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copyright 2008 Laura Blanton
Showing posts with label Tatskool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tatskool. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Favorite Spring Blossom Snowflake

This is my favorite Spring Blossom snowflake in Apple Blossom. I used variegated thread on both shuttles for the first round. Then for the second round, I used one with the darkest pink for the outside and variegated for the inside rings. I could have used the shoelace trick to make the chains going up to the trefoils in the pink, but I think it looks nice this way. Way to go on dyeing this thread Tatskool and thanks to Jon Faizon for her wonderful snowflake designs.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Spring Blossom Snowflakes

As I was tatting Jon's Spring Blossom Snowflake in Yarnplayer's Rhubarb Pie, I thought "wait a minute. This needs to be tatted in Tatskool's Apple Blossom hand dyed thread!" I had three solids from the colorway and used them for the centers, as you can see. I may tat one more in all Apple Blossom. We'll see. So much tatting, so little time!

I just noticed that I scanned 2 of them upside down! Oops.





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Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Letter Carrier brought surprises yesterday!

I received by thread order from Tatskool yesterday afternoon. I am so excited! As soon as I finish the dragon I am making, I think I will start a doily with this thread. I think it is just yummy. It is, of course, from her hand dyed Choco Raspberry collection and most of the colors will work in my bedroom with Yarnplayer's Rhubarb Crisp.

I had a super surprise in with my order. Along with some extra thread, I discovered I was the friend for whom Tatskool was making the heart! She is such a sweetie and wanted to cheer me up. It worked!

Here is a picture of the end table where I display my heart collection. I bet lots of you recognize your patterns, thread and hearts that you have sent to me. Thank you all so much for being a huge part of my family. You are all in my heart!
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Friday, June 05, 2009

First Snowflake of the Summer!


Once again, Jon's Milky Way Snowflake from her book. I love this pattern and don't know how many I have tatted. This one is tatted in Tatskool's hand dyed thread "Coral Reef."

It's good to have something to post!
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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Get well card from Pamela

I am finally better enough to sit at the computer for short periods of time. I hope all of you will forgive my tardiness in thanking you for your prayers and thoughts during my surgeries. There were NO CANCER CELLS this time and I am eternally grateful! Hopefully, I will be back to normal in the next 5 to 6 weeks. No - better than normal! In the meantime, I just have to rest and can't sit for very long.

Pamela a.k.a. Tatskool sent me this lovely card that she made. I wish you could see it in person. It is several layers thick so I had to make the picture with my camera instead of the scanner. The little bears are so precious and the tatting one is holding looks like tatted balloons!


She included this beautiful bookmark tatted in her Rainbow Bright. I love how the colors ended up the same on each edge. Wonder how she worked that out?

Thank you so much Pamela. I will be posting more as I can. It's good to be back!
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter goodies


My Easter goodies were a little late, but that's okay. I ordered them late! Everyone kept raving so about the Lizbeth thread, that I had to order some. The colors are beautiful. I haven't tatted anything with it yet, but I will soon. I also wanted the Christmas Ornament Collection by JoAnn Stearns that Tatskool mentioned. It, and Christmas Angels and Other Tatting Patterns by Monica Hahn, are both full of beautiful patterns. I don't purchase many books, but lately I have three new ones, including Tea is for Tatting by Martha Ess. I have lots to do!

Oh, I really didn't WANT anymore shuttles, but I had to get to the free shipping cut off. Yeah, right! You believe that don't you? I love Lacis shuttles and pink seems to be my color of choice lately.
Thanks Handy Hands for the quick shipment!
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Blossoms & Blessings Angel in Coral Reef


I see lots of these angels in my future. I love this design. If you need to tat a quick gift for a sick or burdened friend, this is perfect. Thanks again to Blossoms and Blessings Designs.

The thread is size 20 hand dyed thread named "Coral Reef" by Tatskool. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but I actually used three different threads from the "Coral Reef" colorway in this angel. The rings in the bottom on the skirt are a lighter blue than the other blue and then the variegated of course.

Experiment and have fun! The link to the pattern is in the previous post.
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