Well, it's been a while since I posted and I have to admit I've lost my creative mojo. And I hate to post without having something to show even if it's just a photo I took (my camera is sitting somewhere in the house collecting dust at the moment). With my new position at work I've been putting in long days and by the weekend I've been useless. Unfortunately I'm a not so secret workaholic and trying to get back on the road to recovery. My paints are calling out to me and I still have ideas swirling in my head. It's the actual sitting down and getting to it that is the problem.
I think I am starting to get the itch again but I'm also in the process of packing up all my supplies so I can rip out the carpeting. My house is 12 years old now and sadly in need of a flooring makeover. I don't have the money right now but just can't take it any longer so testing the option of utilizing the concrete floor at least on the first level. I actually like the look which is more contemporary so trying to figure out if I need to use stain or paint and what color to go with. I have found a couple places that carry eco friendly materials so going that route as soon as I get the color thing figured out. It also has the advantage of being easy to clean up if I spill paint. My grand plan is to put down bamboo flooring one day throughout the house. Well, I digress.
I do want to say thank you to those who keep checking in on me to be sure I'm still alive. Your persistence is a great encouragement to me.
Next week one of my best friends, Rebecca, and I are going to Inspired Artist Workshops so hopefully I will post things from the fun classes we take. I have to say I'm really excited to get away and spend several days devoted to fun and creativity.
Again, thanks for not giving up on me. ;-)
Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth!
“Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth” by Wes & Carla Sonheim,
mixed-media on wood Hi everyone, The …
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1 week ago