Please visit my new blog.....and hope that you will leave a is still....a "work in progress" bare with me...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What a beautiful day here! It is sunny, chilly and windy...and I absolutely love days like this!
I am using my daughter's laptop at the moment and am not able to upload any photos...but I hope to add some later today, when I get mine back from my son.
Ive been doing a bit of stitching...."Seven Days of Creation"...and also "Mary Margaret"....I also started a new swedish weaving blanket, which is working up very quickly and is going to be donated to The Lion's Club in our community for a Christmas drawing....
On the homefront........lots of exciting things....we had a new front veranda/porch...whatever you'd like to call it built...I love it!! I wish I could enjoy sitting out there during the day, but the carpenter is still here working on our roof...LOL...he should be done in a day or so though...and then on the weekend my DH and son installed new flooring in our kitchen...and back up is the front entry hallway....and our new fridge was delivered yesterday! Isn't it funny how things like this excit me so! LOL.......our home is looking just great!
So....hopefully I'll be able to show you these photos tonight....
Do take care everyone and have a great day!!!
I am using my daughter's laptop at the moment and am not able to upload any photos...but I hope to add some later today, when I get mine back from my son.
Ive been doing a bit of stitching...."Seven Days of Creation"...and also "Mary Margaret"....I also started a new swedish weaving blanket, which is working up very quickly and is going to be donated to The Lion's Club in our community for a Christmas drawing....
On the homefront........lots of exciting things....we had a new front veranda/porch...whatever you'd like to call it built...I love it!! I wish I could enjoy sitting out there during the day, but the carpenter is still here working on our roof...LOL...he should be done in a day or so though...and then on the weekend my DH and son installed new flooring in our kitchen...and back up is the front entry hallway....and our new fridge was delivered yesterday! Isn't it funny how things like this excit me so! LOL.......our home is looking just great!
So....hopefully I'll be able to show you these photos tonight....
Do take care everyone and have a great day!!!
Okay, here are a couple of photos of my new kitchen flooring, and a couple of the new veranda, as it stood last's now completed, but there are old shingles, staging, etc from the carpenter still working on the roof in front of when he is GONE for good I will take new photos of that...LOL
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Woke up this morning to the news that Earl has shifted and is due to make landfall a bit down the coast and then come up through Halifax...we are experiencing high winds and rain now and Earl has not landed.
If you are so inclined to say a prayer.....I'd appreciate it. All our trees are laiden with leaves, and that makes them easier to snap.
I'm not one of these people that likes a good storm....nope...not me......
Anyway, everyone in Earl's path...stay safe!!!!
Will be back later..
If you are so inclined to say a prayer.....I'd appreciate it. All our trees are laiden with leaves, and that makes them easier to snap.
I'm not one of these people that likes a good storm....nope...not me......
Anyway, everyone in Earl's path...stay safe!!!!
Will be back later..
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Good evening!!
Wow....we are having EXTREMELY hot and humid weather here...with the humidex it is like 41 celcius. Unseasonably warm.......actually HOT. AND, we are in the line for a direct hit from hurricane EARL. so if you can say a prayer for would be greatly appreciated! Tomorrow is the first day of school for the kids around here, and I'm doubtful if they will be there a full day because of the heat....but I am heading to the grocery store as soon as they are on their buses and getting stocked up for several days. I am so thankful that we have a generator, (and a major one at that) that will provide us with light, the fridge, (no oven, washer and dryer, but I can surely live without that!!)....water (we are well water and depend on electricity) and all the other comforts we need. Six (I think) years ago, we were hit with hurricane Juan and we were without power for 7 days. I remember stepping outside the next morning and it was like a war zone...and the quiet.....was unimaginable......fortunately my parents were both alive at that time and they were restored power in a few hours, so the kids and I went to live with them for the rest of the time....DH would come down every second day for a hot meal and a shower. He did not want to leave our home unattended. It was an event in my life that I will never forget and I pray that this weekend is NOT a repeat of that for our area of the world!!!!
This past weekend I travelled to my hometown area for a wedding. It was the son of a good friend of mine. I don't usually post photos like this, but these girlies are my best friends in the entire world.........we are known as the OMS...between us we have 12 kids, ranging in age from 32 to 13. We see each other as much as we can, and usually try to plan a yearly overnight shopping trip......what we have is precious and I am so thankful for their friendships....I love them all dearly.
