Showing posts with label MY FAMILY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY FAMILY. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2009


January 10, 1920 - September 22, 2006

If my mom was still with us, today would have been her 89th Birthday.....

Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. It's hard to believe that it has been 2 1/2 years since I kissed you good bye. We will honour your memory today with a we always did when you were with us.
My mom was a wonderful mom and grandmother. My oldest daughter is alot like her...more like her than me. I smile when I see the similarities between them. It definately skipped my generation..LOL

My mom met my dad at a party when she was in her late 20's. She had dated someone for many years before that...not sure what happened there....but my mom and dad got married when she was 35 and he 40. I was born when mom was 38.

My mom was the youngest of 8 children. She was spoiled...she admitted that..LOL

She never spoke a harsh word about any of her brothers, sisters or parents...she loved and admired them all.

One of my mom's greatest roles was that of a grandmother...something she did not take lightly.
My 3 children cherish the times they spent with her and will never forget her. They were fortunate to spend many, many nights sleeping at nannie and grampie's house.

MOM...we love you, we miss you, but we know you are at peace and once again united with the love of your "Love you both, always and forever." You're always with me in my heart.

I will get a phone call at some point today...long distance...from my mom's childhood friend, who is 87. She always called mom on her birthday, and since mom passed away, she has been calling me periodically..but always on mom's her dearly as well.
EDITED TO ADD: Received the above phone call at 9:15am this morning. Sometimes it's the little things like this that really make you appreciate what you have.

Sorry for the bad photos..I have tons and tons but don't have a scanner anymore!!

Mom and dad on their wedding day.

My mom...a photo taken for her work around 1955.
And, mom and dad on MY wedding day...1987.

Last photo of my mom and dad together...her Birthday, January 10, 2005.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Drummer!

This week has been busy with a storm day, a Band Concert and a Christmas Concert..with the band playing at that as well. Last night was the Christmas Concert...and I was a little's the last Christmas Concert at that school for my children.....I've attended them since 1996!!
My youngest wil be in junior high next year.

Also, I need to finish up my shopping...just need a nice day to get out and finish!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Morning,prayers and giveaways!

First of all, if you haven't read my previous post, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would, and I would appreciate all the kinds thoughts and prayers for my family.
In honour of my wonderful blog friends that I have met up with on this blog....and because last week I won a wonderful cross-stitch kit off Sandy's Blog...I would like to offer this set of bookmarks from my husband's business. I offered a set of these several months ago as well. They really are very nice. It is 10 laminated, collectible bookmarks of our wonderful city.
If you would be interested in winning this set, please leave me a comment.
Also, I am about to post another giveaway. I will draw for this on Thursday.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


TOMORROW I WILL BE POSTING A PIF AND A COUPLE OF honour of my wonderful blog friends...
Something has arisen in my family today that basically was a bad choice of one of my children. It was a very bad choice and disappointing, but at the same time, I feel it was an eyeopener for the person involved and for our family. It is not life was just a bad split second decision, that could in turn be a positive time in that child's life. The punishment will give this child a chance to think,make some good decisions and a chance to spend good quality family time and wise life decisions. I will say no more....I truly believe everything happens for a reason and good will come of this. No one is perfect and we love our children no matter what. This wasn't horrible...just disappointing.
At the same time I ask for prayers that the right decisions and choices be made by this child, during the appropriate time ahead, as there will be lots of "thinking" time. Enough said..
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well, we got LOTS of snow over night, and it is actually snowing again now (after being sunny for a few hours!). This morning there was SO much snow....we couldn't open the front door...I got
the basement door open, as it opens in....let our dog out and she got stuck!!! She was so not impressed! DS and DH have been out clearing the walkways and driveways for hours, and just took our daughter to the bus stop down the road for work....she was supposed to work at 9am, but we were in the midst of the storm then, and besides nothing, including where she works was open then!

