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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком DestINY. Показать все сообщения

вторник, 9 февраля 2010 г.

DestINY charitativní collab + blog train

One upon a time there lived a plain girl nicknamed Diny, a girl like you and me. After she
passed several obstacles she found her prince; they started a little
farm and raising up four children. Then the first blow came - their nearly
two years old daughter was diagnosed with a fatal, progressive disease
SMA (spinal muscular atrophy). They fought it, the got for her the best
they could (e.g. a special wheelchair for small children), they survived
the blow because they were two for it, sharing their fears and hopes,
sharing the tedious work and care, sharing the love. But the Diny's
destiny had to be harder - even not two years after the first one, there
was a second deadly blow - her prince was killed, innocent, in a traffic
accident. She stayed alone for her farm, for her small children, for all
the hard work and constatnt care, for her hopes and fears.

We, her virtual friends, decided to help her, if not by offering our
distand hands, then at least by offering our art to collect some money
to patch the most urgent needs of her family, especially the expensive
sitting and moving aids for her lovely Klara.

Eleven designers (ad77design, Bohemian Art, Design by Snoopy, Heavens Gate Design, Jk2x, Palvinka designs, PST Designs, Dianne Rigdon Design, Sarahh Graphics, Viky, Zalinka) have joined together to bring you this beautiful kit ful of hope.

This full kit includes:
3 alphabets
36 background papers 12x12
272 elements
18 QP`s
1 blog template
15 overlays and frame clusters and 3 wordarts from CT girls

You can buy the kit for USD 10 at Scrapartist - here.

QP`s artists:
Tammy, Sonrisa, Blanulak, Cristina Tonon,
Hengy, Natalie77, Tadeasek, Adelina77, me and many more.

My Lo:

And here is my freebie QP:

We prepare for you DestINY Blog Train! My little treat for you can be downloaded by clicking here. Make sure to follow each blog link given on each of our blogs to gather ALL the goodies, from freebies and pieces to 12 x 12 Quick Pages, overlays, etc.! All Aboard!

Where do you go now? Zalinka design has a little something waiting for you at her Zalinka design!

DestINY-charity collaboration

Hi there!
NEW fantastic collab coming on Tuesday !!!
"DestINY" is charity kit
created by eleven designers,
for one amazing women.
Please come back tomorrow evening
for more info and small surprise ;-)