And finally.......Bethlehem - Cross Stitch Patternby K. Elaine Kramer Designs........finished by moi and framed by the DH of a good friend (and fellow cross-stitcher).
Have a wonderful evening everyone!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
With summer coming to a close and school beginning again next week, I am hoping to get back into a routine, which I hope includes only weekly or bi-weekly trips to the grocery store! I feel like I have been in the grocery store just about every day this summer! Yuck!!!
Starting this weekend, I will browse the grocery store flyers, go shopping on Monday and plan my meals ahead of time...wish me success fellow bloggers!
I'd love to hear how each of you do many trips to the grocery store do you make? How do you plan your meals? Any recipes you care to share with me? Tips?
Feel free to post a comment, or email me....I'd love to hear from you!!
Have a great day's foggy and rainy here today.....good day to try and get my house organized!
Starting this weekend, I will browse the grocery store flyers, go shopping on Monday and plan my meals ahead of time...wish me success fellow bloggers!
I'd love to hear how each of you do many trips to the grocery store do you make? How do you plan your meals? Any recipes you care to share with me? Tips?
Feel free to post a comment, or email me....I'd love to hear from you!!
Have a great day's foggy and rainy here today.....good day to try and get my house organized!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Well, if you can believe it, I only worked for 3 days!!! I knew after the first day that it wasn't for me, but decided to keep trying. I liked the work, but I didn't like having to push memberships to the place, I am not a seller, and time didn't seem to mean anything to the person I was working one else there was married, or had a family, and when you are expecting to get off at a certain time and don't...and have a daughter waiting for's not I thanked my boss very nicely for giving me the chance, but it just wasn't for me. Part of me is relieved, part of me is sad...but what is meant to meant to be.....right? I will find something eventually that will feel right.
In the meantime, we are on our last full week of summer vacation here. Today we went to the beach (well myself, my youngest and her friend)...this is a new to us beach...and I am in love!!
It was absolutely gorgeous!!! We are going back on Wednesday!!
Have you read about THIS designer in the Halloween Issue of Just Cross-stitch??? I love THIS design! I don't know that I'd attempt it....but I sure love it!! I would not frame it with a clock though....but that's just my opinion. I think I will actually put it on my wish list.....
Have a good evening everyone!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Good evening!
Summer is winding down here in eastern Nova Scotia....we are down to our last two weeks of summer vacation.
As for me...I start a new chapter of my life tomorrow! I am going to start working part-time!! It's been 11 years since I technically worked outside the home...I did do three years of lunch-time duty at the kids school, but this in official part-time job! I will be working at a Massage Therapy Clinic about 20 hours per week. I am hoping it works will be a nice change...and if it doesn't work out (or at least this job doesn't work out)'s not the end of the world.
We've been busy around here...two family BBQ's this weekend! Lots of good food, good company.....
I've been busy stitching too! I started "Seven Days of Creation" by Plum Street Samplers.......I do love Paulette's designs..this one is stitched on 32 count..
.and I also started (and "almost" finished)"From The Deep" also from Paulette.....this particular design will hang in my bathroom when done. It's stitched on 32 count as well.
....AND....I finished up this freebie that Paulette's stitched on 40 count!! My first attempt at 40 count, and I LOVE it!!
I also started Jenny Bean's Humble Servant Sampler and it's stitched on 40 count!! Who knew that I would love this count!!
And so my friends...I will say goodnight for now....
Take care......
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Greetings Fellow Bloggers
I am still among the land of the living. I have been browsing Blogs the past few weeks when time permits.....I have been stitching a bit, knitting a bit, and basically doing things with the kids (okay.....actually mostly just my youngest child, as older two are both working for the summer). We've been going in the pool, to the beach, to movies, etc...etc....etc.... I've gotten away for a night with a friend (great time...yard sales, second hand stores, etc....).....
and that's pretty much it so far this summer. We still have another month to go around here before school starts, so not sure what the rest of the summer will bring.....
hope you are all still with me for when I start Blogging more in the coming weeks!
Take care everyone!
and that's pretty much it so far this summer. We still have another month to go around here before school starts, so not sure what the rest of the summer will bring.....
hope you are all still with me for when I start Blogging more in the coming weeks!
Take care everyone!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I have been missing in action once again...........I guess I haven't really felt like real reason....