There is a bright spot today though....DH checked the mail, which we didn't get to do yesterday, and there was my matchbox exchange from Sara! I cannot get over her stitching....I always new she was a fantastic stitcher, and this proves it.....I was spoiled!! The photos do not do it justice. She sent me a scissors holder...with my initials on it...and scissors!! She sent me my own needlebook....and a floss tag, as well as Dinky Dyes floss!! Thank you Sara...this was so much fun!! She posted what I sent her here.
Today for me has been spent pretty much down in my sewing room. I am re-organizing and also I can watch any DVD I want down there. I'm off in a bit to watch either Anne of Green Gables, or a 7th Heavern DVD. I have a comfy chair down there, and I will try and finish my blanket for my friend. Youngest is not feeling well, so is sleeping....a quiet day indeed.
Take care and enjoy your weekend...if anyone wants some snow...I can spare some!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


So sorry, life just seems to get in the way sometimes!

It's been a rather busy, but good week.

Today DH took off from work (he's independant for a company, so can do this on occasion) and we went out to do some errands. We got some paint for our hallway, and also some for our son's ceiling. We are SLOWLY redoing all the rooms. I am so excited!! I have a goal as to what I want to get done before Christmas, it isn't alot, but it will be a nice start!!

Anyway, we also managed to get his mom's Christmas present...a giftcard to Applebee's. She really likes Applebee's and she can use it here or in Florida, when she goes there in January! She is a very hard person to buy for, so I think this will be perfect and enjoyable for her! heehee

Tonight is a VERY foggy night...and very mild. It is just ds and I at home at the moment, so it's quiet, I have my latte and a candle going, and am going to work on my friend Betty's blanket for a bit. My oldest daughter will be home from work in a couple of hours and dh will be home later as well. My youngest is spending the night at her friend's house.

I just got a call a few minutes ago from my LNS!! (Local Needlework Store). Only, my LNS isn't so local...LOL...anyway, the patterns I ordered have come in, so they are going to mail them to me, plus the fabric for one!! I am going to make this a Christmas present to myself. I really like these patterns. Actually, the one with the casket I first saw on my friend Sara's blog, and knew I had to have it! LOL

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I have to pick up youngest dd early and we are planning on going shopping. There is some kind of "shopping spree" at the Community Centre, not sure what it's all about, but I want to check it out.

I am showing you a photo of an afghan that I got earlier this week. (Yes, it's very bright, it's the one with the pink in it, and the lion on top) When I was at my cousin's on Tuesday, she had a pile of things for me to go through (she's all for recycling, passing on...etc) and she brought this out. The story behind this is kind of fitting for who got the afghan. My cousin befriended an elderly gentleman years ago....she met him when she was learning to play the piano...he was a wonderful dancer, but his wife did not dance. She (my cousin) would dance with him...eventually his wife passed away, and this man considered my cousin like a daughter. (He has 4 sons). Fast forward about 20 years...this man is still alive at the age of 95!! He suffered a heart attack in August and isn't doing so well at the moment. However, this afghan was made by his wife and this gentleman gave it to my cousin when he was moving out of his house into a senior place. She kept it, but hadn't really used it....

This man entered my life three years ago. When I moved my mom into a private nursing home (5 patients) was because of my cousin...she told me about this place, in my community...because this man lived/lives there. Each day I visited my mom, I would visit with him...fascinating that time he was 92..... He took a real liking to my youngest daughter Sara...and always had lots of questions for her, when she visited. My daughter Sara is the recipient of this afghan, and I know this gentleman would be very pleased at that. He would not remember us now...his memory, sadly is fading. He was such a wonderful, smart gentleman.

He enriched my life when I visited my mom, especially on the days my mom was very quiet and I would have been just quietly sitting with her.

Do have a great evening everyone!!


Friday, October 31, 2008


It's a cool, chilly day here, but the sun is shining, and it's supposed to warm up a bit for the trick or treaters tonight!

My oldest was late leaving for school this morning...this is why!! Her and her friend that has been staying with us got dressed up. My daughter (the bunny) went to the Dollar Store and bought ears and a boa....used her white clothes and dressed as a bunny. She has to work after school and then to a Halloween party! Her friend, (who is moving out to a new place tomorrow) dressed as a gangster of sorts....origional.....and made use of what she had....they made a cute picture these two driving down the road to school dressed like this. They wanted me to take some photos before they left.

I tried to post this a bit earlier in the day, but couldn't get my photos to upload...anyway, now I have youngest and friend home here and in a bit we will have some pizza and head out.

