Look who popped out of my mailbox yesterday all the way from Ireland! He had already freed himself from his "accomodations" as he was tired and a little breathless. He said he had no idea why it took him so long to get here, but he'd had it with that box!
Here he is showing me his hometown on the globe. He is very knowledgeable about geography. That's where his mum lives but he says it is much warmer here!
Then he jumped from the globe to my tree covered in Hallmark miniature ornaments. He love it! They are just the right size for him to play with. I had no idea Leprechauns could move about so quickly. I never actually saw how he moved from place to place except when he jumped from the globe to the tree. I think he must wiggle his nose and "Pop" from place to place.

After that he spotted his "birth" mum's Rainbow Bright thread on my snowflake tree and had to be sure it was being properly displayed. He did give me his approval, thank goodness.
As you can see, he has now found suitable accomodations. He had heard about Southern living and always wanted to see a real log cabin. Now he has one of this own. It is a little small, but according to Oisin it is just right. That is very good because he is just right too! He is the cutest thing and has a string of shamrocks tucked into his belt. I just know we are going to have great adventures together.
Here is a picture of the card his mum sent me. It is a beautiful handmade masterpiece with one of her Rainbow Bright tumbling snowflakes on the front. She also sent me a skein of Coral Reef hand dyed thread. I ran out before I could finish my doily. Now I can complete that UFO!
Thank you Pamela. You are a doll.