Also, if you are so inclined, would you keep my oldest in your thoughts and prayers? She has really struggled these past few months with growing up, things/people in her life changing and career/school choices......19 is such a hard good thoughts that she will find what she is looking for and make good decisions for her are welcomed. She's a beautiful girl and I want to see her very happy.
Take care everyone!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thank you all for your comments...I really appreciate them!! I know we will be fine..we always are...and that job isn't DH's only source of income, he actually has his own business, so we will just have to incorporate benefits into that......god has a plan for all of us and we will survive. I just get stressed about things sometimes!
Anyway, I do have another finish!! I started this a couple of years ago and dug it out of the UFO pile and told myself..."Self, you are going to finish this!" I love this design, and hope to get it framed soon.....I'll give my framer a bit of a break, since he only frames in his spare time..LOL
Also, a few posts back I mentioned that I was doing a Mother's Day exchange with an online friend of mine......we were to make something, and then send something else we thought the other person would like......I made a pin cushion (Blackbird Designs) and FOB for her, and I included a couple of other things in her package, which for some reason I did NOT take a photo of?!
And, this is what I got from Terry! Look at that beautiful wool to make myself some cozy slippers! And a dish cloth, which she knitted, a sweet change purse, which she made herself, and two pairs of earrings, which her daughter made!! Thank you Terry!!
Anyway, enjoy your day's sunny here, so I am going to enjoy mine!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Good evening everyone!
I have been hibernating lately...I've been here, but not really in the mood to post.....I've been doing some "soul searching" so to speak.
When I made the decision at the age of 41 to leave work and stay at home with my children, I did not do it lightly...I had been at the job for 20 years, but I KNEW that the time was right, and it was what was needed to be done. I had wanted to do that the entire time I had been forward 11 years.....I am still a stay at home mom, with the exception of a 3 year stint as a school lunch monitor at my childrens' school (again I felt it was needed for a couple of reasons).....and now I am at the age where had I stayed at my origional job of 20 years, I would be 3 years away from retirement. Do I think I made the wrong decision? Not on your life, but there are times when I wish my future years were more financially secure. I think what brought this on was a change in one of the jobs that DH does. We thought it would always be is no longer going to be there after next week...and it was a shock to us. Not the end of the world, but it was the job that paid our medical and dental benefits, and therefore we must (and have) search out alternate benefits. I don't like change...I am the first to admit it! I have been thinking that maybe I should start looking for a part-time job, now that my youngest is almost 13....but at what? I am not trained for anything anymore and the thought of a department store makes me gag (sorry if any of you do this...I admire you, I could not do it) have been doing some soul searching and whining! When I read Katy's post today I realized how selfish I had been...and how fortunate I am......thank you Katy!
I guess we all have days/weeks where we feel unsettled, discouraged, etc...
I took a couple of photos, (borrowing from Katy's idea)...of the wonderful things in and around my home, and yes, I am truly blessed.
My doggy...Nallie...who is 12....and my daily companion:
Looking out my large kitchen window to the back deck and back yard...
My other kitchen window...looking towards the road that passes by our home....

I have been hibernating lately...I've been here, but not really in the mood to post.....I've been doing some "soul searching" so to speak.
When I made the decision at the age of 41 to leave work and stay at home with my children, I did not do it lightly...I had been at the job for 20 years, but I KNEW that the time was right, and it was what was needed to be done. I had wanted to do that the entire time I had been forward 11 years.....I am still a stay at home mom, with the exception of a 3 year stint as a school lunch monitor at my childrens' school (again I felt it was needed for a couple of reasons).....and now I am at the age where had I stayed at my origional job of 20 years, I would be 3 years away from retirement. Do I think I made the wrong decision? Not on your life, but there are times when I wish my future years were more financially secure. I think what brought this on was a change in one of the jobs that DH does. We thought it would always be is no longer going to be there after next week...and it was a shock to us. Not the end of the world, but it was the job that paid our medical and dental benefits, and therefore we must (and have) search out alternate benefits. I don't like change...I am the first to admit it! I have been thinking that maybe I should start looking for a part-time job, now that my youngest is almost 13....but at what? I am not trained for anything anymore and the thought of a department store makes me gag (sorry if any of you do this...I admire you, I could not do it) have been doing some soul searching and whining! When I read Katy's post today I realized how selfish I had been...and how fortunate I am......thank you Katy!
