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copyright 2008 Laura Blanton
Showing posts with label confederate rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confederate rose. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Confederate Rose

Here is the link to the proper name and information for the Confederate Rose.

Confederate Rose





I will have to look up the scientific name and let you know. These "roses" are part of the hybiscus/mallow family. The white bloom in the lose up was early this morning. The light pink was mid afternoon. It got progressivly darker towards evening. Tomorrow morning it will look like the one floating in the water. (whoops. It left out the picture of the one in the water.) They are amazing. We have this one bush, tree really, and Bill's mom has two.

I has a tatted snowflake to post, but the picture did not turn out. I will try again tomorrow.
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