Showing posts with label friendships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendships. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Good evening!!

Wow....we are having EXTREMELY hot and humid weather here...with the humidex it is like 41 celcius. Unseasonably warm.......actually HOT. AND, we are in the line for a direct hit from hurricane EARL. so if you can say a prayer for would be greatly appreciated! Tomorrow is the first day of school for the kids around here, and I'm doubtful if they will be there a full day because of the heat....but I am heading to the grocery store as soon as they are on their buses and getting stocked up for several days. I am so thankful that we have a generator, (and a major one at that) that will provide us with light, the fridge, (no oven, washer and dryer, but I can surely live without that!!)....water (we are well water and depend on electricity) and all the other comforts we need. Six (I think) years ago, we were hit with hurricane Juan and we were without power for 7 days. I remember stepping outside the next morning and it was like a war zone...and the quiet.....was unimaginable......fortunately my parents were both alive at that time and they were restored power in a few hours, so the kids and I went to live with them for the rest of the time....DH would come down every second day for a hot meal and a shower. He did not want to leave our home unattended. It was an event in my life that I will never forget and I pray that this weekend is NOT a repeat of that for our area of the world!!!!

This past weekend I travelled to my hometown area for a wedding. It was the son of a good friend of mine. I don't usually post photos like this, but these girlies are my best friends in the entire world.........we are known as the OMS...between us we have 12 kids, ranging in age from 32 to 13. We see each other as much as we can, and usually try to plan a yearly overnight shopping trip......what we have is precious and I am so thankful for their friendships....I love them all dearly.

And finally.......Bethlehem - Cross Stitch Patternby K. Elaine Kramer Designs........finished by moi and framed by the DH of a good friend (and fellow cross-stitcher).

Have a wonderful evening everyone!!


Saturday, February 6, 2010


Look at this photo! I got a surprise in the mail on Thursday!! A little history...about 10 years ago, I was matched up with a fellow stitcher on the 123 Message was to be an exchange for I "think" either 3 or 6 months, where we sent surprise packages to each it is many years later and this stitcher and I are still friends!! We found out that we shared the same Birthday as well! Each year we do packages for each other....sometimes a Birthday package, or a summer, or Mother's Day, or a fall never seems to be the same. Anyway, we did Christmas packages for each other in 2009, and when I received that one, my friend told me that I would be getting surprises throughout 2010! I had no idea what she was up to...however, this came in the mail this past week and she tells me that I will get a package each month with the chart and threads to stitch each month!! I have decided to do it over one on a large piece of fabric and add each month as I receive it!

I have also been gifted by an amazing online stitching friend....her generosity amazes me...and I truly treasure her friendship. I was gifted with a gift certificate to my favourite online stitching store.....Downsunshine Lane! I'll let you know tomorrow what I decide to purchase!

I am still deciding on the packages for my giveaway, but promise to have photos either later today or tomorrow...don't forget to add your name to the giveaways..two posts down!

This afternoon DH and I are headed out for a while by ourselves! We are heading to the winery area of the province. There is an ice wine tasting/chocolate tasting event this afternoon! Yum!!

Can't wait!!

It's a beautiful, sunny, cold day here today.....

Take care my later!!!


Thursday, January 1, 2009


That should say Blizzard!!! WE are in the midst of a BLIZZARD at the moment!!! Great way to start a New Year!!!!

Well, it's been over a week since I actually did a decent post...and I have to say, we had one of the best Holidays in years. Christmas Eve we had an open house....drop in, say hello, have a drink, leave...LOL....we had some neighbours drop in, and it was great. Later in the day, the girls and I headed on over to Larry's brother's house for their drop in.....stayed for a bit and came home to play board games around the fire...great way to spend Christmas Eve. Larry and Gregory stayed here, in case we had more drop-ins. Christmas morning I was the first one up, as usual, (I love getting up early!!) I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, and by that time, everyone else was up, so we headed on down to the family room to open presents. I got a cross-stitch from my youngest....and I'm thrilled...she is such a good little shopper! How she gets to do it, is at her school they have a shopping day.....parents donate new things (Dollar Store, or new things that aren't going to be used in that particular household.) They are all organized on tables in the gym....example, for mom, for sister, for brother....and the kids get to buy for their, cheap, easy way to shop! Each item is $1.00, and if your child takes 5 things in, she gets 5 tickets to shop....(parents have to send the money in as well)...but it's so great for the kids! I have already started the cross-stitch and it will belong to my daughter at some point.

My son gave me a Christmas plate....he wanted me to open it on Christmas Eve, so I did and I have used it almost every day since for various things. My oldest daughter gave me a gift certificate for a manicure! Yippee!!