I guess we all have days/weeks where we feel unsettled, discouraged, etc...
I took a couple of photos, (borrowing from Katy's idea)...of the wonderful things in and around my home, and yes, I am truly blessed.
My doggy...Nallie...who is 12....and my daily companion:
Here it is in all it's glory!!! I love it!!!! "STILL WATERS"
I truly love this piece and am so glad I decided to stitch it (and finish it! LOL)
Have a great evening everyone!! Maybe you each can tell me one thing you are thankful for in your life today!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I have had something on my mind since last night....
I took my youngest to her gymnastics. I usually don't stay for the entire time (2hours) I do a few errands and come back and stand in the lobby for a while to watch. Last night I went to the "viewing room". There were other parents there from another class that goes several times a week and compete. As I was watching my daughter, I was listening to some of these parents talking about their childrens' schedules...what it basically came down to was that besides several hours, several times a week, some of these children were in other activities that were several hours a day, several times a week, and in one case the only day off was the middle of the week, and that was homework night!!! When do these kids get to be "just kids"? Hang out, relax, have a friend over???? I ended up leaving, going to do some errands and coming back and watching from the lobby. I just could not imagine......and the other thing...these particular parents seemed to have the same type of schedule themselves!! Like they needed to schedule a time for everything! I'm all for kids have all been in activities, but due to money and time we limited the activities...geesh!
I just was in amazement.....
EDITED TO ADD: My youngest only does the advanced recreation gymnastics (which she has done for 4 years....once a week and she takes piano lessons as well.) She's 12 and this is quite enough for her...still involved....but has it's limits.
I took my youngest to her gymnastics. I usually don't stay for the entire time (2hours) I do a few errands and come back and stand in the lobby for a while to watch. Last night I went to the "viewing room". There were other parents there from another class that goes several times a week and compete. As I was watching my daughter, I was listening to some of these parents talking about their childrens' schedules...what it basically came down to was that besides several hours, several times a week, some of these children were in other activities that were several hours a day, several times a week, and in one case the only day off was the middle of the week, and that was homework night!!! When do these kids get to be "just kids"? Hang out, relax, have a friend over???? I ended up leaving, going to do some errands and coming back and watching from the lobby. I just could not imagine......and the other thing...these particular parents seemed to have the same type of schedule themselves!! Like they needed to schedule a time for everything! I'm all for kids have all been in activities, but due to money and time we limited the activities...geesh!
I just was in amazement.....
EDITED TO ADD: My youngest only does the advanced recreation gymnastics (which she has done for 4 years....once a week and she takes piano lessons as well.) She's 12 and this is quite enough for her...still involved....but has it's limits.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Good Monday morning to each of you!
Well I did it!! I finished "Still Waters" by Plum Street Samplers!! No, I don't have a photo here of it....I am taking it to my framers this week, so I'll do a seperate post when I get it back framed!
I love it....just love it!! Cannot wait to hang it in a place of honour in my home!
On the stitching front...I started "Gloriana" by Plum Street Samplers. I think I am going to actually change this up at bit.....when I was looking at the letters, I realized that without a lot of changing, my last name would fit instead of Gloriana, so I am going to try that.
I also dug through my WIP's and brought out "Bethlehem" by K. Elaine Kramer Designs and worked on it a bit. I hope to get most of it (or all of it) done this time before I retire it once again to the WIP container. This is a beautiful design so I really do want to finish it.
We have been having wonderful spring-like weather here.....I'm so enjoying it!
Anyway, have a great day everyone!!! Love the comments....makes me feel like someone is actually reading this!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
An Honest Scrap (a Meme)
I decided to do this about it from Mel's Blog
1. My most favourite food in the world is pizza! (Pizzeria Pizza, homemade pizza....)
2. I am a "what if.." person...I always evaluate the "what if" in any situation.
3. I am a homebody and get more so as I get older.
4. I am a worrier. I have to worry about something!
5. I started doing needlework when I was about 3-4 years old. I can remember doing this embroidery thing as a little girl and everyone being excited about it. I still have that piece of embroidery.
6. I had a wonderful imagination as a child. Something I am grateful for.
7. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. I didn't achieve that goal until my youngest was almost 2. I hate it when people ask what I do all day!!!
