Showing posts with label PRAYERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRAYERS. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I got my Fairy framed! I like how she turned out, and feel like I accomplished something in the past few days with the framing I've done! Yippee!!

The above photo I thought was very was taken Sunday night while we were having a fire and sitting around the firepit. The dog looks like she is smiling too!

If I may, I would appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts you can send my way. I have been having problems with my foot/ankle and it is not getting better...worse actually. I have to call the Dr this morning, she will have my x-ray results. I am nervous, very nervous....we all seem to think the worst of everything. If there are no conclusive results from this, I go for bloodwork.

UPDATE: Seems as though I have Plantars Fascitis. Painful is all I can say!
I will recover though...and hey, maybe a good reason NOT to do too much housework!! (More time to stitch)

Have a great day everyone!