My husband surprised me with a membership to Costco!! We had talked about it, but I wasn't expecting it for Christmas. He had the card in this really fancy box and put it under the tree. At one point he asked me if I had shaken that box...I said No, why? He said it might break! Crazy hubby!! He also got me a beautiful heart shaped ring, which I tried to take a photo of!!

Christmas Day I was going to cook chicken, potatoes, carrots, etc...and Larry's mom called and invited us over for supper! A first, as in 22 years we have never had Christmas Dinner with his mom....we went, as did all the family and it was wonderful!! I am thankful for a very Blessed Christmas!!
On Sunday, I had all of Larry's family, a couple of extras and ourselves for a buffet style went over very well.

My colourful girls...before the party..LOL

Last night we stayed home....had chinese food and set off fireworks in the middle of a snow storm at midnight!!! LOL......

Oh and yesterday morning, I had coffee with a childhood friend.....she gave me this folk art photo she drew...and a really nice card...the back of the picture frame says...."There were three cottages by the sea,Where three girls laughed and played carefree."

It will hold a special place in my heart, as does she.
And look at this!!! I won a drawing on
this arrived yesterday!!! I am thrilled! And look at this pinkeep!!!!

Well everyone, I am staying inside safe and warm...we are all home except for our oldest...she had to work last night for a while and then was going out with her boyfriend...they were going to go back to his parents house, as it is closer to her work...much closer. She is supposed to work later today, but I sure hope the store doesn't open!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Round Robins....

Over the past few years, I have participated in several Round Robins...and have enjoyed them all. This particular piece I was involved in a few years ago, and I really don't think I had a "THEME". There were to be 9 sitchers, some from Canada, locally actually, and some from the US. During the course of the RR one girl dropped out, so I actually stitched two squares myself. This Round Robin actually hangs in my sewing room now.....I had the frame made by a cross-stitch shop that has since closed. The frame is a dark blue..(I think I went by DMC colour 931). I told my fellow stitching Blogger that I would post a photo of this today.Speaking of Round Robins, I thought I'd also post this photo...also in my sewing room. This is another Round Robin that I did several years ago, it is Lizzie Kate's seasons and this one went from me, to the US, over to England and back to me. I really like this one too and had the frames made for it, and the same colour DMC. I'm not sure why one photo is showing blurry, it really isn't in person.

I haven't done any RR's for a few years......I may get back to it at some point, but for now, I enjoy just stitching what I want, when I want.

Take care and have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Enough of feeling a bit sorry for mood has greatly improved today. It could be the sun that is brightly shining, or it could be the fact that I decided to have my hair cut and foils put in last night (a real treat for me), or the fact that I have decided ENOUGH! I don't like feeling sad, or icky, and I'll do my best not to.

Today I met up with my two cousins for "Blanket Club". It was great to get together again, and hopefully our weekly meetings will be back on schedule now that fall is almost here. These two cousins are like older sisters I never had. We had lunch (oven toasted tuna/cheese burgers) cut up veggies, melon, tea, and brownies and carrot cake for dessert...okay, admittedly part of these meetings are the food! LOL We worked on our swedish weaving blankets and discussed the possibility of attending a water exercise class on Monday mornings. Also, next week we will meet on Thursday and go on a "field trip" (we take these Blanket Club meetings seriously...heehee). We are going to go to get some apples and to a second hand shop....can't wait! Also, next week is the Elton John concert!!
Take care everyone...
Have a great evening.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


On Sunday August 17th, we are going to have our second annual corn boil and BBQ at our house. We will invite some family and friends and neighbours to our house. We will have corn, hamburgers and hot dogs, and I will make some potato salad, etc...and I was thinking maybe some chili in my slowcooker, anyway, does anyone have any other good ideas on what I can have? Some of our family our vegetarians, so I will also have to have enough for them. Is chili a good idea, or should i do something else in the slow cooker? I was thinking of a fruit tray and probably a cake for dessert...any ideas on that? I'd like some different things to I welcome input in this. Oh and I also thought I would have some rolls or homemade biscuits.
Thanks for everyones help!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am down to the final stages of packing. I am doing it for my youngest, my son, my DH and myself, plus the food, things we will need for the tent trailer..etc...I don't "think" I have forgotten anything. My oldest DD will do her own packing, as she really won't be there long.

I am really looking forward to the family reunion on Saturday. It is supposed to be a wonderful sunny day, so that helps. My dad's brother will be there...he is the last surviving member of that generation. He is 88, and you would think he was 60. He's amazing...but then so was my dad. We should have around 40 people there...and there will be hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, fruit and veggies and ice cream for dessert! Yum!!