8. I am a private person. Maybe that comes from being an only child?
9. I always said that if I didn't have kids by the time I was 30, I wasn't having any...I had ALL 3 of my kids in my 30's! Thus I am now an "older" mom.
10. I crave chocolate. I also crave Doublemint gum.....weird, I know!!
And, that's it! I am not going to tag anyone...feel free to do your own.
1. My most favourite food in the world is pizza! (Pizzeria Pizza, homemade pizza....)
2. I am a "what if.." person...I always evaluate the "what if" in any situation.
3. I am a homebody and get more so as I get older.
4. I am a worrier. I have to worry about something!
5. I started doing needlework when I was about 3-4 years old. I can remember doing this embroidery thing as a little girl and everyone being excited about it. I still have that piece of embroidery.
6. I had a wonderful imagination as a child. Something I am grateful for.
7. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. I didn't achieve that goal until my youngest was almost 2. I hate it when people ask what I do all day!!!
8. I am a private person. Maybe that comes from being an only child?
9. I always said that if I didn't have kids by the time I was 30, I wasn't having any...I had ALL 3 of my kids in my 30's! Thus I am now an "older" mom.
10. I crave chocolate. I also crave Doublemint gum.....weird, I know!!
And, that's it! I am not going to tag anyone...feel free to do your own.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A Stitchy Update!
I HAVE been stitching lately. First of all, I have been working on a little something for a private exchange I am doing, and I can't post anything here, in case she reads my blog, but once it's received in time for Mother's Day...I'll post photos!
Also, I have tons of new charts I want to start, but I do not want to put "Still Waters" down until it is finished...I am getting close! This has been an absolutely wonderful chart to work on, and I have so enjoyed it! Thanks to Paulette for designing this!
In other news...I am feeling much, much better!! So glad, as being dizzy is not a pleasant thing!!
I have been trying to read all my fav blogs, but for the most part have not commented....I have read though!! And I will get back to commenting in the next couple of days!
Take care everyone...
Have a great day!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I'm still among the living....two weeks ago today my girlfriend, her uncle and I drove to Maine! We had a fantastic time! We dropped her uncle off at his niece's (my friend's cousin) house and checked into our motel/home for 3 nights....this chick that normally is NOT a shopper....shopped and shopped and shopped! We spent some time with my friend's cousin as was such a wonderful getaway!!! Only downfall was getting stopped at the Border, coming back to Canada...thank heavens we had all our receipts...but STILL...just the feeling of some stranger going through your things!! We happened upon a new person and she was VERY slow!! Once through there was smooth sailing all the way home! Most of what I did buy was for the kids, but I managed a couple of things for myself...DH, and even brought the dog home a toy! LOL
Anyway, it took me a couple of days to get back into a normal routine ( I could get so used to not making meals each day!) and then I was hit with an inner ear problem! So for the past several days I have been dizzy and queasy. I do have pills to take, but the Dr said it could take some time to feel back to normal! That's why I haven't been updating my Blog!
So all you followers...don't give up on me...I'm still here!!!
Take care
Anyway, it took me a couple of days to get back into a normal routine ( I could get so used to not making meals each day!) and then I was hit with an inner ear problem! So for the past several days I have been dizzy and queasy. I do have pills to take, but the Dr said it could take some time to feel back to normal! That's why I haven't been updating my Blog!
So all you followers...don't give up on me...I'm still here!!!
Take care
Monday, March 22, 2010
Good Monday Morning!
Greetings fellow bloggers!
Today my kids are back at school. I am a little sad that we are back into a routine...I do enjoy having them around....youngest is always going somewhere, having friends it's back to just me and the dog...LOL
My goodness!!
Saturday turned out to be as warm as summer here! We broke records on the temps! Fabulous day!!
Anyway, I think I will get some phone calls made, stitching done..."maybe" start a new Plum Street to perk my mood up.....(it's foggy, and dark, that's my excuse!) and ofcourse the ever dreaded housework!
Have a great day everyone! Pop on over to The Thread Gatherer Debbie has a great givewaway going on!!
Take care my friends
Today my kids are back at school. I am a little sad that we are back into a routine...I do enjoy having them around....youngest is always going somewhere, having friends it's back to just me and the dog...LOL
My goodness!!
Saturday turned out to be as warm as summer here! We broke records on the temps! Fabulous day!!