Have a great evening everyone!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Good Monday morning everyone! Brrrr it's chilly here...and the forecast says possibly flurries on Wednesday!!! What's with that!!!
I finished framing this earlier this morning...sorry for any glare or marks on the glass or frame...there aren't any, I's just the reflection. I'm going to hang this in my sewing room.

Also, my son missed getting his school photos taken at the school this year, and he's SO hard to get a photo taken of, so I got him to promise that since he missed the ones at school, I would not drag him to Wal-mart, but I wanted to try myself, and I'd take them into Wal-mart, edit and print up a 5 x 7 and some on the weekend, while we were burning some things in the firepit in the back yard, I grabbed my camera and got these shots. I think they turned out okay. I'll edit some more before I print, but I'm happy...this is smiling for him by the way...LOL

Have a great day everyone!!

Hugs ,Marion

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My youngest is on the track and field team at school. Basically what it consists of is that each fall they do four meets.....and meet at 4 different schools...they range in ages from grade 3 to grade 6 and race according to grades and sexes. Yesterday was her second meet of the season. There are many kids that attend these meets....and yesterday was a gorgeous fall day, so comfortable for running and also for the parents waiting!

Here is a photo of a lake not far from our house. We took this photo on the way to the track meet! Daughter getting her finish number.

And the victory smile...LOL

And now, I want to add something I thought of yesterday. When S and I were arriving at the track meet....we found a parking spot on a cul de sac almost next to the school....we had to walk on a paved pathway to get to the school.....on the pathway were all kinds of beautiful fall leaves crunching under our feet...and they had such a wonderful "smell" that even possible?? It reminded me of many years ago when I was in school and walking home...there were several areas that had lots of leaves in the fall because of the beautiful old trees that lost them...and I remember the wonderful feeling of walking or running through them with my friends....and the cool crisp air that was perfect for walking or playing on the way home. My mom and grandmother would be home waiting for me....and always something good to eat. Back then, we didn't buy snacks, everything was homemade. We rarely ate and my grandmother cooked all the meals.....I didn't even try pizza until I was in grade 7!! Anyway, I just wanted to say that the feeling I got from walking through those leaves yesterday just brought back a wave of memories...wonderful ones...that I had forgotten about.....and it was great.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is Nala (or Nallie as we call her)...she is 10, been through alot this year medically, but still going strong. I had to show this....I just missed where she had all her paws in the air! She is napping in my stitching chair. That's her dog bed in the corner of the photo (zepra print)...but she squeezes into this chair!! It can't be comfortable! LOL

She is my shadow each and every day. Once in a while I will say "Wanna take a nap?" She's gone.....zoom......down the hall, with a toy in her mouth and jumps on my bed. Sometimes we take a "catnap" before the kids get home...while the house is still quiet...LOL

My how pets enrich our lives, don't they?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


An update from my post yesterday.....daughter and boyfriend are still together. They talked and seemingly worked things out. We'll see. We will support her in any decision she makes concerning this. Thanks for all your comments...I truly appreciate them.

This morning is a bit chilly, but a beautiful fall morning. I took a couple of photos out my back door....the photos do not do justice to what I see.

I also wanted to show you what I am taking to Blanket Club meeting today. Colleen over at posted this Pumpkin Gingerbread recipe and I tried it yesterday...YUM! A big hit! Thank you Colleen.

I do hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008



It is two years ago today that my mom passed away. She was 88 years old.
She lived 19 months longer (almost to the day) than my dad. My dad passed away rather suddenly and her world fell apart. My mom suffered from alzheimers for a few years, but was very functionable until my dad was taken from her. They maintained their own home...and had a great life together. I watched her struggle so hard those months...trying to block out the fact that my dad, her life, was gone.

My mom was a wonderful lady. She had a terrific sense of humor, which she had until the day she died. She was the youngest of 8 children and the last surviving sibling of her family.

I miss my mom alot, and I think of her every day. Although I lived 100 miles from her and dad, I spoke to her at least once a day. She spent the last 9 months of her life in a private nursing home just 5 miles from me, although she did not realize she was that close. Her eyes would light up when I came to visit, or my children....some days we would talk, some days I would just sit with her. Whenever the children or I got up to leave, she'd always kiss us and say " You'll be back tomorrow?"