I also hope to get to visit my good friend Betty. I have not seen her new trailer since she bought it and moved's about another 40 miles from where I will be staying, but the youngest two and I will make that trip probably on Sunday afternoon.

There is also a possibility of getting together with a few other friends.....and that would be just great! I see them all too little these days....

I hope to take the youngest two to a neighbouring town and tour around there (it's on the water and beautiful)...and get some lunch and maybe ice cream for dessert.

Ofcourse the kids will want to drive by my parents home. All of my children miss the town I grew up in, and my parents lived in SO much. They talk of it often, but it would have been a mistake to move there after my parents deaths. I explain to them that they have the wonderful memories BECAUSE of my parents and it would not be the same without them around. They will always have the wonderful memories of the fun times they had with my parents...I am forever grateful for that. They had fabulous grandparents.

So anyway, back to the packing....just how much "stuff" do you need for a few days??? LOL I am not a light packer...better to be safe than sorry!!

Have a great few days my friends...I will miss your blogs...but I will have the catching up on reading your posts when I return! I hope to have lots of fun stories and photos to share as well.


Monday, June 30, 2008


We are experiencing not so summer like weather the past few days here. We do not even have our easy set pool up yet!! This is the latest it has ever been that we have not had it up!! So for that fact and the weather, it doesn't seem like summer!! I thought I'd take a photo of youngest clowning around on the deck...that's her new "Camp Rock" T-shirt she bought on her shopping spree. LOL

DH and youngest DD and I took our dog to the vet this morning for a follow-up, she's doing very well and quite playful, but we are monitoring the lump on her mammary gland and will have it removed in August, when we have had a bit of vacation, as the recovery time is two weeks, and ofcourse she comes with us when we go away overnight!

Don't these look yummy!!! DS made them last night when he was looking for something to do! They are just the slice and bake ones, but still very yummy and they disappeared pretty fast!!!
He likes to bake when he's dad did that as well...and was a very, very good baker!

Can you guess what our favourite berry is??????LOL We take FULL advantage of strawberry season around here! We have had bowls of strawberries, bowls with whipped cream, strawberry shortcake, strawberries and biscuits, strawberry crepes, you name it....we have had it.....and I am going to go get some more tonight, as tomorrow is a Holiday in Canada...have to stock up!!


On that note, I will end and go get a few strawberries to tide me over until supper! I would also like to thank my blogger friend Zandra.....for the wonderful ideas and recipes she sent me!! I don't feel like I am sinking in boring food for my kids...(I have two kids that do not eat meat).

Have a great day everyone!!!


Thursday, June 5, 2008


I just love this purse!!! My friend Leslie, over at "My Country Home"

made this! I knew when she posted some photos of ones she was making on her blog, that I just had to have I asked her if I could buy one from her...this came in the mail yesterday, and it's perfect!!!! I am going to use it this weekend when I go away for a night with my girlfriend. We are celebrating our Birthdays..mine in March, hers in May...we are driving about an hour and a half from here, and staying at a really old Bed & Breakfast..touring around the small town Saturday evening....Sunday morning we will go to a neighbouring town to the Sunday Market...I can hardly wait!!
Anyways.....back to the old grindstone...LOL......
Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yesterday my two cousins and I met for "Blanket Club" again and this time we got wonderful bundles of Monk Cloth that one cousin had brought back from Florida! Let me explain the history of "Blanket Club".......three years ago when my dad passed away, I was in awe of the wonderful things people did for my mom and cousins included. I renewed friendships with cousins that had been a very important part of my life growing up, but as we grew older and got our own families, the closeness was gone...anyway, I maintained these friendships and value them dearly. We had a cousin reunion last summer and are having another this summer...all the cousins bring their spouses, children,'s lots of the history of Blanket Club started when I was getting together occasionally for lunches with two of my cousins...over lunch one day we started discussing the fact that it would be nice to have a new cousin mentioned the art of Swedish Weaving, which someone had showed her a few years before...she was almost done a she invited us to her house the following Tuesday...that was almost two years ago...we meet weekly, except in the summer and work on Blankets, talk, have's wonderful. The irony of it all is that the cousin that originated this idea has only ever made the one blanket!!! She gets a real kick out of the fact that her sister and I have made about 20 between us! These blankets are important to me...I have given some to family members, I have some in my home, but more importantly, each Blanket represents the wonderful friendships renewed over the art of Swedish Weaving and something none of us will ever forget.
I'm enclosing the photo of all the wonderful Monk's cloth...

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I urge each of you who read this Blog, to check out on my side bar the Blog..."She Who Makes Waves"...(sorry, I can't do the link thingy yet)......and read the wonderful post she did explaining our friendship. I could never had done it so wonderfully as she did. If you do pop on over, maybe leave a comment?!