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copyright 2008 Laura Blanton
Showing posts with label Denise Munoz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denise Munoz. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Rainbow Bright Snowflake!


This is snowflake #9 from Denise Munoz' book. I am convinced it is the perfect pattern for Pamela's Rainbow Bright hand dyed thread. I love tatting these snowflake designs of Denise' and this thread really makes them stand out. My Rainbow Tree is getting prettier by the day!
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Two new tatting scans from Karl

The top snowflake is tatted with Flora size 20, both the blue and the white. I thnk the result is pleasing.

The Berries 'N Cream you have already seen, but the scan is so much better. Tatting really REQUIRES a scanner, don't you think? LOL

I'm almost finished with another one made in one of Sherry's threads that she sent me a sample of - Red Velvet.

I still haven't found a white 3' tree to display them, but I'll keep trying.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snowflake Rose #5 in Berries "N" Cream

Tatting this snowflake in Sherry Pence hand dyed Berries "N" Cream thread was so much fun! Clyde had suggested that patterns with lots of chains, especially long ones, were great for tatting with hand dyed thread and he was right. I am so glad that Sherry had an extra skein for me!

The thread is still size 20 and the pattern is from Denise Munoz's book.

I'll ask Karl to scan this one in for me on Thursday, but I couldn't wait until then to post it!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Tatted Snowflake Rose #2 in Rhubarb Crisp

Karl scanned this one in for me this morning, as opposed to my snapshots of the other two. I think the difference is amazing. It looks pretty on white too, but DH thought the black looked best.

I have really been stretching this wonderful thread. On this snowflake, I used DMC Cebelia size 20 in yellow as the core thread for the rose medallion. I wish I had thought of that for the first two. As it is all chains, it really doesn't matter and just uses up the hand dyed thread. (Sorry Marilee) LOL I used DMC in pink to tat the outer round. Tatting it this way left me with eight ends to hide, but I think it was worth it. It only took a little while to hide the ends.

If anyone gets tired of seeing tatted snowflakes, just let me know, (or don't look!)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snowflake Rose #6 in Rhubarb Crisp

I believe I am in danger of tatting taking over my life. It's a good thing I have Isaac here or we'd be in trouble! I just can't think of enough to say about this thread of Marilee's. I should stop talking about it so I'll have a better chance of buying more of it! Tatting with Marilee's thread is like tatting for the first time. I especially like the way this snowflake tatted up. The flow from ring to chain in this pattern was better than in the first one, but I like them both. Now, I just need a white Christmas tree to display the colored tatting.

These are still Denise Munoz's patterns and size 20 thread.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Snowflake Rose #1 in Yellow and Green

I am glad that some of you talked me into tatting more snowflakes in colors. I like the pink and green better, but this yellow and green is pretty too. The variegated green is Flora size 20 and the yellow is DMC Cebelia size 20.

Tatting these rose snowflakes of Denise Munoz's is so much fun. The outer rings on this one tat up real fast. Of course, I've got the centers memorized and can knock them out pretty quickly.

Happy Tatting everyone!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Snowflake Rose #5

I tatted this one in the same Flora thread as the others, size 20. Denise' instructions for block tatting were different than the way I learned and I couldn't understand them. So, I just did them the way I knew. The tatting doesn't look the same as her's, but it's still pretty.

One more snowflake on the pile!

I think I am going to tat Sherry's leaf again with some thread I got from Marilee.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Snowflake Rose #9

Hard as I try, I can't make it snow. Not outside anyway! I tatted this snowflake last night in about three hours! With all of them using the same middle, it makes tatting them much faster.

I wonder how many more I can tat before Christmas?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Scans of Snowflakes #3 and #4

Courtesy of Karl, here are the scans of the last two snowflakes until I get the next one finished! We have spent the morning cleaning out the attic! Ugh!!! Now, I have to finish cleaning up the mess we made in the house whilst cleaning out said attic, vacuum, mop, dust, clean bathrooms, and further get ready for our family Thanksgiving meal tomorrow evening. Anybody care to bet whether I take time to finish that snowflake?

While going thru boxes that DH handed down from the attic, I found some treasures. I've got to clean and sort and then take and post pictures! Keep watching.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Snowflake Rose #3

I'll have to ask Karl to scan this one in for me tomorrow. This picture in no way does it justice. Denise Munoz, wherever you are, thank you for these lovely designs.

T think this one is particularly lovely. You probably can't tell in the photo, but I somehow got two different threads tatted in this one. I don't know if it is two different lots of Flora white size 20 or one Flora and the other DMC. The center is a little less white from the picot row out to the points. I kind of like it. It seems to have more depth. Maybe a mix up for the good.

I might tat the next one in a rose color with green points. We'll see!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Snowflake Rose #4

This is from my new book "Snowflake Roses" by Denise Munoz copyright 2002. I just received it yesterday from Handy Hands and couldn't wait to start tatting. It was real easy and fast, obviously. There are nine snowflakes and they all use the same center. I hope to tat another one tomorrow.

I used Flora size 20 for this one. I already had it on the shuttle. I will probably make all of them in Flora so they will match.

Thanks for the lovely designs Denise.