She taught my children what it was like to have a loving relationship with a grandmother....they still miss her very, very much.

Always in our thoughts....forever in our hearts....Love you always mom....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Enough of feeling a bit sorry for mood has greatly improved today. It could be the sun that is brightly shining, or it could be the fact that I decided to have my hair cut and foils put in last night (a real treat for me), or the fact that I have decided ENOUGH! I don't like feeling sad, or icky, and I'll do my best not to.

Today I met up with my two cousins for "Blanket Club". It was great to get together again, and hopefully our weekly meetings will be back on schedule now that fall is almost here. These two cousins are like older sisters I never had. We had lunch (oven toasted tuna/cheese burgers) cut up veggies, melon, tea, and brownies and carrot cake for dessert...okay, admittedly part of these meetings are the food! LOL We worked on our swedish weaving blankets and discussed the possibility of attending a water exercise class on Monday mornings. Also, next week we will meet on Thursday and go on a "field trip" (we take these Blanket Club meetings seriously...heehee). We are going to go to get some apples and to a second hand shop....can't wait! Also, next week is the Elton John concert!!
Take care everyone...
Have a great evening.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I was asked how the whole party/clean your room went? Well, when my daughter got home from school I explained what exactly I had meant by "clean your room"....she and I organized things....and I told her how she needed to tidy didn't all get done before we had to leave, but alot did. She went to the party and I'm glad she did. There were only 5 girls invited, and all 5 went and had a sleepover that night. They went to a Rock Climbing gym and had a great time.
Her room still needs a going over, but at least it's just minor. I'll be checking it each night.....I am in NO way a neat freak....I just like it in some kind of order you know?
As for our other daughter's car, we still don't know what is wrong, DH will talk to our mechanic today (hopefully) and see if he has any idea. I do have a feeling it's probably at the end of it's's old, and well, we don't want to put alot more money into we will probably be on the lookout for something else for her.
I've been feeling really sad lately.....our oldest has decided that she DOES want to go away to university. I cannot imagine her not here each day.....I know, it happens all the time, but I'm not ready for it to happen to us. I am proud of her and her accomplishments and how hard she works at school, but I will miss her greatly come next fall, and still hope for a miracle that she will change her mind and go locally. The problem with locally is that we have fantastic universities, but they are at the top of the price range in Canada, sadly.
Have a great day everyone...I hope to get some cross-stitching done today.
Take care

Friday, September 12, 2008


It is 10:45 am here, and I feel like crawling back into bed and wishing this day away..LOL....okay it isn't that bad, but it's just been one of those mornings.
It started bright and early with my youngest looking for a permission slip she needed for a party tonight (rock climbing..indoors) and ofcourse yesterday I had asked her NOT to take that from where I had it, but she did and now can't find I had asked her last night to tidy her room, by bedtime it wasn't done, so she was up early this morning seemingly doing it....I didn't have time to check before she got the bus, but when I did....geesh...I guess my defination of "tidy up" is not hers!! Needless to say, she will be in there when she gets home. I had a mind to keep her home from this party, but I won't be that harsh this time...the parents have paid for 5 girls to go and a last minute cancellation, unless unavoidable wouldn't be fair, so I'll deal with it another way.

And now for the "better" part.....our oldest has a car that we purchased for her over a year ago. She needs a car for her job, we live in the country...well lately it has been having problems and our mechanic doesn't know what it is.....anyway, my husband had it a couple of days ago...and it worked fine, then it did the things she said it did...while he was on his way home, so it sat in our driveway...I was easily able to drive her to and from work yesterday and told her I could today, but she said no to today. My husband, in the meantime had planned on getting new tires on MY car today, so took it, and left his van here...I don't normally drive the van, but have keys. however when DH left, he took my keys and ofcourse probably had his in his pocket! LOL....So...a few minutes after he left, I get a call from our daughter...her car was acting up and she was at her friend's and they HAD to get to school. I call DH on his cell phone...he's out of I call the place where he is going...and eventually he calls me....he has to turn around and get DD and her friend and drive them to now we have to get her car fixed as soon as we can...she works hours that will mean alot of re-arranging in our schedules....or I let her take my car.....which will put me here without one....not really a big deal, but I really do use my car alot.
I am ready to have a talk with youngest when she gets home AND her punishment has been decided. She WILL be allowed to go to this party, since I had already told the mom she could ..BUT she will not be going shopping tomorrow with her friends and her friend's mom as planned...she will not be having anyone over or go to anyone's house for a week, no sleepover next weekend that she wanted AND her room will be checked every night before bed to make sure nothing has been "hidden".
I had started my post earlier and then had to save it for a while to help DH go get our daughter's car and get it back here. I still don't have my tires on...I hope that will get done this afternoon.

