I don't know if any of the rest of ya'all have this problem, but sometimes I get stuck. I have this huge mental list of quilts I want to make and quilts I have to make and I just can't make a decision about any of them. I just keep hand quilting.
Anyway, I've really been enjoying getting the free-pieced name blocks and I really and truly WILL get them together into a quilt. Anyone want to help me with another quilt (or two or three)?
While you think about it, here's a really and truly gratuitous photo of Pokey, just so that I have a picture in this post. This is from a few days ago, you can see her pink belly from where they shaved her for the ultrasound and the shaved bits on her arms where they had the IVs in.
Okay back to my idea for the quilt that I hope some of ya'all will help me with. It will be a fun quilt especially because you guys come up with different ways for doing things than I do, so it won't just be the same-old-same-old letters from me.
For ages now I've wanted to do a font sampler. I found the post I wrote about it way back in 2006. Yes, I'm a slowpoke. My idea is to have a bunch of words that represent noises you might hear at Halloween. And they'd be written out in different styles.
Some fun words:
arooo (a werewolf has got to sound like something)
a-whooo (but maybe it's more like this)
mwa ha ha ha
some font styles:
very tall and skinny
very wide and skinny
letters composed of very narrow AND very wide strips
very short and wide
rounded and curvy
extra angular
This would be a fun chance for you to play with a different style of letters than you usually do AND if you get stuck I'd be happy to give you some ideas of how to proceed. Kind of like a class except that the teacher gets to keep your homework.
For colors I'm thinking: black, orange (okay, that's kind of a given), lime green, purple, yellow and/or white. For the letters and background stick mostly to solids or kinda solidy fabric so that the focus is on the letters and styles, not on busy novelty prints.
Finish each word off as a block. You can frame if it you'd like, but not necessary.
Anyone interested? I sure hope so. Just leave a comment saying what word(s) you'd like to do and in what style. We can definitely have duplicate words and and duplicate styles, but hopefully NOT the same word in the same style. if that made sense. Questions? Just ask.
Think of another style I haven't included? that would be excellent.
Just to make sure we're clear on this. They have to be free-pieced letters - no applique or anything like that. The words can be in upper- or lower-case or a mix.
oh oh oh, and - as always - if you have any letters that didn't work I'd love to have them. Yes, I know, that's another quilt I still have to get together...
Don't you think this will be a fun teaching example? I always find Halloween is a great holiday to work with because you just can't take it too seriously. My fingers are crossed some of ya'all will play with me.