After the trauma of the morning, sweetie and I escaped to the movies. Casino Royale was excellent. Not nearly as cartoony as previous James Bond movies. Could have done without the obvious product placements tho. Action screetches to a halt as we discuss what type of watch Bond is wearing...
Cats were still rattled when we got back to the apartment. We could not, not find Pokey for ages. The little critter has learned how to open cabinet doors. I've caught her before sleeping in among the snack food, but I never even thought to look for her in the cabinets above the fridge, but that's where she was hiding. At least we know to look for her there next Saturday morning. I don't think it's going to be nearly as easy to get them then - they're still too spooked.
I'm looking forward to getting to Florida and settling in, at least for awhile. My hubby is flying down with us but can only stay one night before coming back up to close the apartment and do the last of his have-tos before jetting off to Paris.
I have something really exciting to look forward to later this month. My talented wonderful friend Bonnie is coming down for a week to sew and gab and keep me company. We'll find out if she's a good influence on me (work, work, work) or I'm a terrible influence on her (tea time - must sit and yack). Bonnie has just put all the lower-case letter tutorials onto Quiltville, starting here.
I'm going to buy a sewing machine for Florida since my regular Bernina will be going off to Paris. All I want is a machine that sews a fantastic straight stitch, no problems with tension. I'd love to have the needle-down option and a daylight light. Any suggestions?
I love my Janome Gem Gold for basic piecing. It's a great little machine! Some of the fancier models sell for around $700, but the smaller model should be about half that.
Have fun in Florida!
Our poor critter children ... good thing they love us unconditionally! LOL Oh I want to come play with you and Bonnie!!! Now how fun is that for really do need/deserve to have some fun seeing as how it's mostly been about doctors for you lately. I keep you in my thoughts, girlfriend!
Pfaff has a new one out called Smart that is only $250 CAN and seems to have most of what you require. I love my Pfaff but have never tried that particular one. I have also heard good things about White but again, no experience. What about a Singer Featherweight if you could only find one!
BTW you can see the Pfaff here:
Hi, Tonya,
Poor Pokey! What a sad, adorable face...they just never understand what we're on about, do they. Never mind. They will all love you once you're all settled, no matter what!
For a small, portable machine, I second the Janome Gem. It's small, lightweight, does really nice straight stitch for piecing, is easy to use, no tension problems, and it's not too expensive. Mine was only about $200, but that was a few years they're more now.
I even did a little actual quilting on mine, not the greatest, but for piecing it's really good. I'd bought it to use to schlep around to classes, then never took any! Just gave it to a friend before we moved out here. If I still had it, I'd send it to you!
Have fun with Bonnie, both quilting AND yakking, I'll wager!
Poor kitties. If only they really understood English. They always forgive us in the end. I have a great elna. It does a little more than basic and wasn't too much money but it doesn't have a needle down option. My other elna does have that but it was around $1300. The sunny skies of Florida will hopefully do wonders for you. It does not help to have physical ailments and gray skies at the same time.
Janome has some small ones, and Bernina has what they call a Bernette that in the $199 range too. I think both companies are good. I thought about you the other day and wondered, Hey couldn't she just go see the doc then hop on the plane for Christmas in Paris with Hubby? But I remembered the cats and thought no way.
Glad Bonnie is coming down for the week. Either work or play, you should have a great time!
hope you can find a machine that you like, and that the kitties recuperate... by the time they get to Paris they'll have traveled more than enough for thier 9 lives I'm sure :-)
So nice of you to be taking those poor stressed, cold cats to Florida for a break-I'm sure if they could chat they'd thank you for that. And I'm sure you will enjoy it too-when you are safely there and unpacked. have a good girly weekend!
Everybody seems to like the new Bond movie - will have to see it myself! Enjoy your holiday with Bonnie - I'm sure you will :-)
Heard that Casino Royale is probably teh best Bond movie. Hope the cats enjoy Florida.
Have a great time yacking with Bonnie.
I showed the Love quilt on my guild last week, before sending it to my care cause, and the lettering was very well welcomed. I gave you credit :-) I hope you will enjoy Florida. It must be a treat to have Bonnie coming. Enjoy.
So sorry you didn't manage to get a photo of a cat in a box! Or parts thereof!
Don't buy a Janome - the bobbin wiggles loose too quickly after a while and so there are lots of snaggles in a long straight stitch...
How exciting to have a great get-together with Bonnie!
Clever Pokey to figure out how to open the cabinets. Wish we could all join you and Bonnie in Floreedah! I've been coveting a Jem Platinum 760 for ages: only 12 pounds and full-featured:
Oops wrong link, had the Pfaff Smart link copied from Joyce's post since I adore my Pfaff; here's the Platinum 760:
Hope the move goes well. I bet you and Bonnie will have a blast and from reading her blog, sounds like she needs a break :)
Pokey is so sweet and cute! Have fun visiting with Bonnie.
I have a Brother 6000 I got at Walmart for under $200. Light as a feather & so far no problems with tension, etc. Has the needle down feature.
Your poor kitties! Will that last until they go to France with you, or will it have to be done again?
You and Bonnie will have a wonderful time together, I'm sure. You'll be good for each other!
Maybe you can find a used sewing machine for a good price. Some of the older Viking, Pfaff, Bernina, and even Singer machines will work wonderfully well, and shouldn't cost too much.
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