I forgot to include the fun evening the family had at my brother's house last Saturday night. Scott and Wendy cooked steaks, grilled corn on the cob, grilled veggies and homemade ice cream. It was all wonderful and we had a really nice time.
I did learn something interesting though. Little Miss Rebecca is quite competitive. The boys had been playing one of those race car games and late in the evening they lost interest. So there was our chance to try it out. I haven't tried any video games in quite a while and am frankly not any good at them and this wasn't any better. I really kept wishing for a stearing wheel and kept trying to turn the control like it was one. Doesn't help too much going around those curves. Well, back to Little Miss Rebecca. She beat me each time and derived an incredible amount of joy from it. Fortunately for me I didn't care. I was too dizzy from playing the game on a big screen tv. Scott played her next though and spanked her behind so to speak. She still won because he was busy running her off the road every chance he got. Her little car limped across the finish line like a wounded bird. (he, he)
We did have a lot of fun though. Might have to try my hand at something a little slower. Couldn't get anyone to play the golf game with me.
Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth!
“Don’t Play Ball with a Toothpick in Your Mouth” by Wes & Carla Sonheim,
mixed-media on wood Hi everyone, The …
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