Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2008


I feel this is a necessary post for me at this time. First of all, my kids are's just so hard being the parent sometimes! Yesterday I was going to meet oldest DD when she had a break from her work teaching swimming...her break is actually 4 hours, as she teaches in the morning, and again in the evening, so I decided I would pick her up and we would go shopping. Youngest DD was to come with us...HOWEVER, the one thing I had asked her to do was practice her piano for a few minutes!! Did she do it?? NO! She stalled and stalled and then I said "Fine, you are NOT coming with me!"......She was okay with that until she realized that I was serious, then the tears started, the begging and finally the promising to practice. I stood firm...and I left without her.....I was sad as I was driving to pick up oldest, but I knew I had made the right's just so very hard sometimes, isn't it! Oldest and I had a really nice time...we browsed a second hand shop, a book store, went out to lunch and then hit Wal-mart for some travel accessories for her trip next week. My oldest is going on a big band trip...she's going to the US!! Maine, Boston, and New York!! While in New York, they are going to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway!! Can this kid get any luckier! LOL She deserves it, they are a fabulous band and we are very proud of her. She plays the flute by the way.

Anyway, I just needed to vent a little on being the "mean mom" yesterday.
Take care
Have a great day everyone!!