Sorry it's been so long since my last post. In that time I finished off the quilting/tacking of Joy and have started handquilting the Margarita Quilt. Here it is getting ready for basting with Pokey's help (if you can call it that). Look, I went with the blue border.

I've got the Quilter's Dream Request loft batting in and it's quilting up a dream. In fact it's even easier than the previous times I've used it. Maybe because the backing fabric itself is so soft? I dunno, but it's going well.
I have been incredibly wiped out. Think it's too much thyroid medication now, which I would have thought would make me hyper, but no such luck. It almost aches to even move instead. Stupid (missing) thyroid. So be patient with me, I'll get back to posting one of these days.
That quilt just screams FLORIDA. It makes me happy just to look at it! Especially with a sweet kitty on it, lol. I hope you feel better soon Tonya!
I love the bright colours and how it sings even better with a cat modelling on top, if the cat approves this is a good quilt then the quilt is a winner!.
It looks great with the aqua border. I hope you're feeling better soon. It sucks to be sick!
btw: thanks for the shoutout about my reception last weekend. We had a small but enthusiastic crowd who loved the letters.
Yeah, stupid missing thyroid. At least you have a cheery, happy quilt to work on while you get the meds worked out. :-)
I meant to ask, how your test went? It's a pain getting the thyroid medicine to the right dose. I'm going through that now, just started a higher dose, which last year caused me to have heart palpitations. We'll see how it goes now. The kitty looks so sweet there. Love those colors!
oh the blue looks fabulous! sorry to hear your not yourself these days. take care!
Pokey has good taste in quilts! Love the bright cheery colors.
Hope that you are feeling better soon.
feel better tonya! take it easy... You finished Joy already! your so speedy! yippeee!
Margaritaville looks absolutely gorgeous and I love the blue border, too.
Take the rest you need and feel better soon. We'll wait!
Swish of the tail and ears laid back say it all. Was Lily trying to steal the limelight?
The blue looks really good. Very Florida'ish.
That dratted thyroid. Take care of yourself.
The blue is perfect for the quilt - restful and uniting.
You've got a very cute cat sitting on a very cute quilt. Happy quilting!
yeh blue!! good choice for the border!! Sorry about the 'thyroid' ordeal....I must say I am unfamiliar with thyroid problems!!!
Pokey is saying "see, mom, that blue really brings the blue out in my eyes". Cute cat on a gorgeous quilt!
Take care of yourself while the thyroid meds are being tweaked; hope you found a good endocrinologist to take care of you in FL.
Vicky F
That is definitely a TONYA BLUE! I love makes all the other colors sparkle...and picks up the blue in Pokey's eyes!
I'm sorry you've been feeling so BLAH! It's just not sposed to be this way...when you are stateside...and it's spring..and you are in a place you need to feel GOOD!!
Love the quilt and the cat who is modeling it! Hope you feel up to snuff soon.
that small orange bit up there by Pokey's feet is so pretty...I hope you are feeling better soon!
Your quilt is coming along beautifully, and I hope it gives you some cheer when you are not feeling well to even look at it. (Color therapy!) I have a lot of days when I feel really crummy because of heath issues, but I know I can always count on getting a lift from looking at quilts! And I hope Pokey helps lift your spirits, too!
Love the colors! The cat modles it well. lol
Been missing you on the blogs so sorry your thyroid is giveing you troubles.
Love your quilt, so cheerful. Please take care and be nice to yourself. Some things are not to be rushed... Troublesome thyroids are no joke. I am afraid it is something that "takes one to know one". Wish you will feel better soon, and sending you a hug...
Sorry to hear the thyroid isn't playing fair! Loved the impressionist cat pic, very creative, the quilt is going very well too, cheers, tracey
So glad to see that you're filling our time with something so bright and pretty. Pokey is pretty too.
I'm glad you went with the blue border-I really love that color. It's perfect.
I love the border. I have thryoid trouble, too. And I have found that it takes days and days to adjust to any dosage change.
I agree--it's easy to see that you're back in Florida just by looking at this quilt.
Take it easy and listen to your body. If the body doesn't want to move, park it in a recliner, watch movies, and eat bon bons. Simple as that.
Love the Margarta quilt!-feel better soon! I am still working on my name for you-have had the flu so it's taking me a while to finish up, been too tired to sew at all, but I promise it will get to you soon-mine seems kinda long too ( I hope it's not too big)
Not feeling well can really...stink! Pokey knows she looks good on that quilt...
Are you hand quilting it?
feel better. those colors should help. of course a real margarita might too.
Hang in there. Those health issues sure can be frustrating. At least you have your hand quilting to soothe you :- )
This really looks like the "Fabric Square Shop" logo in your right margin. On purpose or serendipitous coincidence? :-)
It's beautiful.
Truly miss you when you are not blogging. Feel better soon. I love your quilt and your cat. norma"
Oh it is wonderful!
The quite is simply delightful! I hope you feel better soon! Polly
The blue was a good decision. Sorry you're feeling low. Cut yourself some slack and rest - your body's telling you that you need to.
don't you just love having a helpurrrr, they seem to feel it when you put a quilt out to look at and photogragh, and there they are looking as though the quilt were completely there idea, have fun on the quilting I'm sure your helpurrrr will help you there as well
Sorry you're not feeling the best lately. That 9-patch quilt is so bright and happy!
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