I should also add, our daughter's car is an old there is that chance it might take more to fix it then we want to pay...we might be looking at trying to find her a "new old" car. :(


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Good morning! Gosh, another sunny day here! What is the world coming to!!! LOL
My cousin came over to visit on Tuesday, and I decided that since it was a beautiful sunny day with just a nip of fall in the air, I would get out my aunt's china to have lunch on. It reminds me of fall, with the gold/yellow in the flowers. We had a great time and enjoyed a nice lunch together.
I am working on a new cross-stitch and sorry for the quality of the photos....I couldn't get it at a good angle and the edit part of the program is still not working. It really is quite pretty in person.
Today I have nothing major planned...laundry, plan supper and later take youngest daughter to's her first lesson with a new teacher.
Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


a realization that next year at this oldest will be starting university.

Our usual first day of school poses...

youngest....grade 6

DS grade 9 and for him...first day of High School.

Oldest DD...grade 12.

And they were good enough to re-create a pose for me....this is a picture of a picture, so the quality is poor. This was 6 years ago....the day my youngest started school....DS was in grade 3 and OLDEST DD was in grade 6.

And now.....

Have a great day everyone!!



Tuesday, September 2, 2008


After a VERY rainy and windy weekend, the sun is shining today, but there is a "nip" in the air...fall is on it's way.

This is the last day of summer vacation for my tomorrow and a little a way...LOL....this is the last year that all three of mine will be in school....oldest I will take a photo of the three of them together tomorrow. I always take photos, and 6 years ago I took one of the three of them together, as it was the only year they were all in the same school, and it was my youngest DD's first day of school. My oldest is thinking of going away to university next year.....we' have lots of universities local, but they are quite a bit more expensive than some, so we'll see. I know she will to what is right for her.

I have spent the morning doing laundry and trying to come up with new instructors for piano for youngest and guitar for DS. I got the piano solved, but not the guitar. DD's piano teacher isn't coming back to our area to teach and I'm kind of glad for various reasons. I spent a good part of 1/2 hour talking with a lady that will begin teaching her next week. She has a daughter the same age as my daughter, and she sounds like a really great person. She's cheaper and does her program a little we'll try it. DD is excited about a new teacher and I'm hoping it all works out. It isn't looking like I will find an alternate teacher for my son. I guess I will go ahead and register him at the place he has gone the last couple of years. My son is very quiet and guitar lessons are something he enjoys. I am just not completely thrilled with the place he goes...they are expensive and the teachers are not the most qualified for what they charge. DS doesn't play in the recitals or anything...he just wants to play with the instructor each week.....I would never deny him his lessons...never...I just wish I could find someone that teaches privately like I did with the their home.....oh well.

Anyway, I guess I should get a move on...we've got alot of running around to do today....
enjoy your day tomorrow...I promise!!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I got my Fairy framed! I like how she turned out, and feel like I accomplished something in the past few days with the framing I've done! Yippee!!

The above photo I thought was very was taken Sunday night while we were having a fire and sitting around the firepit. The dog looks like she is smiling too!

If I may, I would appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts you can send my way. I have been having problems with my foot/ankle and it is not getting better...worse actually. I have to call the Dr this morning, she will have my x-ray results. I am nervous, very nervous....we all seem to think the worst of everything. If there are no conclusive results from this, I go for bloodwork.

UPDATE: Seems as though I have Plantars Fascitis. Painful is all I can say!
I will recover though...and hey, maybe a good reason NOT to do too much housework!! (More time to stitch)

Have a great day everyone!