Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Back to reality

While I have been home from the International Quilt Market and Festival since last Friday night, I have had my head down trying to get back to reality.  In other words a mountain of laundry (that took 3 days to conquer) restocking the fridge (two trips to grocery stores) and putting suitcases and purchases away.  

I did manage to buy a 'few' things in Houston and of course they were all quilt related.  

Want to see?

Festival bag, photo paper and rulers


Gadgets, thread and woo lie

Magazines that were handed to me!

Patterns and book

Tea towels to embellish, chenille and rag rug kit

All that fit in my suitcases and no extra charges were incurred!  whew!

More from Market and Festival to come.  Or check out lots of pictures on Instagram...lalaslovelys

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Road Trip and LQS on the way....

Over the Easter weekend hubby, daughter #2 and  headed on a little road trip.  We saw a lot of this on the open road. 
Yep actually about 5-6 hrs worth of beautiful blue skies, prairies and mountains in the distance.  Destination Great Falls, Montana 
Of course no trip would be complete with out first researching "Are there any quilt stores in this town?"  Lucky for me there was and the driver was willing to stop at them.  The kid watched DVDs while waiting for me. 
First stop Big Sky Quilts  
 The store is large and one wanders the whole depth of the building.  The staff were very friendly and helpful. They had a great selection of minkie and flannel.   We snuck our heads into their classroom which was huge.  Down side of this store, it is a little dated and dark. 

purchases from Big Sky Quilts
In between going to other stores to satisfy the other traveling buddies.  We went to The Quilt-A-Way.  What a gorgeous store.  Bright and airy.  Their room settings and groupings of fabric were delightful; quilts and patterns scattered with antiques. Once again the staff were very charming and helpful . 

Purchases from the Quilt-A-Way
Our last place to visit which I didn't think we would get to because it is located 25 mi outside of Great Falls was The Quilting Hen.  Let me just say I am so glad we did.  It is well worth the drive (even the gravel part)
Diane the owner welcomed us into her beautiful studio/store/classroom with open arms.

Welcome sign
bright, clean, organized store
Look at the top shelf, full of antiques.  I spied my mom's dishes

my purchases at The Quilting Hen
Her rolls of 1/4yd cuts in every colour wave are amazing.  When I unrolled them at home there wasn't one fabric  I didn't like in there.   She has a great online store too!
Isn't this so cute?  Due to water restrictions she has put in 'continuous' blooming plants that sure brighten up the prairies.

She has thought of everything!

We did see a few tourist/nature things while in Great Falls. 
we weren't the only Canadians there!

Have you been on a road trip lately?

Happy stitching


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Peek a boo…

Finally I have been able to get back to some sewing this week.  Here is a sneak peek at what I am working on. I hope to have the top completed tonight.
What are you working on?
Happy stitching

Monday, May 30, 2011

Shout out for more of this fabric: FOUND SOME THANKS!!!

I am looking for more of this fabric.  It is from Red Rooster’s fabric line called Golden Harvest. (Style #3258 Pattern #17751-PUR1)
If anyone has any they are willing to sell or trade, please let me know.  Or if you know of a place on line that still has some please direct me there.
Happy sewing, or gardening, or relaxing or playing or whatever your day brings you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little shopping

Of course before I left for FL I had to research for the LQS.  Wouldn’t you know there was on just 5 minutes from the marina, yahoo.

Off we went to visit the Jam Patch, Stuart, FL. What a great shop, the ladies were so friendly and happy to help.

I couldn’t resist these brights!DSCN8272DSCN8273 


DD picked out this collection. The store doesn’t keep collections together so we had to hunt through the bolts to put these together.  Kind of like a scavenger hunt




A few reproductions for my GFG




I had to pick up Tonya’s book while in the her neighbourhood. Can’t wait to read through it and start creating. I wanted to meet up with her, but she recently had double knee surgery so wasn’t getting out too much.

I just love Lazy Girl  patterns, they are so easy. I have already made one of the mini wallets for all those extra loyalty cards that cram one’s wallets!

What have you purchased lately?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I was spoiled at about you?

Where does the time fly? I wanted to post this last week, but just didn't get the chance, but for a good reason. My father was here visiting from Ohio, on his way to China for business. Although a quick visit, it is always great to see him and catch up.

Anyway I just wanted to mention how spoiled I was with quilting related Christmas gifts. The kids were great getting me all kinds of notions; pins, bobbin holders, seam ripper (never enough of these), needles, etc. My sister gave me 3 more Elm Creek novels, and a deluxe seam ripper. My mom bought me a mini iron that I hope to use more as i do more applique, maybe even learn the turned under process. Santa had a quilting magazine in my stocking and hubby got me a subscription to Quilters Connection, a Canadian quilt magazine (and an eReader, yahoo). My dear friend and now new quilter spoiled me with fabric from the Red Rooster line of Harvest. Yards and yards of 1/2 yards and full yards oh what fun I will have with that. I spoiled myself at the LQS Boxing Day sale with some 50% off fabrics. Even my MIL bought me FQ's from Ontario! My Dad gave me the quilt block calendar and a subscription to American Patchwork magazine, love that one too.
Like I said I was spoiled. Now if I could just get all the Christmas decorations away I could start using all of these wonderful supplies.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fabric buying spreeeeeeee

1930's My collection of retro fabrics seems to be growing. I think i am inspired by my great grandma's quilts and would like to make one using these fabrics. Anyone have a great retro style pattern to share? I was thinking pinwheel, but any ideas would be helpful.
PRETTY...I just couldn't pass up these pretty pink, green, white and brown fabrics.

HOHO holiday fabric...not sure what this will be but I loved the whimsy of the fabric.
GOOOOAALL This will be a quilt for my nephew that will be 8 in November. He is a fantastic little soccer player. Not sure what pattern yet.
ah so cozy. D#1 choose these to make a rag quilt for herself....might have to help with that
Strickly for the stash, which is slowly starting to build. most of these were purchased this past Saturday as my favourite shop was having a 50% off all fabrics for 3 hours. Of course I was there before the doors opened. D#1 was a great help standing in line while i elbowed my way through to grab bolts. Could have bought more but then I think I will wait until August and another Master Card statement!!! hahaha