Showing posts with label HOLIDAYS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOLIDAYS. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2009


That should say Blizzard!!! WE are in the midst of a BLIZZARD at the moment!!! Great way to start a New Year!!!!

Well, it's been over a week since I actually did a decent post...and I have to say, we had one of the best Holidays in years. Christmas Eve we had an open house....drop in, say hello, have a drink, leave...LOL....we had some neighbours drop in, and it was great. Later in the day, the girls and I headed on over to Larry's brother's house for their drop in.....stayed for a bit and came home to play board games around the fire...great way to spend Christmas Eve. Larry and Gregory stayed here, in case we had more drop-ins. Christmas morning I was the first one up, as usual, (I love getting up early!!) I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, and by that time, everyone else was up, so we headed on down to the family room to open presents. I got a cross-stitch from my youngest....and I'm thrilled...she is such a good little shopper! How she gets to do it, is at her school they have a shopping day.....parents donate new things (Dollar Store, or new things that aren't going to be used in that particular household.) They are all organized on tables in the gym....example, for mom, for sister, for brother....and the kids get to buy for their, cheap, easy way to shop! Each item is $1.00, and if your child takes 5 things in, she gets 5 tickets to shop....(parents have to send the money in as well)...but it's so great for the kids! I have already started the cross-stitch and it will belong to my daughter at some point.

My son gave me a Christmas plate....he wanted me to open it on Christmas Eve, so I did and I have used it almost every day since for various things. My oldest daughter gave me a gift certificate for a manicure! Yippee!!

My husband surprised me with a membership to Costco!! We had talked about it, but I wasn't expecting it for Christmas. He had the card in this really fancy box and put it under the tree. At one point he asked me if I had shaken that box...I said No, why? He said it might break! Crazy hubby!! He also got me a beautiful heart shaped ring, which I tried to take a photo of!!

Christmas Day I was going to cook chicken, potatoes, carrots, etc...and Larry's mom called and invited us over for supper! A first, as in 22 years we have never had Christmas Dinner with his mom....we went, as did all the family and it was wonderful!! I am thankful for a very Blessed Christmas!!
On Sunday, I had all of Larry's family, a couple of extras and ourselves for a buffet style went over very well.

My colourful girls...before the party..LOL

Last night we stayed home....had chinese food and set off fireworks in the middle of a snow storm at midnight!!! LOL......

Oh and yesterday morning, I had coffee with a childhood friend.....she gave me this folk art photo she drew...and a really nice card...the back of the picture frame says...."There were three cottages by the sea,Where three girls laughed and played carefree."

It will hold a special place in my heart, as does she.
And look at this!!! I won a drawing on
this arrived yesterday!!! I am thrilled! And look at this pinkeep!!!!

Well everyone, I am staying inside safe and warm...we are all home except for our oldest...she had to work last night for a while and then was going out with her boyfriend...they were going to go back to his parents house, as it is closer to her work...much closer. She is supposed to work later today, but I sure hope the store doesn't open!!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We have had a wonderful Christmas and week after Christmas...I will update with all details and photos probably tomorrow. It was great to spend lots of family time with ALL our children and also with extended family.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful New Year's Eve.
Take care

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I am up bright and early this Christmas Eve....I was trying to think of a creative post, but decided to just wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Wherever you are, whatever you have planned for Christmas....I hope you have a wonderful one!
We will be home most of the day and my husband has invited some locals to drop in as they can....later this evening my daughters and I may head over to my sister in laws for an hour or so, weather see some family...then it's home for hot chocolate and a Board game...and off to bed.
Take care.....have a wonderful Holiday........

Monday, December 22, 2008


Nova Scotia got hit with a major storm last night/today...with snow, and hurricane force winds....we lost power this morning, thankfully we have a generator, however, our main source of heat when the power is out (only source actually) is our pellet stove and we are unable to get pellets this year!! We have ONE bag left from last winter that is sitting by the stove in case we need it.....our power was off for a few hours, and then came back on, so the house warmed up...then it went off and is still off. We are expected to get power back my midnight. Some parts of the province may not get it back until tomorrow night. If there is one thing I am forever thankful's our generator! We had it installed when I sold my parents home, and it will last a couple of weeks! It's wonderful!!

