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søndag 16. februar 2014

February focus, blocks...

The Civil War Diary

I have had focus on February blocks of The Civil War Diary, by Rosemary Youngs this last week. Still there are 5 more to make. 
I really want to finish this project before the end of this year. If I follow Satu's plan and finish all blocks for each month, it should be possible. I have finished 65 blocks, and have 56 left...
I have made a lot of these blocks by paper piecing, but inspired by Satu, I now try to calculate the sizees of the various parts and make the blocks with rotary cutting. It's challanging, but also very inspiring and exciting, will it fit the size this time???
Thank you, Satu, for pushing me!

#98, Nurse
 #76, Abominaton of Desolation
 #71, The Longest Morning
 #70, Bombardment
 #69, Confusion and Turmoil
 #68, Panic
 #75, Sadness and Silence
 #74, Churches Spared

The Loyal Union Sampler

I like this guy!  
 It was his 153th birthday the 12th of February, and I made this block for him, Abraham Lincoln.

6 kommentarer:


Du er flink med desse blokkene!

Anne-Mettes Oaser sa...

Elin, det er en række smukke vidunderlige blokke med skønne stoffer, som du har syet. Du er så flittig.

Grethe sa...

Så mange supre blocker med flotte stoff,Elin :)) Spennende å lese flere poster bakover. Er ikke flink til frihåndsquiltine,så takk for linken til Leah Day.

Hildegard sa...

Dette er vel blokker for vidarekomne. Nydelege.

Satu sa...

All your blocks are gorgeous, Elin! Well done;o) Together we will do it!!! PS. This week I have Tilda book -giveaway on my blog for celebrating Fenix's birthday...

Radka sa...

Wow, you are doing so well with your blocks!