Of course, its been too long again since I've posted. So I've been to a few festivals lately. The first was to see my friend Mary at The Little Red Barn artist market at the lovely home of Alice Vander Veen. Alice is a wonderful artist market hostess and mom and I had a great time meeting some new people and visiting with Mary and her adorable daughter Megan. Mary and Megan both had a lot of wonderful pieces of art but I restrained myself and only bought one from Mary to put in my art room. It says "Life is a splendid adventure. Guard well your spare moments." I don't do a very good job of that. I always feel like I'm wasting too much time not doing what I should or want to.
Another weekend mom and I met up with my sister Sherri, my niece Natalie and her boyfriend Travis to walk the trails at Panola Mountain. It was a lovely overcast day (except the constant watching for ticks) and we had a nice picnic lunch afterwards. One thing I love is how well my family gets along and just how much we enjoy spending time together. Afterward mom and I went to the Dunwoody Art Festival and to my surprise I found Jodi Ohl there. I love her work and was so excited to get to meet and talk to her. I did find two pieces that I had to take home with me and just love the colors.
Another friend, Ann Bailey, was attending an art festival in Canton so I drug mom along since I hadn't had a chance to see Ann's art in person yet. She does this wonderful marriage of calligraphy and paper mosaics and I just had to bring home one that was in my favorite colors.
While I was outside taking pictures of all of these I managed to notice the lovely raindrops on the hostas mom has growing in some of the pots on the deck. I did not swap out to my macro lens but the pictures come out pretty well any way. Although they just aren't sharp enough of a focus for me. Should've used the macro.
On the home front I've finally started working on the great wood floor installation again. I'm working on the stairs but they aren't supposed to be walked on for 24 hours so it's one tread at a time so that we can just step over that one (mostly) until the glue has had a chance to set. So, that's two steps a weekend. Slow but coming along. I haven't taken a picture of it yet but maybe next weekend. Well, its Sunday night and well past my bed time now. yawn.
Hugs and hope you have a wonderful week.
Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth!
“Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth” by Wes & Carla Sonheim,
mixed-media on wood Hi everyone, The …
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1 week ago