Tonight I plan on sitting in my stitching chair, with my heating pad for heat...LOL and stitch the evening away. DH has to go pick up our daughter at 11pm at work. Her boyfriend came an picked her up earlier today and drove in. Speaking of boyfriend...I gave him his present from DH and I on Saturday night, as he is leaving tomorrow to spend Christmas with his grandparents....and parents ofcourse.....anyway, I had made him one of my blankets and was truly touched by how much he loved it!! It's nice when a handmade gift is genuinely appreciated. I did not take a photo of him with the blanket, wish I did!!

Take care...stay warm........and will post again tomorrow when I hope the house is a bit warmer!!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Pass the tylenol please!! may remember that several weeks ago I did a post about how my girls were going to have a party....well, my oldest decided that since she is working so many hours and busy with school, plus she turns 18 over Christmas vacation, that she would rather have a few friends in later (after Christmas) we decided to let youngest invite a few friends for a party after school...thankfully 3 of the 10 invited couldn't come (oops did I say that...LOL)....and two of the 4 invited to sleep over couldn' I ended up with 8 (counting mine) 11 year old girls getting off the bus at 2:45.
I know they all had a good time....but girl laughed like a hyena (sp) the whole time.....and thought that there wasn't much food (I'm beginning to wonder what she eats at home! LOL)...the "not much" food...was a fruit tray with 4 kinds of fruit, a big bowl of chips, two kinds of drinks....a big platter of mozerella sticks, a big platter of mini pizzas, and a big platter of nachos!! (I thought that was pretty good, considering pick up time was 6:30)....and homemade cupcakes for dessert! Another girl left 45 minutes early because she couldn't stand to be in the same house as her ex-best friend. (see where I'm going with this!!)....all in all it was a great time for the girls, but it's just amazing how these girls act sometimes! I KNOW they would not do this at home, so why would they do this when they aren't at home?

I did favours for the girls to take home, and we had a Dollar Store gift exchange (I just found out that the girl that went home early took her present and the present of one of the girls staying all night! (I'll have to dig out the stocking stuffers I have and find her a gift later).

Anyway, here are some photos of the cupcakes I made (in a shape of a tree), the party favours ( two candy canes, a Christmas straw and a Christmas pencil) and a container of candy canes...we had them guess how many Candy Canes in the jar.

Also, a photo of my tree. (It looks small, but it isn`t...really!)

Have a great night everyone....


Monday, December 15, 2008

HO HO HO....

I have been thinking about what it is that I really like to cross-stitch...for the larger projects....I have come to the realization that I really like Santas! I like the "old world type" Santas. I bought this book at the TS a couple of weeks ago.
..and I have been looking through it...I had a Santa chosen in my mind, but asked my girls which one they liked...they picked the same one I did without knowing! It will be a challenging one, as it's done on black, but I think I can do it. I have hopes of starting this New Year's Day, providing I can get the fabric from Joanne at 123 stitch on time. (I have already ordered it, so she's fast, I shouldn't have a problem getting it)....and I will leave this up all year. I am thinking this may be something unique to display in my home...maybe add one or two to the collection, maybe it'll be something people like to see when they come to visit.

