Hand applique

Showing posts with label bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bags. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A finish!

Well, I did quilt my small table topper, the only thing left is hand stitching the binding down, but that will have to wait until after my trip to the States.

So instead of finishing my table topper completely I decided I needed a new wallet for my trip....
I used the Necessary Clutch Wallet pattern, and it was super easy to follow!

My finished wallet matches my bag I made last year... you can see that post here

This past weekend the shop had a stand and workshops at the "kofte weekend" ( traditional knitting) at the Savalen hotel and spa, so I started a new jacket for myself.... not sure when it will be finished though..... It was a really nice weekend with lots of knitters.

We even visited Santa Claus- did you know he lives very close to me??  This is his mailroom- lots of letters for him to read!
This is Santa's house at Savalen- just needs snow and it will be perfect!  
I have some secret sewing going on as well for the SSCS swap..... this is my 10th year in the swap, and I am super excited!!!!  It is so much fun to make something for my partner :-)  
Well, I'm off to work, then this afternoon we are heading to Gardermoen since our flight to Houston leaves super early tomorrow morning.  I am really looking forward to Market- I'll try to write a post while I'm there!
Thank you for stopping by!


Monday, October 17, 2016

Small works in progress....

This past weekend I managed to sew a "sew together bag" using brand new fabrics that arrived at the shop last week :-)  I just love these bags, you can use them for just about anything, and they are fun to make as well!  I think they look super cool with all different fabrics for the pockets, but for this one I decided to keep it simple. 

On my to do list this week is definitely quilting this small tabletopper.  I think it needs to be done in October (just because it has orange and black in it...LOL)- and next week I leave for Houston!  
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Getting ready for Disney!

It's that time of year again... October means I'm heading to Houston for Quilt Market, and this year I will be going to Orlando with tree other friends after Market. :-)  Of course we will be going to Disney (we are actually running a race or three in the Disney Wine and Dine Half marathon weekend!)  So I needed to make myself a little purse with a Disney theme ( I love Minnie Mouse)

The pattern is by Pink Sand Beach Design and is called the Maui Glam Bag  For those of you in Norway we will have the pattern in stock again in a week or so, it is sold out at the moment.  I loved using the bling to create Minnie's bow, you can't really tell, but it really sparkles!

I am trying to decide what to make with a bundle of this lovely fabric by Heather Givans for Windham Fabrics.  Her line is called Paper Obsessed, and is just so gorgeous! I will have to think about it for a bit I think.....
This week is busy at the shop as the town fair starts tomorrow and we have long opening hours for the rest of the week.  Should be lots of fun, and hopefully lots of customers as well :-)
Take care, and thank you for stopping by!

Monday, October 5, 2015

A little bit of everything....

I am staying very busy, which is good.... After we moved our shop, my husband started a big change at his shop (Yes, we have a shop each...LOL) Well, not anymore- My husband sold his shop to a chain of hardware stores called "Tools", so his shop has gone through a major change.  Today was their opening day of the new shop, and eventually I am looking forward to have him a little more at home, and a little less at work....( but that might take a while...) He still runs she shop, but now someone else does all the paperwork.
In the picture above I have just made a small table topper using a mini charm pack by Brenda Riddle.  At her class early this summer she gave each of us a mini charm pack of her upcoming fabric line which is just adorable!

I have made progress on my candle mat as well.  I am loving everything about wool appliqué!!  I see more of this in my future ( especially since I have a large kit bought at Quilt Market last year)

The bag class at the shop is finished, and I am very impressed with all the ladies, they made such beautiful bags! I am teaching the same class in Røros in November ( a weekend class)

Yesterday I started a new project using the Basix ruler.  The pattern is called "Pick me", and I suggest to any of you who are thinking about making this- Check their website for updates on the pattern! Quite a few errors there which was very frustrating, But I am determined to make it work. ( I checked for updates a little too late...) I will share more pictures as i get the blocks sewn together. It really is a cute quilt!

And last but not least- Stars for the "Edelsten" BOM.  I am all caught up on this one- wonder how on earth I managed that LOL.
Off to the sewing room to battle those Basix blocks.... Wish me luck!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Another bag...

 You can never have enough bags right?  I finished this "Professional Tote" yesterday.  This is the bag I am teaching at the shop now, and next Tuesday is the last night of the class.
 This is a very roomy bag with lots of pockets and room for lots of stuff!!!
There is even a large zippered pocket dividing the bag in two.  I have used Tim Holtz fabrics for the bag, and a Moda pindot fabric for the lining.  This is such a fun bag to sew, I am already planning another one :-)

I also made a small coin purse to use with my mini professional tote I showed a couple of posts ago. I LOVE the Modern Minis fabric line by Lori Holt!!!

Another small project was started yesterday.  And this time it's NOT a bag! ( Can you believe it??)
Hope your weekend is great!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bag class

Yesterday was our first class at the new location. Five ladies started a new bag class, and I was very happy everything worked fine.  They all had plenty of room, and the lighting was good.  The bag they are making is the "Professional tote" or the "Mini professional tote", which I blogged about a little earlier.  I think there will be some great bags emerging from this class!
That's all for today, I'm off to work!  Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Another bag...