Anyway, I think I will get some phone calls made, stitching done..."maybe" start a new Plum Street to perk my mood up.....(it's foggy, and dark, that's my excuse!) and ofcourse the ever dreaded housework!
Have a great day everyone! Pop on over to The Thread Gatherer Debbie has a great givewaway going on!!
Take care my friends
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Good morning!
It is a gorgeous spring day here in eastern afternoon of stitching, a BBQ for supper...what more could a girl ask for????
Check out this wonderful giveaway on Terrie's Blog!
Have a great Saturday everyone!!
Check out this wonderful giveaway on Terrie's Blog!
Have a great Saturday everyone!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Good morning everyone! For the past week or so we have enjoyed FANTASTIC! SPRING LIKE weather! Also, this is spring break week for my younger two! We didn't do anything spectacular, but did do things close to home each day..
I've been doing some stitching! Seems like almost everything I work on these days is by Plum Street Samplers! I still have my morning project on the go, but didn't work on that this week, so no update on that....(Ink Circles)...but here is a couple of photos of Still Waters....and also, I threw this small one into the mix...."Ye Olde Woolery Shoppe.....stitched on 32 count linen.
I am off to the movies this youngest, her friend and I are going to see Diary of a Whimpy Kid...
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Good morning everyone!! **EDITED to add that I am linking to Leslie at My Country Home for Whatcha working on Wednesday once again (it's been a while!) Check out her Blog and her wonderful work!!
I've been stitching this past week....(okay, when do I NOT stitch?)
Here is my "morning" project update...."This Heart of Mine".....

The above one is an actual "true" colour one, not sure what happened to the one above this!
And here is my Plum Street Samplers "Still Water's" update...I am still enjoying this project SO much! It's been great therapy......and this was one of my mom's favourite Hymns....

"Mary Margaret" by Carriage House Samplings arrived in the mail this week! Can't wait to start her, but I am going to be good and get more done on "Still Waters".
I have a question for all you ladies out there...where do you get your Longaberger Baskets? A lot of you seem to have these wonderful baskets displayed around your home? I have ONE. I found it at a second hand store years ago. Can you buy them in stores? I am going (hopefully) to Maine in a couple of weeks (if all works out with the girl I'm travelling with) and was wondering...I'd love to have some more of these great baskets!! Do they have stores, or what??
Thanks for your help...
Anyway, have a great day looks like it's going to be a sunny, springy day here!!
Take care
I've been stitching this past week....(okay, when do I NOT stitch?)
Here is my "morning" project update...."This Heart of Mine".....
And here is my Plum Street Samplers "Still Water's" update...I am still enjoying this project SO much! It's been great therapy......and this was one of my mom's favourite Hymns....
"Mary Margaret" by Carriage House Samplings arrived in the mail this week! Can't wait to start her, but I am going to be good and get more done on "Still Waters".
I have a question for all you ladies out there...where do you get your Longaberger Baskets? A lot of you seem to have these wonderful baskets displayed around your home? I have ONE. I found it at a second hand store years ago. Can you buy them in stores? I am going (hopefully) to Maine in a couple of weeks (if all works out with the girl I'm travelling with) and was wondering...I'd love to have some more of these great baskets!! Do they have stores, or what??
Thanks for your help...
Anyway, have a great day looks like it's going to be a sunny, springy day here!!
Take care
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Cross-stitch envelope:
Marjorie said...
Please enter me in the giveaway from the cross stitch package. Some fantastic charts there1
February 9, 2010 12:17 PM
Non Cross-stitch related envelope:
Mel R said...
What a fun idea. I may swipe it. :-) I'm up for playing. I do not cross-stitch though so put me in for the other. Thanks!
February 3, 2010 11:05 AM
I'll email you both....
Thanks to everyone for entering!
Marjorie said...
Please enter me in the giveaway from the cross stitch package. Some fantastic charts there1
February 9, 2010 12:17 PM
Non Cross-stitch related envelope:
Mel R said...
What a fun idea. I may swipe it. :-) I'm up for playing. I do not cross-stitch though so put me in for the other. Thanks!
February 3, 2010 11:05 AM
I'll email you both....
Thanks to everyone for entering!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Will draw and post the winners tomorrow!!
Sorry everyone....!!
I will have youngest pull two names tomorrow and will post the winners later in the day, as I am out most of tomorrow!!
Stay tuned!!!!
Had a great Birthday!!