I have this one I did years ago in the family room.....
and this one I did for my cousin about 4 years ago...he really liked it and displays it all year now I am a bit excited about this new project. I will ofcourse have others on the go, but I will work away at this and finish it up in time for the Holidays next year.
I finished up my shopping this morning! Now I just have to organize it and wrap...I'll do that on Wednesday, as tomorrow I have to go out.
Have a great afternoon and evening everyone!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Meme

Saw this on one of my friend's Blogs, so decided to do it.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both. It depends on the gift and also what I have on hand. I tend to buy paper and bags after Christmas for the next year.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. It creates less hassle and I like to get mine up early. This way I get my pre-lit tree out of the box and put it up and voila...all lit. LOL Hey, works for me!
3. When do you put up the tree? Around the end of November.
4. When do you take the tree down? Around New Year's Day.
5. Do you like eggnog? It's okay, but I don't usually have it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My cousin made me a box of Barbie Doll clothes...I LOVED those so much! This is the older cousin I see each week now....she's like a sister to me.
7. Hardest person to buy for? At the moment, my 14 year old son!
8. Easiest person to buy for? My 11 year old daughter.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Not really. I have Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus, which is actually from Avon...all white and I really like them!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail. Some people I send to do not use the computer, but I would not email Christmas cards anyway, not personal enough for me.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Purple Dinosaur placemats from my MIL two years ago! And I am NOT a hard person to buy for or please! LOL
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Grinch that Stole Christmas...origional cartoon version.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Sept.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, not really. I have given a couple to donation....
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My mom's dressing, and now that she is no longer here, I make it!
16. What decorations are on your tree? Everything! Some my mom got me before I was married, some the kids made, some I made...etc...
17. Favorite Christmas song? Deck The Halls.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? We stay home, we always used to go to my inlaws, but my father in law passed away two years ago and now there is no more open house at that year we stayed at home.
19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Cupid, Comet, Prancer and Vixen.
20. Angel on top of tree or star? Star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning! The kids open one on Christmas Eve, which is PJ's
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Can get pretty stressful!
23. What theme or color are you using when you decorate? I use alot of red...don't really have a theme...have a lot of older decorations.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Turkey and all the trimmings.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace, health, happiness...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Drummer!

This week has been busy with a storm day, a Band Concert and a Christmas Concert..with the band playing at that as well. Last night was the Christmas Concert...and I was a little's the last Christmas Concert at that school for my children.....I've attended them since 1996!!
My youngest wil be in junior high next year.

Also, I need to finish up my shopping...just need a nice day to get out and finish!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whatcha working on Wednesday...

Okay, so it's evening, but better late than never!! I'm hooking up with Leslie again....

Here is the 3rd window topper I made. This one is for my front door, and is made a bit differently, but I am liking it! I have window decals of snowmen and snowflakes on the windows as well, they don't show up in the photos.

It's a busy week. I'm trying to work on my blanket for another friend, and also finish up my Christmas shopping. I have nothing wrapped...(usually I do!)

I want to also thank Sandy, I received this wonderful cross-stitch kit and two wonderful cards from her today. She had a giveaway on her blog and I won!! Thank you Sandy, I value your friendship!

I've been trying to get my decorating done...this tree was made by my aunt about 30 years ago. I really like it. The other photos are just random. I'll take some more tomorrow.

Have a good evening everyone!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Yesterday was Canada Day.....and this year we had something new to celebrate! Our neighbour invited us and all our "new" neighbours and ofcourse the "old" neighbours to a Canada Day Breakfast at his house!! Let me explain, "we" are in an area that has about twelve houses...some kind of far apart....however, this neighbour that had the breakfast, sold off some land for a new subdivision, so we have "new" neighbours...still not as close in distance as in some areas, anyway, I'd have to say that almost everyone attended this breakfast, which was fabulous. We had sausage, hashbrowns, cinnamon rolls, garlic bread, plain rolls, homemade beans, eggs, fruit trays, coffee, tea, orange juice and apple juice! Now could it get any better than that????? After the breakfast we were all invited across the street to the son's house for games of washers and to swim...however we did not go to this.(Being a rather quiet family, I in particular am not fond of games like this....LOL) We came back here, relaxed for a while and then later in the evening headed out to the Canada Day Fireworks, which is a tradition with our family.

Now that the warmer weather has arrived we dug out our pool. It is big enough and deep enough that we require the water truck to come fill it...however, that won't be until Friday. (Possibly tomorrow) we will just have to be patient and wait.
And so that is what is going on in my household at the moment!
Have a great day everyone!