I am working on two quilts right now lest you think I'm napping my weekends away, taking bubble baths and eating bonbons. I can't show either one of them. One is not a bust. One is ALL from my stash! I just love saying that!
I'm pondering my secret Santa/elf exchange. Totally stuck. So what's new?! I'd ask for help here, but I think my person reads my blog. Shucks! Guess I'll have to forge through on my own.
Be sure to check out The Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber blog. They're posting great pictures from Market, and there's also a fat quarter tower give-away! Wait, don't enter the give-away. I want to win that one! LOL
It's really beautiful here this weekend. A little cooler and the mountain views are clear. I spent two hours yesterday at the car dealership waiting for my oil change, and I just couldn't sit inside the building. I walked around outside enjoying the day. The only problem with walking around outside at a car dealership is all the salesmen were trying to sell me a new car. Sorry, Charlie. Mine is only a year old! I did notice that there weren't a lot of lookers on the lot, even with the advertised low/no interest rates available now. Folks seem to be making-do with what they have for a while longer. Too bad I can't do that with fabric! And speaking of that ...
A group of us were talking about the "romantic" lines of fabric when a friend declared Robyn Pandolph's Secret Garden for Moda was her absolute favorite. It is mine, too. So much so that I stockpiled a bunch of it. I've already made a couple of quilts from this line and there's still a lot of fabric left in the stash!
The "RP" closet. The Christmas RP fabrics are stored elsewhere. Sheesh ...
There have been several lines through the years that have tugged at my heartstrings - Prairie Paisley, Peace on Earth and Winter to name three recent ones. Although I look at and buy lines from other manufacturers, Moda seems to keep drawing me back. What is your all-time favorite line?
The pictures that Kimberly and others are posting from Market are so wonderful. I just know there's another all-time favorite line lurking out there! I suspect wonderful things are coming our way. Guess we'll just have to be patient!! Oh, goodness, I'm in trouble. Patience is not a virtue I possess!
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 689.00 yards
Net YTD: <283.00> yards busted
The lines that I have absolutely loved are from Moda, too. Gingham Rose, Wuthering Heights, Maison de Noel, Prairie Paisley. Here's hoping that this season has a fabric line that we simply can't resist :)
it's hard to pick a favorite line!
Moda is definitely my fav mfgr, though, and Robyn Pandolph was my very first fav designer.
Love your Pandolphs! can we see the rest of the shelves?
Sweet Vicky,
You did will me the contents of the RP closet shelves, right? Right? Isn't that what you said?
The shelf of Secret Garden fabric almost undid and then you show me a closet full of RP. Takes my breath away!
Some favorite RP lines that come to mind: Moondance, Simply Irrestible, Forever Yours.
And some favorite Moda: Mistletoe Manor, Cornucopia, and Paris Flea Market.
xoxoxo, LadyBaltimore
I absolutely love moda as well. Other lines are ok, but moda is my all-time favorite. I know I can buy ANY piece of moda online and get quality fabric. All I need to know is the pattern/colors and I am hooked. The Fat Quarter Shop is my all-time favorite shop. I don't think there is a shop on Oahu that carries moda -- Kimberly's shop is just a "click" away and soooo addictive to look at -- and once I look, I have to buy.
OH...MY....GOODNESS! That is such a beautiful stash! I am coveting :o)
Ah, a kindred spirit for Robyn Pandolph fabric. I went to Marietta, Georgia years ago and went to a local quilt store. They had a quilt made with Folk Art Christmas I and I was mesmerized. I have been on the look out for one of her fabrics. It's from either Folk Art I or II. Blue background with gold and reddish geranium type leaves. Have any to trade?
I was lucky enough to go to a luncheon in Stockton a few years ago where Robyn spoke. All her quilts were there that she had made. Right there where I could touch them. Wow!
I am a Moda girl too! Folklorique, Chocolate, Cornicopia, Sonnet, Prairie Paisley, Shangri La, Hemming House, Dandelion Girl, the list could go on and on. LOL Kansas Troubles. I do like Thimbleberries too. I am almost afraid to see what the new lines will be. :~)
Look at that gorgeous stash! I am wanting to lick my computer screen, I am! I know TMI - LOL!!
I think I love Moda best, too. There are so many designers for Moda, it takes care of my every whim. As for favorite lines, right now I love Cotton Blossoms.
Love your RP stash - my favorite is "Forget Me Not My Love" - I've been buying it up every time I see it!
I'm not sure what the Secret Santa/Elf project is, but Sparkles 'N Spirits have wonderful elf patterns.
Moda is also my favorite fabric manufacturer and I adore anything 3 Sisters. My favorites are Vienna Nights, Chocolat, Roman Holiday, Peace on Earth...oh, Wuthering Heights, Mistletoe Manor and Faded Memories. I love the Mennonite shops in our area that still have bits and pieces of old lines.
Yes, Vicky, there will be new fabric collections in your stash from the look of the things in Kimberly's pictures of market, lol. I am sure you will want some of most of them, if not all. I have some of the early Pandolph but not all; I need to use it. Moda is always beautiful; I think my favorite collection is Sweet Romance and Faded Memories.
Hi la quilter! You have a piece of fabric in your stash that I need! Would you be willing to part with 3/4 yard of your faded memories in the peachy floral on the light background? Please send me an email to beckyparzy@comcast.net and I will send you a picture of the fabric. Of course I'm willing to pay all... Hope to hear from you.
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