Thank you for the comments on my scrapbooking post! I've got some great ideas...and what I am going to do is to gather all the photos I want that I think will mean something to her, then gather the other things I want to add...I'll take a look at what all I have and plan my pages. I like the idea about school photos....that will be easy....I will take a photo of her three schools and add that...I also think I will add a "friends" page or two....movies that were popular, etc....I've also decided to do a scrapbook on her dancing separately and present them both to her. She stopped dancing a couple of months ago, but it has been a part of her life for 14 years.
Today I hope to get that last coat of paint on youngest DD's bedroom wall. I have three walls done (blue) but the pink wall needs a final coat. This weekend DH should be able to lay the laminate flooring and then we just need to add all the trim and it's done!! DS's room is next, but first he has to declutter and decide what he wants left in his room.
Yesterday I met with my cousin's for Blanket Club. Why is it that all food tastes SO much better when someone else makes it? We take turns bringing lunch and my cousin had quiche, a salad, rolls and blueberry cake with ice cream for dessert. I am currently working on a blanket for my oldest daughter's boyfriend for Christmas...I'll try and get a photo of that up later today.
Anyway, have a great day everyone!!