It has been a few weeks since my last bag, so I figured it was about time I made another one....
Lori Holt's fabric line Modern Minis came in just before the weekend, and I knew I HAD to start sewing right away...  The pattern for this bag is "The Mini Professional Tote" by The Creative Thimble.  I am teaching this bag in September at the shop, and I am also teaching it at the Røros Quiltguild later this year.

 This bag is a lot of fun to sew- so many different pockets and parts, good thing all the parts have their own label...
I had so much fun sewing, I kind of forgot to take pictures during the process, except for the two first pictures... LOL. This is the bag finished ( frontside)

And here is the back.  As you can see it has lots of pockets!
On the inside there is even a large zippered pocket in the middle, where you can fit an iPad :-) It also has one smaller zippered pocket and three other pockets inside, which makes a total of 10 pockets!!  I am sure I can find a place for everything I need in this bag!
Hope your weekend was good, I better get Sunday dinner started now....

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A new bag

Those of you who know me well know I LOVE red polkadotfabrics, and i LOVE all things Disney!  This year I was a part of the "Bag of the month club", and received a new pattern for a bag on the 1st of every month from January- June.  I finally got around to make the first bag, and decided it was time to use my Minnie and Mickey Mouse fabric. ( and I still have a bit left for another bag....)

The pattern is the "Companion Carpet bag" by Mrs H And it was really easy to make. The kids and I are going on a trip this coming week, and I think this bag will have to come along :-)  It is quite big, so it has lots of room for all kinds of stuff...
Hope your weekend is great!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

January bag

I just wanted to show you my "January bag" today.  At Quilt Market in Houston last October we got a lot of great bag patterns, so we decided to have a "Bag of the month" club at the shop. Sewing together is just so much fun, and since the patterns are in English we can help each other if there is something we don't understand....
The January bag is by designer Sara Lawson of "Sew Sweetness".  She makes wonderful bag patterns, and they are super easy to understand!  The pattern we chose was "the Byebye love bag"
You can make this bag in two different sizes, and this is the larger one- and my favorite bag at the moment! ( I made one large one and two small ones....)
So many wonderful bags were made in January, It is so great to see how different they all came out just by using different fabrics!
Tuesday is our first February bag club meeting, and I will show you the february bag later. ( Yes I already made one...)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My sewing folder is finished!

Yeey, I finally finished my hand sewing folder!  I managed to finish it on the weekend in my previous post.  Now I need a new project to fill it with....
Here is the other side. It has pockets on the front and back ( the Dresden block is a pocket)

The inside... Lots of places to put my scissors, needles, thread etc.

And the outside, with three pockets for patterns and other fun stuff!
This was a really fun project to make, with lots of details that took a while to sew ( some of them I left out....)
Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

I am going to start the new blogyear with a picture of my husband Svein wearing the mittens I showed you "pre felting" a couple of posts back.  After felting them in the washingmachine they came out the perfect size for him. No more cold hands for him this winter I hope!

Right before Christmas Svein helped me make a table lamp out of a "Norway Jar". These Jars are like the Ball Mason Jars, except they say "Norge", and they are round.  They have been out of production for many years, but Hadeland Glassverk just relaunched them ( at a high price...)  I have a few of these from my Grandmother, and I wanted to make a nice lamp, and Svein drilled the holes in the top glass ( unlike Mason Jars the lid on the top is also glass), and close to the bottom for the cord to go through.  Now I just need to get a new lampshade, the one I have on there is from a different lamp until I find one I like.

I managed to sew a bit during Christmas as well, two bags from the same pattern: the "Byebye love" bag by designer Sarah Lawson The blue parts above are for the smaller bag

And the fun cartoon fabric I've been waiting to cut into will be the larger size bag.  
We are starting a "Bag club" at the shop this year, and this bag will be the January bag.  I can't wait to see the fabrics the other ladies have chosen for their bags!
Hope you're off to a great new year, thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekend sewing

As promised- here is my weekend sewing :-)  A new toiletry bag from a new Bente Malm pattern. It's not finished yet- I still have to make the lining and zipper closure. You can see the pattern here. It's a great size, and the pattern also includes an adorable makeup bag, so I might just have to make that one as well...  Another bag I REALLY want to make is the Ultimate Camera Bag from Serendipity Studio.  I've had the booklet with the pattern for a couple of years now I think, but it looks a bit complicated so I have just put it off....  Anyone else out there who has made it?  The booklet is called "Media Frenzy"

I don't think I have posted this wallhanging yet, at least not finished!  I did notice the other day though I forgot to add three buttons at the bottom.... But they can be added later!  For those of you who doens't understand Norwegian, it says:
"This place is clean enough to keep you healthy and messy enough to keep you happy!"
It fits our house perfectly!