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Viser innlegg med etiketten Mill Girls Quilt Along. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Mill Girls Quilt Along. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 14. oktober 2011

Mill Girls Quilt Along

Anne Ida is hosting this lovely quilt along, from one of  Jennifer Chiaverini's pattern books. Anne Ida was my mentor when I made Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, and she is indeed very  talented! I know of one other Norwegian girl making this quilt, go to Laila  and have a look. She also has a nice tutorial on hourglass blocks.
I doubt making the whole quilt, conditions are not so good these days, but I have played with two blocks today. If it will turn out to become a table runner or a bigger quilt, I don't know.
Upgrade: Go to Satu and see her delicate version!
 Each month I receive wonderful pieces of repro fabrics from a nice American web shop.  My Mill Girl blocks are made from these fabric.

Då har eg laga to blokker i den nye quiltalongen, sjekk ut linkane over. Eg kjem ikkje til å fokusere så mykje på dette no framover, men tykte det var moro å prøve ut blokka. Eg brukte stoff frå spool-abonnementet eg er med på. Kjekt å teste ut stoffa.