Showing posts with label sundaysofa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sundaysofa. Show all posts

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday's sofa 1.2.2015

Sunday's sofa

 The book "Ansichten von Frauen" (Views of women) is nearly 40 years old, I am still intrigued by some photos (and statements), this is one. Her statement is "I hope I will manage every situation in life".
There also is this book about Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, which I was browsing through. I love the way he was photogaphing her, especially her hands.

And there are pages from magazines, some for paper swap and some to keep. My Flickrfriend Lene has sent me 31 kilos (!!!) of (old) magazines and postcards and stuff. Like Xmas for me!
I'm speechless

Now I have lovely material for new collages.
The box 30.1.2015

I am also playing with paper again. Here with little quote bags.
Quote bags

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday's sofa 25.1.2015

Sunday's sofa 25.1.15

"Drive by shootings", some pictures are intriguing, some aren't. But photography is my fav theme right now.

Annie Leibovitz "Life through a lense"- great documentary.

"Where women create" was a gift from a Flickrfriend- thank you ever so much, Tanja!

"Autoportrait" is a wonderful book. Read it!

I am in my Müsli phase right now.

Quote on the collage card: "It's better to do nothing than to be concerned with nothing."

Talking about photos. I transfered some of my Berlin and London photos into b/w and the result is quite satisfactory.



Wigs, wigs, wigs

A talk

Standing at the corner



24 Stunden


Pret bag

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday's sofa

I think I will start a new series: Sunday's sofa.
It's all about books, magazines, snail mail and small treasures like special chocolate or tea.

On the sofa
This was round Xmas, which I do not celebrate, but sometimes friends give me presents as well. And I like it. Blogfriend Manulan told me that book is an anti-depressivum. We will see.
The magazine is about blogs. Quite nice. A gift from Uta, who owns the organic food store next town. And the chocolate is the best one can get, a gift from my friend Mo. I also love the newspaper article about the old teddy bears.

Last week:
Sunday's sofa (this week on a Saturday)
I always have to share my sofa with my cat Eule (owl). It's alright for me, but she always seems to claim that it's hers alone. Typical cat.
I am curious about that Diane di Prima book, I don't know much about her (yet). The article in the magazine is about bees and their abilities. (I love bees) And the chocolate hearts are a gift from Uta again.

This is from today
Sunday's sofa 18.1.2015
The Patti Smith biography was lousy. The author even did not know the sexe of her children, he always mentions the two sons. And the translator turned her "woolgathering" into "cotton picking".
The magazine is a nice one though, called "Herzstück" (which is both, a centerpiece and a pet name).
I had this vegan chocolate for the first time. Ok, but I like the "real" one more.
The postcards are from my e-mail pal Peng (from Malaysia) and Mo (from Northern Germany). Mo and I are always sending each other postcards, where ever we are. I love that.

After this somewhat poor biography I had to read Patti's "Just kids" again. I love that book. I am now reading it for the third time.

The joy of reading this

More next sunday... 


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