when the news hit that the world had lost Pat Conroy.

It's such a strange feeling,
to mourn the passing of someone I didn't know.
Somehow, I did know him, though. Through his words.
The Prince of Tides changed me as a writer.
He taught me to inhabit the souls of things
before I wrote about them.

I know he's been gone for months 
but I often find myself missing him.
Just knowing he was in the world
gave me comfort as I 
mustered up all my courage
 to get my novel published.

It was my birthday when I met him. 
He was introducing Mary Hood into 
Georgia Writers Hall of Fame.
I approached him in the hallway,
when no one else was around.

He was so warm and approachable.
He asked me about my life
and he listened.
I told him I was an aspiring writer 
and he told me not to quit.
He looked me in the eye with all sincerity and respect.

Somehow, Pat Conroy made ME feel important.
It wasn't about him.
I asked him to sign my book
and give me writing advice.

I've taken this with me
as I embark on yet another revision,
another round of querying,
going deeper, always deeper.

This month, as I flipped through my favorite magazines,
I've stumbled upon tributes to Mr. Conroy.

One in particular struck me
in the June/July issue of 

David DiBendetto wrote his Editor's Letter
titled Remebering Pat Conroy.

This quote went straight to my heart. 

"In 2013 I finally had the opportunity to meet Conroy in person.
 He and his wife, the novelist Cassandra King, were in town for an event, 
and they agreed to stop by the office to talk about their latest books. 
And while we had a wide-ranging and spirited discussion about their work,
 what I remember most is the way Conroy treated people. 
As soon as he arrived, he started popping into offices introducing himself 
and asking questions with a genuine interest in each person’s life. 
Here was one of the South’s most revered writers,
 and he wanted to hear about us. 
 “That’s Pat,” said King, with a smile."

That was the man I met on my birthday.
I am so humbled that he took a moment to encourage me.
I am honored to be able to say
that I experienced the warmth of Mr. Conroy.
 I'll hold onto that memory like a treasure.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Happiness Project :: Running through the sprinkler

Oh, hello.
It's been a hundred bajillion years 
since I last posted.
Sorry 'bout that.

Life has been busy.
I finally finished a revision of my novel
for a prospective agent
and nearly lost my mind in the process.

You don't wanna hear about that jibber jabber.
Instead, I'll tell you about how
we spent the weekend in the mountains.

It was relaxing and fun.
We set up a dinky sprinkler in the yard
and the kids had a blast.
 It was one of those moments
where I realized that they 
don't need a bunch of rigmarole to have a good time.

It felt all old fashioned and innocent
to see my kiddos laughing
and weaving in and out of
a lackluster spray of water.

Life is good.
Summer is in full swing.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Happiness Project :: Daydream headshots

So I did something kind of crazy...
I had author headshots taken.

Now I know that this might seem hasty,
seeing that I'm still on my agent search
but why not go for it?

I also created a Facebook author page
and changed my Twitter account to my pen name.
 I'm getting all of my ducks in a row, so to speak.

Because in my heart, I know this is happening.
I'm dreaming big, y'all.

Come on over and "like" my Facebook page
and follow me on Twitter!

Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Happiness Project :: Finally Querying for a Literary Agent

My husband and I have a tradition 
when we want to share good news.

We open a bottle of champagne in the kitchen
and wait for the other to be called in by the "pop".
When they come rushing from
wherever they are in the house,
we share the news.

So, I recently popped open a bottle
because I finally reached a point
where my manuscript was ready to query agents.

It's been a long process.
As you can see, I last celebrated
finishing the first draft
in Nov 2013.

This is a big step.
I should probably not shout it from the rooftops 
and be all professional as I wait to hear back
but I am an open book
(pun intended)
and I just had to share.

So...4 agents are currently reading the full manuscript
and I'm just waiting to pop open the next bottle
and write 
 on it and perch it on my dirty window sill
so I can gaze upon it when I load the dishwasher.

I'll keep you posted.
This part of the journey
is crucial in my plan
to overtake the literary world.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Happiness Project :: Daffodils

It's that annual time of year 
when the Daffodils bloom in my yard.
It's always a hopeful sign that spring is on it's way.

What I love most is that no flower
in my yard is safe from my boys picking them for me.
A steady stream of blooms
are presented to me day after day.

The make shift sippy cup vase
on my dining room table
is replenished with a new offering
the moment the old one wilts.

Makes me mama heart swoon.

Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Happiness Project :: First Lost Tooth

So, my little booger lost his first tooth!
He's so proud and feels so big.
I live for these milestones.
I love being the toothfairy.

He's growing up so fast.
I love that little toothless grin, right there.
So sweet!

Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Happiness Project :: Catching the apples

So, I got all swept up with life and forgot
to share about the night my mom and I
dropped everything and drove to Atlanta 
to meet one of the most amazing authors, Sarah Addison Allen.

During her lecture, Sarah shared that 
when she was working on her first novel 
she had a pivotal moment as she wrote a scene 
where a character came home after 10 years and 
when she got out of the car an Apple rolled in front of her. 

Sarah then had the idea that a grumpy Apple tree 
had actually thrown it at her
 and the premise of her book "Garden Spells" was born. 
Then when I met her we had this conversation.
Me: I'm an aspiring writer, will you write advice with your signature?
Sarah: Oh, so much pressure!
Me: (off the cuff) What about Catch the Apples?
Sarah: (clapping hands) Oh, that's so good!
Me: (with a wink) I'll give you that one.

How cool is that?

Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.