Good evening!!
Wow....we are having EXTREMELY hot and humid weather here...with the humidex it is like 41 celcius. Unseasonably warm.......actually HOT. AND, we are in the line for a direct hit from hurricane EARL. so if you can say a prayer for would be greatly appreciated! Tomorrow is the first day of school for the kids around here, and I'm doubtful if they will be there a full day because of the heat....but I am heading to the grocery store as soon as they are on their buses and getting stocked up for several days. I am so thankful that we have a generator, (and a major one at that) that will provide us with light, the fridge, (no oven, washer and dryer, but I can surely live without that!!)....water (we are well water and depend on electricity) and all the other comforts we need. Six (I think) years ago, we were hit with hurricane Juan and we were without power for 7 days. I remember stepping outside the next morning and it was like a war zone...and the quiet.....was unimaginable......fortunately my parents were both alive at that time and they were restored power in a few hours, so the kids and I went to live with them for the rest of the time....DH would come down every second day for a hot meal and a shower. He did not want to leave our home unattended. It was an event in my life that I will never forget and I pray that this weekend is NOT a repeat of that for our area of the world!!!!
This past weekend I travelled to my hometown area for a wedding. It was the son of a good friend of mine. I don't usually post photos like this, but these girlies are my best friends in the entire world.........we are known as the OMS...between us we have 12 kids, ranging in age from 32 to 13. We see each other as much as we can, and usually try to plan a yearly overnight shopping trip......what we have is precious and I am so thankful for their friendships....I love them all dearly.
And finally.......Bethlehem - Cross Stitch Patternby K. Elaine Kramer Designs........finished by moi and framed by the DH of a good friend (and fellow cross-stitcher).
Have a wonderful evening everyone!!