I've been playing in the sewing room! I tried a version of a technique that I remember when I took a basic drawing class when I was in my teens. The teacher told us to not lift pencil from paper as we drew, to force us to conquer our hesitations, if I remember right. I wanted to see how it would turn out if I applied that to my sewing-machine drawings. I also abandoned making a rough sketch on the fabric before sewing. I just went at it. Then I took a cue from
Abby Glassenberg's blog post about using color, and brought out the paints and brushes. I'm thinking I could frame these in embroidery hoops, like in the last photo.
What do you think?

Je joue! J'ai essayé une version d'une technique que j'ai appris pendant un cours de dessin dans mon adolescence. Le professeur nous a dit de ne pas lever crayon de papier, pour nous forcer à la conquête de nos hésitations, si j'ai bonne mémoire. Je voulais voir comment cela se passerait avec mes dessins faits avec une machine à coudre. Je n'ai pas fait un croquis sur le tissu. J'ai foncé! Puis je me suis inspirée par le blog post de Abby Glassenberg sur l'utilisation de la couleur. Je pense que je pourrait encadrer ceux-ci avec des tambour à broder.
Que pensez-vous?
13 commentaires:
Aah, that is a really hard technique! I would probably cheat all the time.
I'm not sure about the color - I think your work is stronger without the color. I mean, I don't miss color in your pretty work now.
Just my two cents! ;) Lovely birdies BTW!
I love them! It's very spring :)
Brilliant idea, Apol! I love this way of drawing--it very effectly shows spontenaity and decision! Beautiful job!
Yeah for breaking out of our comfort zones and playing with bold colors! Lovely.
They are cute, I love them! :)
i LOVE that technique..."meandering line drawings" is what my drawing teacher called it. it was always considered a "warm up" exercise, but it was one of my all-time favorite techniques. i made a story book for my son with all the illustrations done in meandering line!
these birds are exquisite...the lines, the colors...just wonderful!
way to go!
They are very sweet and charming! Well done Pomme!
if you want to sell them, make both. You might be love it without colour but others maybe like with colours, no harm done with make them both, no?
they work wonderfully well in the hoop - super work! x
just one word...BEAUTIFUL
Lovely result! I used tis technique for sewing freehand flowers on keychains and pillow cushions. Guess birds are much more difficult, and you even write with it! Great!
Beautiful! That's what I think Apol :)
I can see you've been inspired by Spring!
Wow! I am so inspired to pick up the brush and paint and to experiment as well! I love how it turned out!
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