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copyright 2008 Laura Blanton
Showing posts with label rainbow snowflake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow snowflake. Show all posts

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Hello dear friends. I really am still around. I just can't tat and it is unbearable! I hope you are all well and enjoy the holiday season.

Here are two pictures of my tree this year. I will have to start turning it around and get pictures of the other sides. It is covered.

Here are pictures of the angels and snowflakes I have tatted or been given this year. I really expected to have many more made. Oh, well.

Maybe I can force myself to get back into blogging even if I can't tat. Merry Christmas!

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Magic Moment Snowflake

I tatted Jon's Magic Moments Snowflake in size 20 thread. The hand dyed thread is "Granny Smith" by Lady Shuttle Maker. In size 20, it measures 4 3/4". I used 8 yards of thread on shuttle 1 and 13 yards of thread on shuttle 2. This is a fun design to tat with all the changing of the shuttles and directions, but not at all hard. Before I finished, I was just looking at the previous repeats instead of the chart. I only used the written directions to get started. I think this one will be repeated. Watch for it in another size, maybe!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Favorite Spring Blossom Snowflake

This is my favorite Spring Blossom snowflake in Apple Blossom. I used variegated thread on both shuttles for the first round. Then for the second round, I used one with the darkest pink for the outside and variegated for the inside rings. I could have used the shoelace trick to make the chains going up to the trefoils in the pink, but I think it looks nice this way. Way to go on dyeing this thread Tatskool and thanks to Jon Faizon for her wonderful snowflake designs.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Spring Blossom Snowflakes

As I was tatting Jon's Spring Blossom Snowflake in Yarnplayer's Rhubarb Pie, I thought "wait a minute. This needs to be tatted in Tatskool's Apple Blossom hand dyed thread!" I had three solids from the colorway and used them for the centers, as you can see. I may tat one more in all Apple Blossom. We'll see. So much tatting, so little time!

I just noticed that I scanned 2 of them upside down! Oops.





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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Spring Blossom Snowflake in Rhubarb Pie


I think Jon's Spring Blossom Snowflake looks so pretty in Yarnplayer's Rhubarb Pie hand dyed thread. I like this pattern a lot. Be looking for more rainbow snowflakes soon!
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Monday, July 06, 2009

5th Snowflake in Tropicana Series


This is Jon's "Radiant" snowflake from her book, "Snowflakes Collection." I really like it in Lady Shuttle Maker's Tropicana hand dyed thread. I had not tatted this one before. I think because of the long picots. It was very simple, however. I just used my picot gauge and made them the size Jon suggested.

I am thinking I will need a revolving tree stand for my Rainbow Christmas Tree this year!
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Carousel Snowflake in Tropicana


I hope you are not getting tired of looking at Tropicana Snowflakes! I thought I might see how many I can get from one skein of Lady Shuttle Maker's lovely hand dyed thread. This is size 20 same as the others. I loaded 5 yards onto each shuttle. Shuttle 1 ended up getting so close to empty that I did a shoelace trick and switched the shuttles. I ended up with barely 1 yard left on shuttle 1 and 1 1/2 on shuttle 2.

I am still tatting snowflakes from Jon's book, "Snowflake Collection." They are all so pretty.
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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Milky Way Snowflake in Lizbeth


I really like the new Lizbeth thread. This is size 20 in color #147. It is very smooth and easy to tat and retrotat. It will never replace the beautiful hand dyed threads from our group, but it is nice.

This is, of course, Jon's Milky Way snowflake.
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jon's Quantiesque Snowflake #3


This one counts as this year since I finished tatting it last night and I'm getting it posted on Christmas day - right? I just love this pattern and tatting it in Sherry's Old St. Nick and Country Christmas hand dyed threads was a true pleasure.

I will now go put snowflake #74 on the Rainbow Christmas Tree.

Merry Christmas to all!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Rainbow Christmas Tree 2008





I couldn't wait until tomorrow. I wish there was some way I could get pictures from every angle. I also wish I could make it look as amazing in pictures as it does in my den. No brag. Just fact!

By the way, there are 71 snowflakes on this tree, 61 of them tatted by me. Just in case you were wondering.

Oh, the reason there is no tree skirt can be explained by the little boy who eats apples by himself!
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ferris Wheel in Old Saint Nick and Country Christmas HDT


Lady Shuttle Maker's custom hand dyed thread in size 20 Old Saint Nick and Country Christmas really compliment this snowflake design of mine. The yellow is Flora. As I was tatting, I kept thinking I had made poor colour combination choices, but now that it is done I really like it. I used the second variation at the bottom of my pattern which can be found by clicking on the Ferris Wheel snowflake at the top of my blog. That will take you to my pattern page. Please let me know if you tat any of my patterns. I'd love to see pictures!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ruth's Celtic Snowflake in Rhubarb Pie


You had to know I would get around to tatting this snowflake in Rhubarb Pie! It is hanging in one of my Bayberry bushes. Now my hands smell like Bayberry! Thanks again, Ruth for sharing this pattern with us. Of course, Yarnplayer knows how much I love her hand dyed Rhubarb Pie.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ruth Perry's Celtic Snowflake 2008


I had already admired this snowflake tatted by others, but after Clyde so graciously gifted me with one of his I had to try it myself. I used this size 20 Flora thread first as I was afraid it would be too difficult and I would waste my hand dyed thread. Not so! It is very simple, especially once you "learn" it.

I used approximately 20 yards of thread in size 20. I put 10 yards on each shuttle and had very little left on either of them.

Let me go see which of my hand dyed threads wants to be a Celtic snowflake!
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carousel Snowflake in Rainbow Bright


This design named "Carousel" from Jon's book is perfect for Pamela's "Rainbow Bright" hand dyed thread. It works in and out from the middle. The way it switches shuttles allows the thread colors to flow through the rings and chains in a way that pleases me. (That's what counts, right?) It measures 2 3/8" tatted in size 20.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cheery Gifts From a Friend!



Look what the post office delivered to me! They came in a pretty yellow card with tatted pink flowers pasted on it to form a cross. So sweet.

You will probably recognize them as being from Clyde. The snowflake is Ruth's Celtic snowflake done in Yarnplayer's "Knitty Gritty" hand dyed thread. The Maple leaf is Ruth's design as well. It is done in Yarnplayer's "Sugar Maple" hand dyed thread.

The are both so beautiful. Of course, the snowflake is hanging on my rainbow Christmas tree. I must admit that the maple leaf is as well. It is just too pretty not to!

Thank you so much Clyde for sharing your precious tatting with me. It did brighten my day very much. You always seem to know when I need cheering up.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Rainbow Bright Snowflake!


This is snowflake #9 from Denise Munoz' book. I am convinced it is the perfect pattern for Pamela's Rainbow Bright hand dyed thread. I love tatting these snowflake designs of Denise' and this thread really makes them stand out. My Rainbow Tree is getting prettier by the day!
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pizazz Snowflake in Rainbow Bright


I just had to tat my Pizzazz Snowflake in Pamela's Rainbow Bright. This is size 20 and I think it turned out beautifully! I am almost finished with another of Denise Munoz' snowflakes. Got to fill up that tree!
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Friday, October 24, 2008

Tatted Layered Snowflake


I've tatted Nancy Tracy layered snowflake again. Please visit her at
Be-stitched. This time I used Pamela's hand dyed thread named Blue Lagoon in size 60. It is 2 3/8" tip to tip.

Got to go put it on the Rainbow Christmas Tree!
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