So, hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I did....even though my origional plan of going to PEI for the day got squished. (Next weekend we hope to go either Saturday or Sunday)....just before noon, DD#2, DS, and DH and I headed out for a drive...we went around a bit of the coast, just outside the city...beautiful drive....gorgeous homes.....great scenery....however, it was SO windy and rainy that I really couldn't take photos...except when we drove up to one of the lighthouses...dispite the horrible weather, I did snap a couple of photos, which I will share with you.
After the drive we went out to a late lunch/early supper and then DH stopped at Dairy Queen for treats to take home. Oldest DD surprised us by coming home early from work...she got someone to cover the last couple of hours of her swim classes and came home to spend time with us!! That was a nice surprise!!
Today I am overloaded with laundry!!! Since I was on the road with DH a few days last week and the weather wasn't nice to hang any laundry oh man, I'll be here until Christmas working on it! LOL....that's my project for get it under control.
I also want to get caught up on some other household chores that got by the wayside in the past few just never ends! LOL
Take care everyone...happy Monday......and I'll take those prim photos today as later or tomorrow.

Here is what I woke to!!! Snow!! It was melted by late in the morning, but still!!

This was when we parked up by the lighthouse...I opened the car door to take this photo. The
wind and rain was incredible. That line that you see in the photo is part of a light system for the lighthouse.

This is just another shot taken at the same place...if you look closely on the right of that power box, you will faintly see hoomes built right on the rocks, on the side of the coastline! These are gorgeous homes, but on a day like thanks!!

Here is a photo of the lighthouse as we were drivig away. I could not get a better photo with the wind and the rain. Still pretty cool though.