So, I recognize that Halloween was more than 10 days ago, but sometimes I feel lucky to even get a shower--so cut me some slack. Our first Halloween in Georgia was wonderful. It was fun to be our own little family and start our own traditions. We did borrow from some of our family's traditions though. The night before Halloween I made some Brunswick stew, a southern barbeque soup, and we carved pumpkins. Lucy really got into it this year.
Even Charlie got in on the action.
Jordan and Lucy carved the ghost, and I carved the much cooler hand emerging from the tombstone.
On Halloween day we got all dressed up and went to story time at the libary with our friends, the Sheltons. Lucy and Noah love each other. Seriously. After story time, they had a costume parade around the library. Oh so cute.
Jordan was able to get off work early that night. We made some "witches brew" (homemade root beer). Side note: NOBODY sells dry ice in Georgia. I drove all over town looking for some. I finally called Publix and was informed that they have one store that sells dry ice. I drove 20 minutes across town to buy some only to find out that it cost $15 for a block. Oh well. I was determined to have homemade root beer.
We also had "mummy dogs" for dinner.
Then it was time for the main event.....Trick or treating!!! Have you ever heard the Jerry Seinfeld bit about Halloween? I have to agree with him that the main objective of any child is to, "get candy, get candy, get candy." I can honestly say that there was no more exciting time in the life of young Laura Hale, than the moments leading up to trick-or-treating. Magical I tell you. Lucy really got it this year. She was thrilled to get all dressed up in her Belle costume.
Charlie was less than thrilled about being a pumpkin.
We went trick-or-treating with the Hales around our neighborhood. It was so fun to get out and meet more of our neighbors.
One last shot of my little pumpkin. Happy Halloween!