Showing posts with label IDLE MINDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IDLE MINDS. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good morning and thank you!!

Isn't this pretty? It's blooming in our family room! My friend moved out of province last year and couldn't take it with her, she gave it to me, and I am thrilled it has survivied a year! I am not good with house plants! LOL

Thank you for the comments on my scrapbooking post! I've got some great ideas...and what I am going to do is to gather all the photos I want that I think will mean something to her, then gather the other things I want to add...I'll take a look at what all I have and plan my pages. I like the idea about school photos....that will be easy....I will take a photo of her three schools and add that...I also think I will add a "friends" page or two....movies that were popular, etc....I've also decided to do a scrapbook on her dancing separately and present them both to her. She stopped dancing a couple of months ago, but it has been a part of her life for 14 years.

Today I hope to get that last coat of paint on youngest DD's bedroom wall. I have three walls done (blue) but the pink wall needs a final coat. This weekend DH should be able to lay the laminate flooring and then we just need to add all the trim and it's done!! DS's room is next, but first he has to declutter and decide what he wants left in his room.

Yesterday I met with my cousin's for Blanket Club. Why is it that all food tastes SO much better when someone else makes it? We take turns bringing lunch and my cousin had quiche, a salad, rolls and blueberry cake with ice cream for dessert. I am currently working on a blanket for my oldest daughter's boyfriend for Christmas...I'll try and get a photo of that up later today.
Anyway, have a great day everyone!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Don't worry fellow Bloggers, I will be back in full force tomorrow with a new post...I am just taking a couple of lazy days.......take care and I hope everyone has had a great weekend!!


Monday, April 7, 2008


You had asked me what swedish weaving is...well....I do have a post somewhere on this blog, but not sure where....anyway, I have done several of these's made with 2 yards of Monk's cloth and some varigated Red Heart yarn...and a needle...basically, you follow a pattern and weave the yarn in and out through the holes in the fabric and have your pattern! They are very cozy and warm blankets...and lots of fun to do. My cousin taught me about 1 1/2 years ago. This photo is my very first blanket, which is now in our family room.

Good night everyone!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


It is absolutely the most spring like day we have had so far this year!! (I won't mention the fact that it IS supposed to snow tonight!! SHHHH!)
The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, there is a slight breeze in the air...just my kind of day!!

This cross-stitch is a chart/kit I've been working on for almost 2 years...I work on it for a while, pack it away, take it some more....I WILL finish it....I always do finish them...some just take longer than others. This will be framed eventually, not sure where I will hang it.

I went to the library this morning. I got the movie "Dreamer" for youngest and I to watch tonight...tonight is movie night for her and I...provided she is home and no friends are sleeping over! LOL Her and I both really like this movie, so I thought it would be fun to watch again.

I also borrowed some "Decorating Your Kid's Rooms" books and will look through those on the weekend. I've got ideas for her small room...just can't wait to get started!!

Have a great afternoon everyone!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Mary Engelbreit has always been a favourite of mine. I think I got my first "Mary" book almost 10 years ago...and over the next few years I have acquired a few of her books. I have found them in Thrift Stores, on Ebay and in a favourite Dept store of mine.

A couple of weeks ago I found these two "Mary" purses at a Thrift Store. I could NOT pass them up. I am a purse fanatic and always changing the purse I am carrying. These are small, but in "new" condition and depending on my mood and what I am wearing, will be added to the purses I use.


Here is a work in progress and a finish! I adore these two Lavender and Lace charts...the finished one is "Emma's Garden" and the work in progress is "Isabella's Garden". In the Emma's Garden project, instructions are given to actually work the lace on the project, but it is also suggested that you can add your own. I chose to add a piece of a doily that my aunt made many years ago...when it is framed I will add this on the back, telling where the lace came from. I hope that each of my daughters will someday have these pieces hanging in their home and pass to their future children. For now, when both are done, they will hang in our family room.


Good morning everyone!

I am still not back to my usual self...this cold seems to have knocked the wind out of me. Anyway, today I plan on doing a few random posts about things I want to share/talk about.

The photo in this post is a cross-stitch kit I picked up last summer in PEI. It is the companion piece to the Green Gables Sampler at the bottom of this blog. This chart shows Diana and Anne in a field of flowers...the verse on the chart reads as follows
Life is a garden,
Good friends are the flowers,
And time spent together
Life's happiest hours.

This is on my "to-do" list for list if very long!! LOL

Speaking of friendship, yesterday was my Blanket Club meeting. It was just my cousin J and I this week...we meet at my other cousin's (J's sister) house, even though B isn't at home. It's just a central meeting point for us and B doesn't mind...she's actually been in Florida for the winter and likes the fact that we meet there weekly. Yesterday we chatted about our Blankets, A from next door came over with a blanket she is crocheting and we had tea with her. I brought some Banana Bread and Caramel cupcakes.....J brought soup, biscuits and strawberry jam! So for 3+ hours, we worked on our Blankets and talked. I am so thankful for the friendship of my extended family.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


The photos in this post are from the blanket I am making for youngest DD. It is my current swedish weaving project. I have made a lavender one for oldest DD and a brown one for my son...and each got their blanket on their Birthday this year....technically I don't have to finish this one until youngest DD's Birthday in July, but I will have it done by mid April probably and since she knows about it...I'll give it to her. I've also made a couple for our family room, and I have another on the back of my stitching well MIL got one for Christmas and neice got one for her Birthday last year....see a pattern here???? LOL Oldest DD requested that I make one for her boyfriend for Christmas this year, so I will. My cousin brings back the monk cloth from Florida for myself and another cousin...she gets it much cheaper than here in Canada. This is what we do weekly at BLANKET CLUB..(well we also eat and chat).

The second part of this post is a "THANK YOU" to all that have left comments on my blog! I LOVE seeing them and greatly appreciate each and every one!!

Thirdly, a random question that I will pose to each of you that read this, and if you have a comment on it...I'd love to hear. I have a set of "Golden Treasury of Knowledge" junior encyclopedias that I got many MANY years ago from my grandmother.
These pose no real use in todays world with computers..etc...they have been on a shelf in youngest DD's closet for quite some time...and I have put them in a rubbermaid container this question...what do I I toss them? Do I keep them? If I keep them, what would be the value of them other than the fact that my grandmother gave them to me? Your opinions for or against keeping would be appreciated!!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Friday, March 28, 2008


I haven't been ignoring my blog. I've been busy cleaning and decluttering the kitchen...I'll post photos on the weekend, hopefully.

I've come down with a cold...not a bad one, just mostly sniffle and feeling tired. I decided that since it's snowing out and I was a little under the weather, I'd make some chicken that's going in my crockpot.

No plans for the weekend...probably get some things done around here and catch up on some reading. The weather isn't sounding too good and I don't venture out in the't really have a choice.

Have a good day everyone!!
