Here is is March 31......spring.........yeah right! The kids are home today on yet another storm day!! I lost track of how many.....but up the road (which is another county) it is storm day #14. We are not that high, but is actually storm #14 for us!
Today was going to be a great cousin was travelling up to the city for the day and her, her sister and I were going to "craft" at Blanket Club....but that isn't happening. :(
Oh well, I guess I have another "stitch" day here at home!!!
Have a good one everyone!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Isn't this a cute chart??? This was a Birthday gift from a longtime online friend. Her and I were matched up.....I think it was at least 8 years ago...maybe closer to 10. We do packages periodically....have been ever since....sometimes it's random...sometimes we get together and decide on a "summer".......or "Mother's Day"....package......I value her friendship greatly. Anyway, this chart, fabric, floss and buttons were part of my Birthday package....she also included notecards and hot chocolate!! I started this last night and will continue with it will hang in my kitchen when it is newly painted.
Today was a great day.....DH and I were able to go for a nice drive (just the two of us) and we went for freshcut fries (nothing better on a sunny, spring day) and a drive along the coast....past Peggie's Cove...and then it was time to pick up youngest and her friend at the Theatre.
This will be a busy week as well. My two best friends will be travelling to the city....on Tuesday my cousin will be in the city for "Blanket Club"...with her sister and myself...and on Thursday my other best friend Betty will be here for the night. She is taking her mom and sister to the airport, so she will come by our house and spend the night. I think we are going to make a Costco trip while she is here as anyway, I want to get my house in order for when she comes. It's not like either of these two friends live THAT is 100 miles, one is 125, but we really don't see each other as much as we'd like.
What else....oh yes.....this is what I've been using as my stitching basket for the past few months....I picked it up at a church rummage sale....I think it was $'s very sturdy and I love it! I cleaned out my stitching that I had in it last night....put a couple of WIP's away and took a couple more out....sigh......we all have so much stash, don't we??
Have a great evening everyone!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I was so pleased to have finisihed Isabella's Garden that I dug through my cross-stitch UFO's and found what was calling to me is "Bethlehem" by K Elaine Kramer Designs.....I bought this chart and fabric a few months ago and started it, but put it aside almost immediately...not sure why now...anyway...I have worked on it a bit the last couple of nights. I do love this design, but I am thinking it won't get finished in this rotation......oh WILL get finished at some point. Sara, I know you did this....I saw it on your blog a while's gorgeous done up, isn't it?
On the weather front....we had quite the storm yesterday...the kids did have school, although most of the province didn't. Today is cold, very windy and apparently some treacherous roads around.......spring...where are you??
Thanks for looking, and I love your comments....
Monday, March 23, 2009
The kids had a good break. We didn't too anything too exciting, but did manage to go out somewhere each day. On Friday I got to go to an LNS...and bought one chart....yes, I was good, only bought one!
Isabella is finished!! The next time you see her, she will be proudly framed and hanging in my this empty wall.
I managed to make curtains for our back door.....we will be painting the kitchen walls in the coming couple of they will look much nicer, and a solid colour.....
I've also started sanding down my vanity in the kids bathroom....I'm eventually going to whitewash this...can't wait!
I thought I'd take a photo of our back deck....and the snow...and......if you can believe's SNOWING out right now! We are in for a spring storm and could get up to 25CM of snow...this is just not fair!!!! You can't really tell in this photo...but trust is!!
Hugs everyone!!
Glad to be back to a normal routine...and seemingly feeling better!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Soul searching...and sun!
This is March Break for the kids, and I'm still not feeling like my old self, but two of the kids and I decided that we would head on down to the area I grew up in, and where they spent ALOT of time when my parents were we packed a lunch and left early this's 1 1/2 hours.....we went to the beach! This is the beach in my header and it was cold, but SOOO nice, and we weren't the only people on the beach! What an amazing place...always said it was my own little piece of heaven. We walked a bit, then went to the car and ate our lunch.....after that we drove back up to town and visited with my aunt and ate again...LOL...(she a fabulous baker, still, at 86). So it was a great day........
Sandy and Becky......sunshine was definately a good idea!! I had a fantastic time today walking on the beach...nothing like cold, salt air to revive a person!! LOL Thank you for caring.
Take care everyone
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hibernation or????
That's what I'm asking myself. I have been hibernating from posting and for the most part, have not even been visiting my favourite blogs much! What's with this?? Honestly, I don't know. I love Blogging, I love visiting other Blogs, but lately I just have not had the energy to do so.
The kids are on March break this coming week. I am not sure what we will be doing...probably some days trips, depending on the weather. We still have lots of snow in our yard.
I've done some painting, I've done lots of stitching.....and I've moped around like crazy!!! I am tired of feeling like this, and hope I can shake this mood soon!!
Anyone ever felt like this? I honestly don't know how to shake this "off" feeling that I have at the moment.
I'm leaving you with my stitching......I plan on hanging this in my entry way, when done. Not sure why the fabric shows like this! The fabric is actually taupe.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
What I have been doing....
First of all, I CAN still use my camera, but it is a pain...the large screen is not accessable, so I have to look at the small view finder....
I have been busy painting. We are starting with our hallway..leading to the front door, the kids bathroom and the kids bedrooms. I am so excited and loving the colour! I still have to put a second coat on, and take off the tape, but it's looking good!
I also made this window topper for our front door. The taupe in the window topper is the same colour as the walls. I even lined this window topper, thanks to and idea from my friend Leslie.

I have a "helper" hehehe....
I'm also busy trying to stitch up "Isabella's Garden" hang on my freshly painted walls! I love this design!

I am feeling a little "off" the past few weeks, not sure why....I guess partly because my husband's job is feeling the effects of the economy, as are most businesses around here...with him, comission it's been tough. We also have our oldest going to university in the money, money, money....I know we are better off than alot, and I am so thankful for that, but we are still having a tough time.....I hope things turn around soon!!!!
On that note....have a great day my friends!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yup...another storm day! This is getting so old! It is freezing rain, but supposed to turn to rain later this morning and then go really warm this afternoon...I sure hope it gets warm, I have to go out later!
I was hoping to add some photos, but when I got my camera was broken! Great start to a new week! I'm sad...I loved my camera.......I can still take photos and upload them, but when I take a photo, I can only see a tiny bit of what I am actually taking a photo of! I don't know if it just broke, or one of the kids somehow dropped the padded bag I keep it in!! I guess I'll never know.
I had a quiet Birthday yesterday....we went out on Saturday to eat as it was DH's Birthday and also because it was forecasting freezing rain and snow yesterday.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
I was hoping to add some photos, but when I got my camera was broken! Great start to a new week! I'm sad...I loved my camera.......I can still take photos and upload them, but when I take a photo, I can only see a tiny bit of what I am actually taking a photo of! I don't know if it just broke, or one of the kids somehow dropped the padded bag I keep it in!! I guess I'll never know.
I had a quiet Birthday yesterday....we went out on Saturday to eat as it was DH's Birthday and also because it was forecasting freezing rain and snow yesterday.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
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