So goes part of my description for Basket of Blueberries, now for sale at my shop. This is not the first time Lulu is making her appearance.
Earlier, writing about my gingham apples: "The seamstress's daughter Lulu Leloup again skipped school. In the hills she ran into a queen in disguise and carrying a basket of apples, asking for directions to the seven dwarves' cottage. Lulu told the woman to chill out, buy a ticket for the fast train, and head to Brussels, where she can flirt with the Flemish while drinking great beer. First making sure that Lulu was not a princess in hiding, the old queen handed her the sole fruit not dipped in toad's piss and arsenic. Then the lonely widow made her way to the train station humming a Jacques Brel song."
I do like playing around with words and the images they conjure; and I am developing a fondness for the school-hating Lulu. I think we are going to see more of this girl!