I will have youngest pull two names tomorrow and will post the winners later in the day, as I am out most of tomorrow!!
Stay tuned!!!!
Had a great Birthday!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I've been working away on my morning project each day for a few minutes and also working on Still Waters during the evenings....while those trees and that grass are making me a bit is SO worth it! I love the outcome of this project so far!!!
On the homefront....busy as usual. We are all going out to celebrate our Birthdays this weekend, my DH's is Sunday, mine is Monday and my son's is the following Saturday...we chose to go out this weekend though.
Also, my oldest had a fun photo shoot done last weekend. This is one of the photos that were taken....
Have a great day everyone!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
For sometime now I have been searching antique shops for a spool holder/pin cushion rocking chair. My maternal grandmother had one that I played with as a child (they make great Barbie doll chairs! LOL) and I have fond, fond memories of playing with hers.....hers, by the way had a drawer underneath (again, terrific for Barbies!). I have no idea whatever happened to hers.....
anyway, I was browsing the Thrift Store today with youngest and came across this!!!!! It had $2.99 marked on the back!! (Well within my budget!! LOL) Now it isn't EXACTLY like what I had wanted (I so wanted a darker wood one, with the drawer underneath)...but it will do for sure and will become a part of MY history! Now....fellow stitchers.....I fully expect lots of comments with wonderful ideas for this!! My plan is to stitch a pin cushion pad for the chair....I have invisioned in my mind something "antique looking" and rather "delicate" looking...can anyone think of any pattern that comes to mind?? Any freebies to point in my direction? I'd love some advice on this!!! Also, I have some of my mom's wooden spools of thread, so I'll be putting those on the thread holder. I'm so looking forward to making this into a nice little treasure!! My youngest has heard me telling the story SO many times about what my grandmother's was like...I think eventually she may appreciate how this one came to be. I would kind of like to incorporate something of my grandmother into this...but not sure how. Her and I have the same name....I was thinking maybe our initials and birthdates....gosh, I don't know.......please, please....offer me up some suggestions!!!!
Take care
Friday, February 19, 2010
Today I thought I'd show you a couple of purchases I made not too long before Christmas. I was on the lookout for a new curio to house some of my Pendelfins I had collected over the years...., which you can read about here....but I didn't want to totally replace the cabinet I had, as it was a purchase made by DH when we were first married...anyway, I was browsing (like craig's list) one Sunday morning and I noticed two curios....they were antiques (even better!!) and the lady was moving and had them listed as a lot...$75.00 for both. I offered her 50, not thinking she would take it..she did!! I picked them up a couple of hours later...what a lovely lady! She was I'd say mid-60's had retired three years prior, lived in a large condo, and decided that she was downsizing. The curios belonged to her mom...her dad had gotten them for her many, many years ago...and this lady's daughter did not want them, but did want the Hummels decided to see if she could find a good home for them! I absolutely love them! The larger one (excuse the fingerprints..I didn't notice ANY until I looked at the photo!!) houses some of my Pendelfins, and the smaller one I am presently using for some toys I had as a child. At Christmas I put antique Christmas ornaments in it. Anyway, the reason for the may not have been MY history that made up these curios...but they have now become part of what will be my children's history!

PS...I was thinking that eventually I would use the smaller one for all my needlework "smalls" that I have yet to stitch! Like for example this one! What do you all think?
Have a great day everyone!!
Have a great day everyone!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I have referred in past posts to a "Morning Project". I am an early riser...I get up before 6am, have my morning coffee and stitch in the quiet, peaceful daughter gets up at 6:20, but she gets ready and then grabs her breakfast around 7am, which is when my son gets I have some morning quiet stitching time.
A while back I started a "morning project"...only stitching this particular project at this time of day...currently this is what I am working on...It is by Ink Circles..."This Heart of Mine"...stitched with Carrie's Creation silk floss in Masquerade.
I also want to "thank" (note sarcasm here)Siobhan for enabling me on her Blog......when I saw this ....I just HAD to have I ordered it and it is on it's way to me......between seeing it on her Blog and my youngest saying she liked it...that's all it took....sad, isn't it? LOL Can't wait to get "Mary Margaret" by Carriage House Samplings......
Kids are back at school today, DH will be leaving in a bit, it's snowing out AGAIN, so I won't be out driving anywhere....great day to stitch and watch Olympics...
Take care
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