Yes, blogger is definitely having issues. I was determined to post yesterday, despite the fact that blogger kept going up and down (like it is doing at this very moment) and wouldn't let me post pics. Well today I can do pics, but we'll see how many times this ends up getting posted...
The other day I was walking by a construction site and assumed at first that the tent surrounding the area was the preprinted fabric that looks like the old appliqued works. This shot looks so typical of Cairo with all the rubble...

Got closer and realized, gack, that's a real, true, appliqued tent. The real ones are still in use. There's an area where a tent (actually, not a true tent, just walls, like this one) is raised whenever a funeral is held. The appliqued side is turned inwards toward the mourners. I've heard rumors that the same tents are then used for weddings, but the appliqued side is turned outwards, but I've never seen that.
Anyway, this particular tent has obviously been retired, but not nicely. (It's like Siobhan finding a beautiful old quilt being used as a tablecloth at a gun show or when you see furniture wrapped in quilts inside the moving van.) This one is full of holes, but looks pretty amazing considering what a beating it's getting from the sun.

That black line across the upper left is a shadow from an electrical line.

In the green area on the upper left is arabic letters followed by a 7 digit number. I'm thinking it's maybe the maker's name and phone number, but don't know.

This beauty has been patched in places with the preprinted tent fabric.
Look at that - pre-printed fabric for patching! LOL.
I know I should be praising the work etc, but I'm just marvelling at how clean the shadow is that's been thrown onto the tent by the sun and the electricity cable. The sun must be rather strong to be cutting such a huge shadow!
That tent looks so wonderful, you must feel like rescuing it. Wonder how it would fit in one's luggage? Thanks for the mention on your previous post. I have really enjoyed working with your letters and I'm sure there are more in my future.
Oh Tonya - It is just like those old beautiful quilts we "salvage". Even though there are holes and it is worn don't you just want to grab it, get it cleaned and treasure it. It is amazing!
WOW! That last pic of the close-up shot is amazing with seeing every tiny little pucker for each tiny little stitch around each section. I can't tell but the green stem look like 1/4 or even 1/8 inch wide stem. The stitches are so perfect and evenly spaced.
What a shame that it's not treasured anymore.
Hey were are the hollyhocks?? **GRIN**
OH my WORD that's alot of applique to be worn out like that! makes me feel not so bad that my quilts get worn to shreds, at least they aren't hung near the rubble! I think it is funny that they now have cheater tent cloth!
Wouldn't it be neat to salvage a piece of that old tent and hang it to cover an entire wall? I would be so tempted to sneak back at night and take a panel! I can't believe such gorgeous work is used for such utilitarian work when retired from its orignal purpose.
It's just gorgeous Ton, bet it makes you wish you could just take it home and take care of it...I know I have that reaction when I see the old beauties in such a distessing situation.
I can't even imagine the many hours it took to applique this...really amazing.
I'm new to reading this blog, Tonya, but thoroughly enjoy it and many others among the alternative quilt group. Wish you all had a chat group too...?? I'm wondering about the method of applique on these tents -- is it needleturn or something else? Have you had any opportunity to see anyone working on something to compare techniques? Thanks for your blog and interesting posts!
Thank you for this beautiful picture! The hours and hours someone put into this tent wall, and now it brings joy to passerbys, what a gift
Wow, that's pretty impressive applique! The green vines connecting the white flowers is so curvy and so uniform, really amazing.
Thanks for showing it!
I can't help but wonder if it says something about how men, some men anyway, value women's work. Once I saw a man working under a car using a beautiful old quilt as a pad. Oh, me.
These appliques are usually made by men no? I can't believe how well some of the color has held up. I'd love to know what they use for the blue and black dyes!
It is still a beautiful piece of work.
Fantastic tent - definitely beats tarpaulin any day.
Is it considered rude to ask questions? I'd be in so much trouble then. I can't get over how much detailed work is put into something that is going to fade and weather and be put to so much harsh use. Very pretty, though.
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